Chapter 321
"Underestimate the enemy?" Lin Lin saw the messages on the game board, many rookie chess players who were watching, scolded him for playing too fast and underestimating the enemy.

Seeing such a message, Lin Lin couldn't help laughing.I don't have to think at all, I'm just making up my mind, why underestimate the enemy and not underestimate the enemy?
So far, the order of the opponent's moves is completely in accordance with the order of the endgame, and there is no change at all.Lin Lin didn't know why, but hoped that the opponent would change something. At least in this way, he could play chess with the opponent in a legitimate way. When the time came to win the opponent, it would not be considered cheating.

In fact, many of the guys who left messages scolding Lin Lin for underestimating the enemy and making moves were three-legged chess guys. They couldn't see the subtleties of the whole chess game at all, and they would just make noise by relying on their three-legged skills.

Therefore, many Go players with V added, especially the more famous players, the less they will pay attention to the messages on the message board, so as not to affect their mood by these messages, many of them choose to block the message board , playing chess with a clean and unaffected interface.However, Lin Lin cannot enjoy this function, because he is not a chess player with V added.He is an online chess player with a mysterious identity.

In contrast, Gu Feng and Mu Guxin, who was sitting next to Gu Feng, were secretly sweating.

These two old fellows discovered the trap hidden by Black Chess.And this trap, I don't know when it was laid down, it is really hard to guard against.

After all, since the beginning of the game, there has been no battle between black and white. From the very beginning, black makes people feel a strange feeling. Gufeng and Mu Guxinyi felt this way at the beginning. Now that I think about it carefully, Finally figured out what this strange feeling was.

It is avoidance, avoidance that is imperceptible, avoidance of Baizi, and not fighting with Baizi.But this kind of avoidance is not kind avoidance, but the kind of avoidance with ulterior motives.

Let the enemy be proud and underestimate the enemy, or let the enemy be puzzled and strange, and step into his trap amidst doubts, incomprehension, and strangeness.In short, his move is very terrifying.

At 130 eight moves, White stopped.Obviously, South Korea's No.1, who was playing white chess, also realized that the situation was not good, and began to fall into thinking.

"Licang seems to have found a trap." Seeing Li Cang stop, Mu Guxin couldn't help but said, "This guy found it fairly quickly, we just saw it, and he found it. .”

Gu Feng next to him sighed and said, "What's the use of finding out? He's already entered the enemy's trap. I'm afraid he won't be able to find a way out."

"I don't think so!" Mu Guxinyi said, "Li Cang's thinking is not that of ordinary people. I have a feeling that maybe he can find a way out."

"You have the same feeling, and I do too. However, I have a feeling that the young man named 'Xiangzi Qiannian' will not give Li Cang this chance. Look!" Gu Feng said confidently .

At the moment, Fujisawa Hidekawa, who was in the Internet cafe in Tokyo, Japan, was also staring at the sunspots on the Go board like Li Cang.

"It's perfect." Fujisawa Hidekawa said, "This trap is so perfect, it's so perfect that people feel trembling, who is this 'Xiangzi Qiannian', and how can he come up with such a terrifying trap? It’s just like what he filled out in his information, only?”

Having the same doubts as Hidekawa Fujisawa is Li Taian who is far away in South Korea.

Li Tai'an touched his perfect chin, and couldn't help saying: "If he only has one, then he would be a monstrous existence."

In the imperial capital, Li Cang of Gu Feng's family, he was stunned.

Yes, when he reached 130 eight moves, he was stunned. He couldn't make the 130 eight moves.Because he found out he had been duped.

He put down the mouse in his hand, sat blankly on the seat, and stared blankly at the chessboard on the computer. Time seemed to have stopped at this moment. He felt that the world had fallen into silence, and only his The heart is still beating "plop, plop".

He started with the first black move on the board and looked down every move, every move.

With every step he took, Li Cang could feel his heart being shocked.Yes, those sunspots who seem to be "moderate" and "modesty" seem to be showing ferocious ridicule at this moment. Those "avoidance" are actually a kind of guidance, a kind of psychological suggestion.

Li Cang said with a wry smile: "Is this how I lost?"

"The 130 eight pieces can't fall?" Li Cang sighed, "Who is this 'Xiangzi Qiannian'? Why in his chess game, what I feel is not the mind that a 17-year-old child should have, as if It is a chess game that condenses the Chinese chess spirit of thousands of years..."

