Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 314 The Past of Baishu (2)

Chapter 314 The Past of Baishu ([-])
"At that time, my instinct overcame my rationality." Bai Shu said, "I sucked all their blood in one breath, and my whole body became extremely comfortable."

"Later, I found that I was afraid of the sun during the day, but I liked the night very much, especially the full moon. Every time I sat under the moonlight and accepted the touch of the moonlight, I felt extremely comfortable. Gradually, I found that, I can absorb the essence of the sun and the moon. During the day I will stay in the tomb, only at night, I will go to the mountains to find something to eat."

"I seldom cannibalize people." Seeing Lin Lin's gaze, Bai Shu immediately said, "Once I'm not too hungry, I won't lose my mind. I'd rather eat the blood of mice than I would eat people. "

Lin Lin said: "There is no need to explain. I can understand. After all, you were once a human being, and you are also half of the same kind of human beings. I understand that you can't speak to the same kind."

Comparing his heart to his heart, if Lin Lin accidentally became a zombie himself, he probably wouldn't be able to suck blood.

Bai Shu said: "At that time, I was afraid of seeing people, and I didn't know how to practice. I found that bathing in the moonlight could absorb the essence of day and night, and I could become stronger, so I just lived and practiced in the mountains like this until One day, when I was bathing in the moonlight, I felt something the size of a finger on my chest, and when it was about to form, I was very nervous. I didn’t know what that thing was, and I had doubts. At this moment , The sky was originally clear and clear at night, but suddenly dark clouds covered it. Before I could react, the sky thunder struck me...I thought I was going to die..."

Bai Shu recalled the suddenness and horror of the first time he suffered the catastrophe, and he still has lingering fears.He was hacked, leaving only a scorched yellow skeleton, his whole body was scorched, and he fell down in the mountain. It didn't know how long it took him to wake up.When he woke up, he found that he was very hungry, very hungry... Instinct defeated his reason again.

In addition to two innocent woodcutters who became Bai Zhu's snacks, the birds and beasts in the mountains suffered from seedlings. After he was full, he gradually recovered. sad.

But after he was sad, he found that there was a round thing the size of a pink thumb on his chest.After having this thing, he found that his speed was faster, and he also found that after he was injured, he could recover quickly, that is to say, his bones were raw, and more importantly, he found that his tattered body After being struck by lightning, all the carrion was burned away.

After he ate human blood and animal blood, his white bones gave birth to flesh.Although he looked almost like a mummy now, he was much better.

As long as he drinks blood continuously, his body will plump up, and the more blood he drinks, the plumper his body will be, and the more human-like it will be.

However, he is still very afraid of the sun. During the day, he still dare not go out of the tomb. Only at night, he dares to go out for food and practice.

One day, it was cloudy and there was no sun.Because Bai Zhu drank enough blood, she became no different from an ordinary person.He found that he had stayed on the mountain for too long, and he really wanted to go down the mountain to see the world below the mountain.

So he went down the mountain.

He is a zombie, and he walks very fast. Others have to walk a whole day on the mountain road, but he only needs to spend an hour to finish it.After going down the mountain, Baishu found that the times had changed, it was no longer the Song Dynasty, but the Yuan Dynasty.The Han Chinese were ruled by the Mongols.On the way, he saw Mongolian soldiers bullying women from good families. As a man, he couldn't help but fight the injustice.

Those Mongolian soldiers who bullied women from good families went to places where no one was around, and became Bai Shu's dessert.

However, it was precisely because Bai Shu did this that the entire village was slaughtered by the Mongols.The Mongols at that time were very cruel. If a Mongol died in the village, the people in the whole village would be buried with him.Bai Shu didn't know about it at first, but when he went down the mountain for the second time, he discovered that the once bustling village had become a cemetery, and he asked a few survivors before he knew about it.

When Lin Lin heard Bai Shu's story up to this point, he couldn't help frowning and said, "Do you think you killed a whole village of them?"

Bai Shu nodded and said, "Yes. If I hadn't eaten those Mongolian soldiers, the people in their village would not have been massacred. I was the indirect murderer."

Lin Lin said: "You must be looking for the bad luck of the Mongols!"

Bai Shu said: "Yes."

"Did it succeed?" Lin Lin asked, "Mongols also have masters! If you enter the government office or barracks to hurt them, I'm afraid it will be difficult. The government office is the place where state agencies work, and they are protected by the fortune of the country, and the barracks The soldiers are very bloody, and the yang energy is very strong, you shouldn't be able to stand it."

When Bai Shu heard Lin Lin's words, he couldn't help grinning. His deep white teeth made people feel a chill.

