Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 3 Grassroots 2nd Generation

Chapter 3 Grassroots Second Generation
March 28.In the north, it may still be cold and windy, but in this small county in the far south, it is already early summer.

Mr. Xia was too lazy to wait, and directly drove Mr. Winter out of the city, taking Mr. Spring's position, and let this small town directly transition from winter to summer.

Pedestrians on the road are all wearing short-sleeved single shirts and cropped trousers, and many young girls have changed into miniskirts and suspenders early on.

This is the most beautiful time of the year. If you can invite three or five friends to go hiking with you at this time, that would be the best.

It's a pity that such a beautiful thing is not the turn of the third party.

Lin Lin is one of such poor high school students.At this moment, he is sitting in a certain corner of the classroom, with a pen in his hand, looking at the various flowers blooming outside the window and the butterflies flying around, feeling unspeakable envy in his heart.Lin Lin, 17 years old this year, is a member of Class 14 ([-]) of Beipu Middle School.

In the last mock exam, his grades in the college entrance examination subjects were first in the class and third in the whole grade.It can be said that he is definitely a student of Yanda University and Huada University in the eyes of the teacher.Usually, the teacher talks to him politely, and never dares to scold him loudly, even if he is in a daze occasionally, or falls asleep in class, or even arrives late for class, the teacher doesn't say anything about him.

Today is the second college entrance examination mock exam.In order to allow students to adapt to the environment of the college entrance examination, single-person single-seat exams are used, and two invigilators are equipped like the college entrance examination, and even the test papers of the exam are based on the college entrance examination.It can be described as well-intentioned.

The first subject is Chinese, and Chinese is Lin Lin's favorite subject.You must know that Lin Lin has learned to read and write by himself since he was four years old, and soaked in books since he was nine years old. His foundation in literature and history is the best, and the articles he writes are often used by Chinese teachers as model essays, which are passed on throughout the grades. stole the show.

He also served as the president of the literary club at school, which made many teachers who knew him feel sorry for him, because when he was divided into arts and sciences, he actually chose science.

Those liberal arts teachers who had taken a fancy to Lin Lin on weekdays asked Lin Lin why he didn't choose his favorite liberal arts.Lin Lin's answer is very simple, he is a scholar who is useless.He doesn't want to be a nerd.And he likes physics, chemistry, biology, and he hates politics.That's why he chose science.

For his choice, Lin Lin still feels that his choice is right.Because he yearns for the life in the university so much, it is said that the science students in the university spend their time in the laboratory.

How eager he is now to be able to do experiments in the laboratory of his favorite university in September.

Just when Lin Lin was in a daze, thinking about something in his mind, his stool was kicked by a classmate behind him.The person sitting behind Lin Lin was not from Lin Lin's class, but from another class, but Lin Lin knew this person.Because the other party is too famous.

Because this person is a bully in the school, teachers and classmates are afraid of him.He is late for class, leaves early, or even does not come, or fights in gangs, bullies classmates, or even insults and beats teachers.It stands to reason that it is impossible for such a student to be accepted by a prestigious school like Beipu. You must know that although Beipu County is not big, there are nearly 500 high school graduates every year, and the annual enrollment of Beipu Middle School is [-]. .Students who are not good enough will definitely not be able to enter such a school.

However, in the era of rampant gods and beasts in the Celestial Dynasty, there are exceptions to everything.For example, for a school that only recruits 500 students, every year due to various reasons, the number of students enrolled exceeds 1000 to 700, and nearly [-] students come in through various connections.

And the person who kicked Lin Lin's stool leg was none other than Ma Xiaoming, the son of deputy magistrate Ma.

Lin Lin ignored him, but moved the stool up and continued to sit upright for the exam.

Soon, when it was time to hand in the test papers, Lin Lin waited for the invigilator to collect the test papers, then picked up the pen and admission ticket from the table and left.

Lin Lin's home is not too far from the school. It takes only 10 minutes to ride a bicycle.So, he doesn't live on campus.In fact, the reason why he doesn't like living in the school is that the food in the school cafeteria is really unpalatable. He once ate it once, and his stomach hurt for three days. In the end, he never dared to eat it again.

When he took his bicycle and wanted to leave, Lin Lin found himself surrounded by seven or eight people.

And the friends who were chatting and laughing with Lin Lin, when they saw the people who came around, they all ran away with faces like dirt.For fear of harming the fish in the pond.

These seven or eight people are all Ma Xiaoming's followers, and they are also masters who don't like to study and like to fight.Some of them are the sons of a certain bureau chief, some are the sons of a certain director, and of course some are the sons of ordinary people like Lin Lin.

Lin Lin frowned, looked at these people and said, "What do you want to do?"

Lin Lin, who could count the number of fights with one hand since he was a child, said that he was not afraid of these people.He's a guy who doesn't like fighting, and his parents don't like him fighting either.When he was in elementary school, because he couldn't bear the ridicule of a classmate, he beat him up. After being beaten up by his parents, he never dared to fight again.