Li Cang watched this game of chess over and over again, and every time he watched it, he would be shocked and his face would become paler.This game of chess gave him the feeling that it was a contest between a beginner and a thousand-year-old demon.

Li Cang picked up the mouse, and the mouse clicked on the button to admit defeat.He didn't want to fight anymore at this moment, because the result was already predictable.

Unless he waits a while and the opponent makes a mistake, he will lose the game.No chance, no chance at all.

But how could the opponent make a mistake!A guy who is as scheming as his opponent, who can't show his emotions or anger, won't let himself find a chance to fight back.


Although very unwilling, but this is indeed a failure.

Just when he was about to press the button to admit defeat, there was a voice in his mind, which seemed to come from outside the sky.

"This game of chess is not dead, there is still a way out." The voice sounded in his mind, and he looked around in astonishment, only to find that there was no one around, and there was no one outside the door.

Could it be that he was hallucinating?Li Cang patted himself on the head with his hands, and he stood up, maybe because he had been thinking for too long, and he didn't want to admit defeat in his heart, that's why he had such auditory hallucinations.

He went to the bathroom, washed his face with cold water, and calmed himself down.

This time, he watched the chess game from the beginning again.Isn't it a dead end?Isn't it a killer?Is there any crack?But why can't I find it?
You must be calm, you must be calm, you must be able to find a way out.

"No, maybe there is still a way out." Li Cang said suddenly, "This is not a game of lore. There is still a way out, yes, there is still a way out."

"There must be a way out!" Li Cang said to himself.

The time limit of 10 minutes seemed to be coming soon, but Li Cang's 130 eight hands still did not fall.A lot of people started to scold, and they said some nasty things.

Those who scolded the most were not Koreans, nor Chinese, but Japanese.Especially Inuyang Kuro, the mad dog who scolded the most fiercely. He not only cursed Japanese, but also Chinese. He didn't even know where to get an online translator to translate his words into Korean.

For a while, the entire Go message board was occupied by these ugly words. Finally, when the moderator Screw Tiger failed to warn several times, he had to use the method of muting, and the message board was quiet for a while.

"No, I still can't find a way!" Li Cang saw that there were still 10 seconds left before the move limit of 30 minutes. A dialog box appears.

"Xiangzi Qiannian requests to close the disk, and fight again in the future, do you agree?"

Seeing this dialog box, Li Cang was stunned.However, his face immediately became ugly.What does "carrying a child for a thousand years" mean?
Is he looking down on himself?Do you feel like someone who can't afford to lose?Are you pitying yourself?Then he underestimates people too much!I, Li Cang, am not the kind of person who can't afford to lose.

And in the same way, seeing that "carrying the child for a thousand years" actually put forward the request to seal the game and fight again in the future, the people who watched the chess boiled.

Not only the people who watched chess in front of the computer were excited, but even those Go fans who watched the live broadcast in front of the TV were also excited.

"Mr. Gufeng, why did this 'carrying son for a thousand years' ask Li Cangjun to seal the game and fight again?" Mu Guxin couldn't help looking at Gufeng and asked. He felt that Li Cang was doomed to lose this game of chess. Is it a slap in the face by doing this?Was it to make Li Cang look bad on purpose?
In front of Go lovers all over the world, does Li Cang look bad?
Gu Feng said: "Mu Gu-jun, I don't know much about the child 'Carrying a Child for Thousand Years' better than you. However, I think he did this not to make Li Cang look bad, nor to look down on Li Cang. There is no deep meaning! I feel that this game of chess does not seem to be a dead game."

"He may want to give Li Cangjun time to find out a way out of this game."

Mu Guxinyi couldn't help but nodded and said: "It should be like this."

These two old guys think so, but there are very few people who can think like these two old guys.

"Haha, this slap is good, it makes this old stick lose face." Many others who said this were Lian Rong, who was unable to go out to do things because of the rainy weather in Sichuan. In front of the computer, he applauded.

Some other chess players beside him couldn't help admiring Lian Rong's opinion.

"But isn't this face too hard?" Another young chess player next to him said, "How can I say this, this Li Cang is also South Korea's Taishan Beidou!"

"What do you know? Bangzi is amazing! When we were drilling wood to make fire, his aircraft carrier had already flown into the sky. Even Doraemon, Confucius, Lao Tzu, and Cai Lun belonged to Bangzi. At this time, someone couldn't help but glared at the young chess player and said with disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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