He said: "You are right. The first time I wanted to enter the government office, I was forced away by the yang energy of the two lions outside the door and the national luck of the government office, and I was also injured." , I was not reconciled, so I touched the barracks, but before I entered the barracks, I found that the yang energy and blood energy in the barracks were very strong, I dared not approach, I wandered outside the barracks all night, but I couldn't find a chance to make a move .”

"There are only two unlucky ones. Because they sneaked out of the barracks and thought of harming good women in the nearby villages, I took them as my supper that night."

Lin Lin couldn't help but said: "You killed the Mongols again, you are not afraid, the nearby villages were implicated by you?"

"Don't be afraid." Bai Shu said hey, "After I drank their blood, I tore up their corpses and made them look like they were eaten by wild animals."

After hearing Bai Shu's words, Lin Lin couldn't help thinking: "It seems that Bai Shu was not a fool at the time, and he was able to learn a lesson."

Lin Lin said, "You just let those Mongols go like this?"

"How is it possible!" Bai Shu heard this, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and he said with hatred, "I have to wait for the opportunity. Wait for the full moon. I will become very strong when the full moon is full. At that time, I will not be afraid of the government. The lion outside the yamen is no longer afraid of the aura of national destiny in the government office, let alone the yang energy and blood energy in the barracks."

I remember that it was a full moon that day, and every time there was a full moon, Bai Shu could use up inexhaustible power, and he also found that after the full moon, many of his abilities became stronger, so Bai Shu did a very sensational thing, overnight, the entire county The government office, including the soldiers, maids and servants in the government office, were all dead.

They died miserably. Except for two red spots on their necks, there were no scars on their bodies. More importantly, there was no blood on their bodies.

Hearing Bai Shu's words, Lin Lin couldn't help but said, "You don't even spare maids and servants? Isn't this a bit too indiscriminate killing innocent people?"

Bai Shu said: "At that time, my cultivation base was too low, and I couldn't control myself. Once I smelled the smell of blood, once I activated the killing intent, it was difficult for me to stop, unless all the nearby creatures were dead. I was able to stop. However, that time, I really sucked a lot of blood, and I found that my cultivation base has become much stronger."

Lin Lin said: "Your big move must have attracted the siege of experts!"

Bai Shu nodded and said: "That's right. On my second full moon, when I wanted to go to the place where the Mongols were stationed and clean up the Mongols, I met two very powerful monks. Their Fumo Palm and Vajra Palm are very powerful. The scriptures they recited had very terrifying power, and I was almost killed by their Buddha light."

Hearing this, Lin Lin couldn't help asking: "Who saved you later? I think you must have been unprepared at the time! If you were locked by the Buddha's light, with your low cultivation level at that time, no one would help you. You can't escape."

Bai Shu said, "Someone help me."

"Who?" Lin Lin asked immediately.

Bai Shu said: "It was a white snake spirit who was pregnant, she saved me."

Pregnant white snake?Why does this snake sound so much like Mrs. Bai?Lin Lin couldn't help frowning and asked, "Why did she help you? Do you know her?"

Bai Shu shook her head and said: "No, I have never met her before. She should have a grudge against those two monks. It seems that these two monks robbed her of some treasure, and she chased here, wanting to get it back. "

"I ran away when they were fighting, when the two monks couldn't concentrate on chanting." Bai Shu said here, and couldn't help laughing strangely, he said, "However, I got my cost back. gone."

Lin Lin said, "You stole things from those two monks?"

Bai Shu said: "There's nothing to steal from the stinky monk. What I'm rare is the blood of the stinky monk. When these two monks started fighting with me, they were also injured by me, and the cultivation level of the white snake is obviously higher than that of the stinky monk." They're both bald."

Lin Lin probably guessed the process, he said: "After you escaped, they all thought that you really escaped, they didn't guard against you, and concentrated on dealing with the white snake, and then you suddenly attacked one of them and bit his neck. Let it go, drink up his blood?"

Bai Shu said, "That's right."

"Wait, are you in love with that white snake spirit?" Lin Lin raised his hand to signal Bai Shu to stop, and asked immediately.

When Bai Shu heard Lin Lin's question, he blushed slightly and said, "Not so fast. At that time, I was only grateful to her, and didn't like her."

After Baishu drank one monk's blood, the white snake wounded another monk, who escaped.

Although Bai Shu drank the blood of that stinky monk, he couldn't get up because of the serious injury. The white snake took a look at Bai Shu, then wrapped him up with white silk, and brought him back to the cave where she practiced.

(End of this chapter)

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