Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 283 Returning Spring Pill

Chapter 283 Returning Spring Pill

"Why?" Lin Lin asked.

"Because the master didn't want us to disturb her practice, she set up restrictions in the corridor and didn't allow us to get close to her place," Hua Diao said.

Blackbird also said: "Accidentally crossing the boundary and touching the taboo set by the master, we will all have severe headaches, life would be better than death, and the pain will be extreme!"

Lin Lin was stunned, he didn't expect that Ai Yu was also guarding against these two people!But if you think about it carefully, it is understandable.Ai Yu has practiced for many years, if she hadn't been careful, she wouldn't have survived to this day.

In fact, the cultivation world is an extremely cruel place.

Lin Lin said, "I know."

Lin Lin quickly came to the corridor according to Hei Niao's words.When he arrived at the promenade, he saw the small building covered with vines. The whole small building made people feel a sense of vitality and warmth.

At the same time, Lin Lin also discovered that with this small building as the center, restrictions have been set up within a radius of 20 meters. There are three other restrictions in total, but they are all ordinary restrictions.These restrictions are nothing to a person of Lin Lin's cultivation level.

Lin Lin passed through these three restrictions with ease, entered the small building, and soon reached Ai Yu's bedroom.Lin Lin took a look at this room, it looked very simple, there was a bed, similar to an ordinary woman's room, but the most placed on the table were bottles and cans, Lin Lin checked carefully, these bottles and bottles There is really no spirit pill in the jar, more healing medicine, and two bottles of low-level Zhuyan pill.

It seems that Ai Yu is indeed not lying. These things of hers may be of some use to ordinary people, but they are of no use to people with his cultivation level.

However, Zhuyan Dan.It is also troublesome to refine the healing medicine and so on, and the effect of the medicine is against the sky for human beings.Anyway, my Sumeru Ring is very spacious, so putting these things in it will not hinder the space at all.

Lin Lin immediately put these bottles and jars into his Sumeru Ring.

Next, Lin Linzai searched the small building carefully, and found an alchemy room hidden underground.And this alchemy room has already accumulated a lot of dust, a thick layer, it seems that no one has used it for a long time.It seems that Ai Yu's cultivation base has dropped too much, and she is no longer able to refine the elixir.

Lin Lin looked around the alchemy room and found two alchemy furnaces, one large and one small.

The big alchemy furnace was as big as the one that Lin Lin kept in Longyin Ridge's Immortal Mansion.Because it has not been used for a long time, the fire has long been extinguished.

If you want to ignite it and use it for alchemy, you have to go to the center of the earth to find the fire gall.

The small alchemy furnace is very small, only as big as a wooden barrel.Lin Lin took a closer look at the alchemy furnace, and found that its quality seemed to be very good, and the fire in the alchemy furnace had not been extinguished, and the lid was still covered. Obviously, there was still a furnace of elixir inside.

However, because of a long time, no spiritual energy was injected into the pill furnace, and the furnace fire was very small, and it seemed that it might go out at any time.

If the furnace fire goes out, then the refining of this furnace of elixir has failed.

Although Lin Lin didn't know what this pill was, he still stretched out his hand and poured spiritual energy into the stove.

What Lin Lin injected was the fire aura. Sure enough, after the fire aura was injected, the fire in the pill furnace instantly became stronger.And the lid of the alchemy furnace was constantly blown open by the hot air, and a gurgle of gas came out.

The entire alchemy furnace also burned more and more red, and finally the entire furnace body turned red.As if it would explode at any moment.

Lin Lin was stunned, he had never practiced pills, and he didn't know what this situation meant.Just when he was wondering, suddenly there was a loud "bang", sparks from the pill furnace flew out in an instant.

Lin Lin was so frightened that he immediately used the Thick Earth Jue and the Great Arhat Diamond Sutra to resist.

"cough cough"

"cough cough"

The smell of the smoke was so choking, Lin Lin coughed unceasingly, and when he finished coughing, he gently brushed the smoke out of the alchemy room, and the whole room became clear.

At this time, Lin Lin glanced at the pill furnace, the lid of the pill furnace had been blown away by the explosion just now, and there was a furnace of red pills in the whole pill furnace, which kept smoking.

Lin Lin looked at the ground, and soon found the lid of the alchemy furnace, which landed safely on the blanket on the ground without any damage.

Lin Lin picked up the lid of the pill furnace, walked over, took out a pill from the pill stove, smelled it, looked at it, but couldn't tell what kind of pill it was.

Suddenly, Lin Lin thought of something, and he immediately found the jade slip given by Bai Shu from Xumijie.He remembered that there was a small spell in the jade slip, which was used to identify the pill.

Lin Lin found the jade slip, and immediately used his spiritual sense to read the little magic spell recorded on it.