I usually have any friction with my classmates, and I always quarrel, basically I haven't touched any hands or feet.

Are these people stopping themselves and wanting to hit themselves?They are Ma Xiaoming's attendants. It seems that because he ignored him during the examination room, he got angry and asked people to surround him.

"What do you want to do?" Ma Xiaoming looked at the frightened expression on Lin Lin's face and laughed. After laughing, he said playfully, "Do you think that you are the third in the whole grade?"

Lin Lin said loudly: "This is the school. What do you want to do?"

Embolden yourself by speaking out loud because you are afraid.

"What about the school? Beat him!" Ma Xiaoming said immediately.

"Young Master Ma, if you beat him up here, it won't be good if you get caught by the school police. I think it's okay." At this time, Gao Wenwu, Ma Xiaoming's most capable follower, said short and frustrated.

He is the nephew of Vice Principal Gao of Beipu Middle School. He is not three feet tall, but he is the kind with three knives hidden in his stomach.His academic performance is not as good as Lin Lin's, but he is considered a top student, but because of his short height, frustration, fat and other reasons, he is not favored by girls, and he resents those tall and handsome boys with good academic performance. .Unfortunately, Lin Lin was one of them.

For this reason, in his daily life, he often spoke out to ridicule Lin Lin, whose family was not so good.However, Lin Lin didn't want to cause trouble, so he endured it.

"Forget it?" Ma Xiaoming looked at Gao Wenwu when he heard this.Why did the words come out of his mouth so awkwardly?Not only Ma Xiaoming felt strange, but even Lin Lin felt strange.

Ma Xiaoming looked at Gao Wenwu and said, "You didn't take the wrong medicine, did you? Usually, you shout the loudest, and you are the one who fixes Lin Lin."

"Young Master Ma, the last time you beat up your English teacher, that incident was almost posted on the Internet. You forgot, what did your father say?" Gao Wenwu said, "If you beat up this kid now, in your Dad, it’s hard to explain.”

"Then what should we do?" Ma Xiaoming looked at Gao Wenwu and asked.

"Boy surnamed Lin," Gao Wenwu looked at Lin Lin and said, "I'll give you a chance. This afternoon is math. If you don't want to die, write the answer to Young Master Ma at the end. Otherwise, you will know the consequences."

Lin Lin said, "I won't help others cheat."

Although Lin Lin was afraid of them, he still couldn't do it if he was asked to help others cheat.After he finished speaking, he could feel two murderous eyes from the other party.

"Gao Wenwu, you have also seen that this kid is tough!" Ma Xiaoming was about to punch someone when he heard it.

At this moment, the patrolling campus policeman saw this scene, pointed at Ma Xiaoming and the others and said, "What are you doing?"

"Let's go!" Gao Wenwu immediately dragged Ma Xiaoming away after seeing the campus police. He said, "Let's go first. If we are caught here, we will be in trouble."

"Huh!" Ma Xiaoming snorted, and left with his younger brother.

After the school policeman saw these people leaving, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. He walked over, saw Lin Lin, and couldn't help but said: "When you go back, pay attention to safety. If there is anything wrong, remember to call the police, or call your police. teacher."

Lin Lin nodded.At this moment, he felt that sweat had soaked his clothes and quilts. Although the weather was not hot today, the oppression just now really made him unbearable.

When I got home, I took the meal my mother had made in the morning from the refrigerator and put it in a pot to heat it up. I ate a couple of bites, and then took a nap.

In fact, Lin Lin knew that he must not be able to fall asleep, because he was afraid that people like Ma Xiaoming would not let him go.But he has an exam in the afternoon, and he must know that if he doesn't sleep at noon, he will definitely collapse in the afternoon.

Lin Lin comforted himself and said: "You can't think too much. There are still more than two months before I leave here. At worst, show him the answer when you take the exam in the afternoon. It's better not to offend a person like him. He doesn't necessarily sit behind him when

Maths in the afternoon.

After Lin Lin finished writing the test paper, he looked up at the wall clock on the blackboard, and there were 10 minutes left.

He couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, it seemed that these three to ten minutes were enough to check the test papers by himself.When he was checking the test paper, he suddenly remembered that Ma Xiaoming behind him, if he kicked his stool, he would just copy it for him.Don't mess with him, I really can't afford to mess with him.

But what was strange was that Ma Xiaoming who was behind him didn't even kick his stool.

Did this guy find someone else to give him the answer?
Lin Lin couldn't help being surprised, and looked back, only to find that the table behind him was empty.Just this one glance immediately let him breathe a sigh of relief.

This Ma Xiaoming didn't come to take the math test.But that's right, this Ma Xiaoming's mathematics is basically an idiot.If he didn't copy it for him, it would be a waste of time for him to come here.

do not think too much about it.Try to check the test paper to see if there are any mistakes or omissions.

(End of this chapter)

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