Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 324 The Police Are Not Easy (1)

Chapter 324 The Police Are Not Easy ([-])

Liang Shangjun couldn't help but said at this time: "Liu Su, what's going on? What kind of hatred do you have with that lunatic? Why does that lunatic hate the police so much?"

Everyone looked at Liu Su in unison.

Liu Su touched the ugly scar on his face with his hand, and said, "I have never removed this scar, because the existence of this scar can make me not forget some things."

20 years ago.

Liu Su is still a rookie who just graduated from the police academy. Because of his good grades in school and his shooting ability is the best, he was assigned to the criminal police team in the city. He became a criminal police officer on the first day. Then something big happened.

A father who had no choice but to take risks for his daughter, became a robber and robbed a jewelry store, but was caught up because of his lack of skills. The father took a child by the side of the road as a hostage and hid in a In the corner.

"Brother, please, please let my child go. My child is only seven years old." The child's mother knelt down on the ground and begged.

"My daughter is only 13 years old." The robber said, "She is only 13 years old, and she can't die. I must give her my money for surgery."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, What's more, she is the opponent of this burly robber!
"Don't cry, I'll shoot you in the head if you're crying." The robber said angrily, waiting for the child's eyes.The gun in his hand was fixed on the child's temple.

No one dared to approach, the robbers had guns in their hands, and the robbers had hostages in their hands.

"I said this big brother, she is a child, you let her go and let me be your hostage, okay?" At this time, a young girl asked.

"Hmph, don't think I don't know, you are a policeman, you want to get close to me, and then take away the jewelry in my hand, get out, don't come close to me, or I will shoot this child to death." The robber took a look at the young man. girl, any scolding.While he was speaking, a bullet was fired from the gun in his hand, and it landed in front of the young girl. Facing such treatment, the young girl was frightened and walked away in embarrassment.

This young girl is indeed a criminal police officer. She just happened to encounter such a thing, so she wanted to subdue the gangster while exchanging hostages, but it seemed impossible.

There were more and more people watching, but the robbers wanted to escape but it was impossible because the police had already arrived.

There was a small building a hundred meters away, and Liu Su was crawling on the roof of the second floor, his gun was already aimed at the robber's head.

He only needs to give an order, and he will shoot according to the leader's wishes.

"Go away, you all go away, you police, send me a car, I want a car, I want money to go back and save my daughter, my daughter is only 13 years old, she can't die... "

"Listen to me, we understand your situation. You released the hostages, we have something to discuss. We can help you with your difficulties." The police negotiator came up and said to the robbers.As he spoke, he slightly leaned towards the robber.

The negotiator is a criminal psychologist. Of course, don't think that he is a criminal psychologist, so you can underestimate him. His martial arts are no worse than that of the police.As long as he has the opportunity to get close to the robber, he is sure to remove the gun from the robber's hand.

"Get out, I don't believe you, get out, don't come up, don't come up, if you come up, I will kill this little girl!" The robber said loudly.

The robber was very emotional, the gun in his hand pulled the trigger, as if it might go off at any time, and the innocent child's life might be gone at any time.

The captain of the police force, who saw this situation, could no longer let the hostages take risks.

He motioned to the negotiator to stay away from the robbers and not to provoke them.

"Don't get excited, okay, I won't get close to you, you see, I have taken a few steps back now." The negotiator said.As he spoke, he retreated, and he also made the police officers behind him with explosion-proof shields retreat.

Seeing the negotiator and the police retreat, the robber breathed a sigh of relief. He said, "Hurry up and send me a car, or I'll beat this little girl to death. I will definitely do what I can say! Hurry up!" !"

Seeing the robber relaxed his vigilance, the captain of the police force asked Liu Su, who is a sniper, to find the right opportunity to shoot the robber in the head through the walkie-talkie.

"Understood!" Liu Su replied.

In order to relax the robber's spirit, the negotiator continued to stand at a distance from the robber and shouted to the robber.

"Tell me about your situation!" The negotiator said, "You said you have a sick daughter who is only 13 years old?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and send a car over, or I'll kill this little girl!" The robber didn't want to talk to this negotiator at all.

