Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 292 The Witch Clan Came

Chapter 292 The Witch Clan Came

Hearing this, the black cat made a "meow", and the whole cat's body became a bow shape, and even the cat's hair stood up neatly, the whole cat was full of fear.

Lin Lin couldn't help laughing, and he said, "This Fox Jiuniang is so scary? It can scare cats like this."

The black cat said: "Stop laughing at me. Otherwise, I will ignore you."

Bai Shu glared at the black cat, and then the black cat said obediently: "That man is in contact with someone else on the phone. I can only hear their conversation."

Immediately, the black cat told Lin Lin the content.

It turned out that not long after Lin Lin left, the cell phone of the uncle who stayed in the [-]th box rang.

The uncle was very depressed at first, but he didn't expect his affairs to be messed up. Hearing the sound of the mobile phone, he was very annoyed. He took the mobile phone and wanted to turn it off and have a good drink, but when he looked at the mobile phone, it said "no caller ID". Immediately after that, his complexion changed.He quickly connected the phone.

"What do you want to do?" the uncle asked in horror, "I have already done what you said."

If it is an ordinary person, hiding behind the sofa, there is definitely no way to hear the content of the conversation.But the black cat's ears are more sensitive than anyone's, and it can hear clearly.

"I just want to know the result." Such a terrifying voice came from the phone.The speaking voice was a very old, creepy-sounding, low hoarse voice.

"In the end, I did what you told me to do, but the other party didn't take the bait." The uncle said, "That child, you can tell at a glance that my story is made up."

"Child?" the other party asked in a hoarse voice.Obviously, he had doubts about what the uncle said.

"I came here today, and what I saw was a child of seventeen or eighteen years old." The uncle continued, "This is the person you are looking for!"

"What child?" said the hoarse voice. "It is not a child we are looking for."

"But the person who came here to take me is a child." The uncle said with great certainty, "Now that I have done what you said, can my wife and my son return to normal?"

"How could it be a child? Did that woman have a son?" On the other end of the phone, the hoarse voice said to himself, "Impossible. She is a saint, she cannot have children, otherwise she All of her mana will disappear and be inherited by her son."

The sound was faint, but the cat ears of the black cat hiding under the sofa could still hear it.

"Women or not, I beg you, I have already done what you said." The uncle said pleadingly, "My wife and children, you should follow the agreement and let them go, they are innocent. If I offend you in any way, you can come to me."

"Beep beep beep" there was a busy tone on the other end of the phone.

Lin Lin and Bai Shu glanced at each other after hearing what the black cat said.

"It seems that the person who asked that uncle to lie to you should be aiming at the old witch." Bai Shu said, "And from the soliloquies of the person who called, I can be sure that the other party should know this. The identity of the old witch."

Lin Lin nodded and said: "Ai Yu once said that she was chased and killed by someone more than 100 years ago. Her cultivation level plummeted after being killed. I have some doubts that those people are the ones who asked the uncle to lie to me. "

"I don't know who this old witch offended, and she came here. By the way, Lin Lin, why don't you shut down the detective agency opened by the old witch! Anyway, you don't want to do such a thing, do you? " Bai Shu looked at Lin Lin and said.

Lin Lin shook his head and said, "No."

"What? Do you want to make a fortune like that old witch?" Bai Shu looked at Lin Lin puzzled and asked, "You also want to make money to do good deeds and accumulate merit? Eh?!"

"I have been involved in the cause and effect of certain things." Lin Lin said, "I must solve these causes and effects, otherwise if the cause and effect drag on for too long, there will be retribution."

"Can you tell me what it is?" Bai Shu asked.

Suddenly Lin Lin thought of Bai Shu's identity, and also thought that he must have practiced for more than a thousand years.He couldn't help saying: "1894, do you know?"

Hearing this name, Bai Shu frowned. After a while, he said, "How did you get involved with this organization? You'd better not mess with this organization."

Lin Lin asked, "What? Do you know this organization?"

Bai Shu immediately pressed the switch of the secret room, and in an instant, the walls around the secret room were covered with barbed wire, and after pressing the power switch, a power grid would be formed.

Lin Lin knew that Bai Shu was worried that their next conversation would be overheard by others.

The black cat looked at Bai Shu and said, "Why don't you drive me out?"

Bai Shu smiled, and then said: "As my spiritual pet, you will definitely end up miserable if you dare to betray me. So I'm not worried that you will tell the story."

Hearing Bai Shu's words, the black cat gave Bai Shu another supercilious look, jumped onto the sofa, and then lay lazily on the sofa.

"1894 is the code name of an organization." Bai Shu looked at Lin Lin and said.