The name of this little spell is: "Shen Mu Jian", which is specially used to identify medicinal pills.However, it is only for the identification of low-level elixirs, and the identification of high-level elixirs is inaccurate.

The potion of pills in front of him must be extremely low-level pills.

After reciting the formula, Lin Lin brushed his fingers over his eyes, and immediately he saw the name of the elixir in front of him.

"Huanchun Dan."

"Both men and women can eat it. It has the effect of strengthening the body, nourishing yin and strengthening yang. Having intercourse after eating can achieve the harmony of yin and yang. It will make you want to die, and it will never hurt your body. The medicinal effect lasts about an hour."

Seeing such an effect, Lin Lin instantly had ten thousand beasts roaring in his heart.

What are these?It turned out to be a batch of that kind of medicine.If he, Lin Lin, really wanted to do that kind of thing, would he need to use some repayment Chundan?
"What a waste of spiritual energy!" Lin Lin couldn't help cursing.If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have added aura, and let this pot of medicine be useless.He raised his hand and was about to pour out the pot of elixir. Suddenly, he thought of something, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This pot of elixir is of no use to him, but to some people, it is of great use.

Thinking of those advertisements for strengthening v-yang on some TVs, Lin Lin felt that if his elixir was sold, it must be rich.Because this kind of elixir can not only shape v yang, but also nourish the body, and more importantly, it can be used by both men and women.This kind of medicine has many advantages, and its efficacy is so strong, once it is distributed on the market, it will definitely be very popular.

However, just one furnace, which is obviously a little less.

Lin Lin brought an empty porcelain bottle from the side, put the potion of pills into the porcelain bottle, and counted it, there were twelve pills in total.Not much really.

Lin Lin took a look, and there were some unused alchemy materials beside it.

Using "Shen Mu Jian" Lin Lin, he analyzed the ingredients of "Huanchun Pill", which happened to be these ingredients.

In fact, these materials are not so readily available in the human world.Because the price is very expensive.In terms of both old ginseng and adult sea lion whip that are more than a hundred years old, they are both expensive, not to mention that there is another thing that is particularly precious and abnormal, and that is the girl's real essence in a bottle.

Lin Lin's eyes fell on these things, and after thinking for a while, he still gave up.Not for anything else, because he has no alchemy experience at all.

In fact, the elixir that should be refined from these materials is not Huanchun elixir, but Zhuyan elixir.It's just that the heat is not properly controlled, and this pot of Huanchun Dan was refined.

"Hey... Forget it, alchemy will take more than ten days. Right now, I don't have the time." Lin Lin shook his head and gave up.

After taking the pill, Lin Lin left.

Back in the living room, Lin Lin saw Hua Diao and Hei Niao practicing some rudimentary witchcraft.

When they saw Lin Lin coming back, they immediately stopped practicing and ran over.

"Master, have you rested? We have a mission and need to meet the client at Xianyuan Bar." Blackbird said habitually.Every time Ai Yu rested and went to the living room, he would report the situation of the tasks he received.

"Blackbird, I don't know what channel we use to make appointments?" Lin Lin asked, "Can you tell me?" Now that I am the boss here, I naturally need to understand how this organization takes over jobs .

Blackbird said: "Through the Internet." While speaking, he pointed to the host.

"Send an email to make an appointment. We have a homepage that belongs to us..." Blackbird brought Lin Lin to the front of the host as he spoke.

When "Spiritual Detective Agency" saw the name on the homepage, Lin Lin couldn't help but read it out. He asked, "This name doesn't seem to match what you are doing."

"Although the server is from a foreign country, it is a crab society, so naturally we must respect the crab." Black Bird said, and he looked at Lin Lin with an expression that you understand.

Lin Lin smiled helplessly.

This site has only one home page.

On the homepage, apart from a picture of a night witch knocking on the door that makes people look very uncomfortable, there is a two-paragraph introduction.It looks very introductory.

Looks a lot like one of those scam sites that are designed to trick people into getting scammed.I looked at the traffic statistics of the website, and there are not 10 people a day, which is really too little.However, it is also true to think about it, who would come to such an unknown website?If the number of visitors to this website soars, it means that this website must be hot, and there must be many people who have noticed its existence, and if it is not done well, something will happen.

Lin Lin looked at the introduction of the two paragraphs below the website, and couldn't help laughing.

"No matter what troubles you have, no matter what troubles you have encountered, whether your troubles come from humans or other things, as long as you can afford enough, you can come to us, and we can help you solve it, or You are carefree. Our contact information is always reserved through email, and we will reply to your email after you pass the appointment."

"If you make an appointment and don't reply within three months, it means that we have no fate. I'm sorry to say that please find someone else to help. We only help people who are destined."

It was too mysterious.It will arouse the curiosity of many people.

(End of this chapter)

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