"I've sent people to prepare the car. Don't worry. Don't get excited. It will take some time to prepare the car." The negotiator said, "Tell me about you! How is your daughter going?" thing?"

"Stop talking nonsense, do you think I don't know your tricks? You want to set me up. You want to know the whereabouts of my daughter from me, and then arrest my daughter here to threaten me. You think I Don't know?" The robber said disdainfully.

"Speak out! If you don't speak out, no one will know your difficulties! We are the people's police, and we will not take hostages." The negotiator continued to guide.

With a "bang", a blood hole appeared on the forehead of the robber, and the blood spurted out, and the child in the robber's hand also fell to the ground at this time because of the lack of strength in the robber's hand .

The negotiator rushed forward and picked up the child from the ground.He covered the child's eyes, and comforted the child who had been frightened by the gunshots and the blood splattered and said, "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay..."

The identity of the robber was also found out afterwards.

It turned out that the robber was a migrant worker who went to work in the city. His wife died in a car accident and his daughter was seriously injured.The perpetrator fled, and no witnesses were found nearby, and the police were helpless.

But the robber's daughter was only 13 years old. The serious injury caused by the car accident made her admitted to the ICU ward, but if there was no money for the operation, she would die soon.The robber is a migrant worker, where did he get the money?

As a last resort, he could only take the risk and rob the jewelry store.

That incident was later known by the media.The media widely reported that many people stood up and blamed the police, saying that because the police were incompetent and could not find the perpetrator, a father who loved his daughter had to rob a jewelry store because he had no money to save his daughter.

More importantly, the gun held by the robbers who threatened the hostages did not have a single bullet in it.The only bullet was gone when he fired the shot to warn the policewoman just now.

This matter was also known by the media, and the media reported it wantonly. As a result, the rescue of the hostages this time not only did not get praise from the people, but was also called cold-blooded by the people.

At this point in Liu Su's story, he sighed and said: "When I saw the report of this incident and knew that this father took risks to save his daughter, I was very sad. Kill those poor people, don't kill them."

Ma Xiaoming couldn't help asking: "How is the robber's daughter? Is she dead?"

Ma Xiaoming is a child from a poor family. When he heard about this, the first thing he thought of was whether this little girl could survive.After all, without parents, what a pitiful experience.

"How could our police be such cold-blooded people?" Liu Su said, "All the people in our police station, as well as those caring people in the society, everyone pooled a sum of money to give to that 13-year-old girl The operation was performed and the little girl survived."

Liang Shangjun said: "I've heard about that incident. It's just that in this incident, you are a sniper. You obeyed the orders of your superiors and shot and killed the robbers. You did nothing wrong."

"But I left a child without a father." Liu Su said, "We could have avoided such a tragedy, but it happened."

Hearing this, the elephant patted Liu Su on the shoulder and said, "Liu Su has something that no one wants to happen. But it happened. Don't think too much about it. Let him pass the past. .”

Mickey also said: "Yes, it is only natural for the police to save people and kill robbers."

"Your scar has nothing to do with the incident 20 years ago! How did it stay?" Ma Xiaoming couldn't help asking.In the story just now, Ma Xiaoming couldn't see any information about this scar.

"My scar was left ten years ago." Liu Su continued: "Ten years ago. I became the captain of the criminal police team for the first time. That scar was left when I first went to the police. "

It was a spring.

The fifteenth day of the first lunar month has just passed, and people have just returned to work.On this day, everyone seemed a little mediocre.Suddenly, the police phone rang.

A call to the police was received, and the content of the call was that a woman with some mental disorders took her child to the roof and wanted to commit suicide with the child.

All the members of the police force rushed to the scene in the shortest possible time after hearing the call, and sealed off the scene, and drove the crowd who were watching the excitement and booing wildly out of the blockade.

"Captain, this person is the husband of the woman above." The policewoman brought a middle-aged man with a big belly and said in front of Liu Su.

The middle-aged man said: "Officer, my name is Guan Haitao. I am the boss of Haitao Company. This is my business card." While speaking, he took out a printed business card from his pocket and handed it to Liu Su.

(End of this chapter)

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