"The organizer of this organization was a princess in Fusang at that time. Her name was Ying Ji. She was not a human being, but a child of a nine-tailed fox and a human being. She was born half-human and half-demon. Lin Lin, you know that it is possible to fall in love between different races, but it is very difficult to give birth to offspring. Even if you are lucky enough to give birth to offspring, the mothers who want to give birth to offspring, especially the mothers of the monster race, will definitely lose their cultivation base. It may even be beaten back to its original shape. Do you know this?"

Lin Lin nodded.When he met Mrs. Bai, Mrs. Bai told him this, and he also saw with his own eyes that after giving birth to Wynn, Mrs. Bai's cultivation base plummeted and she returned to her original shape.

"Her mother changed back to her original shape in order to give birth to her?" Lin Lin asked.

"Yes. At that time, the maids and medical officers who delivered her were scared to death. Her mother took advantage of the fact that the medical officers were scared to death, and fled to the mountains with her in her mouth to practice. After she cultivated into a human body, I just returned to the imperial family of Japan."

"I was born half-human and half-demon. Even if I cultivated into a human form, I am afraid that the emperor of Fusang would not dare to accept his daughter?" Lin Lin couldn't help but said, "Unless the emperor loves this half-demon very much. But the courtiers around him, and the people around him, I'm afraid they will also be afraid of this half-demon, right?"

"Actually, this is a secret history." Bai Shu continued, "I also knew this secret history by accident. This emperor gave birth to his nine-tailed fox princess at that time, and everyone who had seen a half-human, half-demon woman Killed. But he also killed anyone who knew the identity of the Nine-Tailed Fox."

"It was said to the public that the concubine had dystocia and died of a bloody collapse. Only one poor daughter was left behind. That poor daughter was favored by the gods just after she was born, and was accepted as a disciple by the gods, and she followed the gods into the mountains to practice."

Lin Lin said puzzledly: "The Emperor Fusang said that the princess had a dystocia and died of blood collapse. I can understand it, but I can't understand that his daughter was accepted by the gods as a god and went to the mountains to practice. How could he be sure? His daughter Will she definitely return to him? What if her daughter returns in a half-demon, half-human state without cultivating as a human?"

Bai Shu said: "It's useless for you to ask me. Because I don't know how he is so sure. I just heard it."

Lin Lin smiled and said, "Okay, I won't ask anymore. You can continue talking."

"Later, Fusang was also very poor at that time. Like China, it was invaded by foreign invaders. The royal family of Fusang had a miserable life. The emperor's fate was also miserable. He was poisoned and killed, and he was only in his 40s when he died. "

"Among his several sons, one son was very ambitious and very vengeful. He united several ministers and radicals who wanted to reform at that time, and killed his father-killing enemy. After that, he began to control the government."

Lin Lin nodded.He still understands this history.It's just a few records that I learned in high school textbooks.

"How did the fox princess come back?" Lin Lin asked in puzzlement, "Did she pop out all of a sudden?"

"That's not true." Bai Shu said, "on the way the emperor was hunting, he was assassinated by an assassin. Suddenly a master appeared, killed the assassin and saved the emperor."

"The master who saved the emperor was actually none other than the fox princess. She saved the emperor, so she took out the so-called token and naturally obtained the status of a princess."

Lin Lin said: "How did this princess create 1894 later?" While speaking, Lin Lin picked up the tea on the coffee table and poured himself a cup of tea.

Bai Shu was silent for a while, and then said: "She fell in love with his brother."

"Cough, cough, cough..." Lin Lin almost choked on the tea, it took Lin Lin to stop coughing, and said, "This Fusang person has too much taste."

Bai Shu couldn't help but said: "In the history of Fusang, brother and sister love is allowed, especially in the royal family."

"In order to ensure the purity of the royal blood, in many times in Fusang, brothers and sisters were married...Of course, there will be cousins ​​or cousins, and even fathers and daughters... By the way, you know that Fusang people, on Father's Day, Why is there a tradition of father and daughter bathing together?"

Lin Lin shook his head.How does he understand these things?I guess if you ask his good friend Li Bufan, this guy might understand better.

Bai Shu whispered in Lin Lin's ear: "This is also a tradition left over from the royal family of Fusang. It is said that every princess of Fusang's coming-of-age ceremony is completed by spending a night with their father in the hot spring. .”

Lin Lin was even more speechless.Well, although there are a lot of these plots in some heavy-duty movies in the island country, it is really speechless to have such a plot in the royal family.

It seems that the reason why the island country has so many brains is really not the only one.

(End of this chapter)

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