Chapter 275 Iron Man

"Call and ask! I hope my guess is wrong, otherwise this matter will be very difficult." Lin Lin looked at Liu Su and said.

With a dark face, Liu Su took out his mobile phone, and then called the Forensic Medicine Office, asking the Forensic Medicine Office to see if his partner's body was still there.After waiting for about 10 minutes, the medical examiner called back.

Hearing the reply from the forensic department, Liu Su's face darkened even more. After he hung up the phone, he stared at Lin Lin and said, "How do you know?"

The elephant looked at Liu Su and asked, "Is it really gone?"

Liu Su nodded.

And Liang Shangjun next to him had an unpredictable expression. Although he didn't know what the three people meant, he also felt that this matter was extraordinary and could not be handled according to the normal situation.

Liang Shangjun looked at the elephant and said, "Officer Elephant, what should we do about this matter?"

The elephant said: "Since there are no living people in the other party's car, there is nothing to worry about. Why don't you just rush in? This time, you must not let that guy go."

"Okay!" Liang Shangjun also agreed, and he immediately issued an order to make all the police present, whether they were civilian police or special police, enter the first-level readiness state, and only wait for his order to attack together.

Liu Su said to Liang Shangjun, "Zu Liang, I request to join the battle."

"No!" Two voices sounded at the same time.One belonged to Liang Shangjun, and the other belonged to Lin Lin.

Liang Shangjun said no, it was because Liu Su was still being punished, and it was inappropriate for him to directly participate in the battle at this time.But why did Lin Lin say that?
The elephant looked at Lin Lin and said, "Huofeng, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Lin Lin said: "Because there is a person inside, he will not kill that person a second time."

"What do you mean?" Liang Shangjun looked at Lin Lin and asked.

The elephant was also stunned for a moment, while Liu Su frowned. He stared at Lin Lin as if asking, "What do you mean? Do you mean he is still alive?"

"Puppet." Lin Lin said these two words.

The elephant knew what it meant, and he immediately asked: "Both are puppets?"

While talking, the phone rang.

After the operator answered the phone, he handed the receiver to Liu Su.

After Liu Su checked the microphone, he covered the microphone.He motioned to the operator to put his voice out.

"What exactly do you want?" Liu Su asked.

"You are required to prepare 5000 million yuan, and you need old banknotes. I will give you two hours to prepare. If after two hours, I will kill a person and throw his body away for every minute that is added to the preparation time. Get out! Hehe..."

The phone hung up again at this point.

Liang Shangjun heaved a sigh of relief, he said: "This robber is the same as ordinary robbers, it's all for money, what is it..." He said that he didn't dare to say here, because he saw the elephant's expression was a little bit scary.

The elephant also looked at Lin Lin suspiciously and said, "Huofeng, the other party wants money."

"Delaying time. Two hours later, it will be noon." Lin Lin said.

"So what?" Elephant asked puzzled.

"No Ji Tai Lai, do you know the symbol of the Tai Chi Yin Yang fish?" Lin Lin looked at the elephant and said, "At noon, it is the eye of the Yang fish."

"It's the most cloudy time." Lin Lin said, "Don't think that they pulled up the curtains of the car just to prevent you from peeping at them, but because the two puppets inside, rough puppets, will be caught by the sun. Hurt by Qi. But noon is the most cloudy time of the day, and at that time, puppets can move under the sun."

"If you don't want to see footage of a zombie massacre, you'd better stop waiting."

The elephant frowned, he was thinking about Lin Lin's words, he was hesitating, he didn't know how much credibility this matter had.Seeing the appearance of the elephant, Lin Lin shook his head, and said, "Forget it, since you don't believe me, I don't want you to believe me either. I don't want to join the ninth group."

"Hey, Huofeng, what are you talking about?" Hearing this, the elephant immediately raised his head, wanting to curse, but found that Lin Lin, who was still in front of him just now, had disappeared at this moment.

"What about others?" Elephant froze for a moment.

Liu Su next to him didn't notice when Lin Lin disappeared because of his confused mood.On the contrary, Liang Shangjun next to him and some police officers were stunned. They were speechless when they heard the elephant's question, but collectively pointed their fingers outside the door.

Seeing this, the elephant couldn't help but said: "It's really hard to lead the young people nowadays, they just say a few words and they're the ones who can't be picked."

At this moment, Liang Shangjun's walkie-talkie rang.

"Captain, suddenly a child appeared from nowhere, and he was walking towards the bus!"

"What?" Liang Shangjun couldn't calm down when he heard this, he scolded angrily: "What are you doing, why didn't you stop him?"

"I can't stop him, his speed is too fast. In the blink of an eye, he escaped our blockade."

Da Xiang and Liu Su glanced at each other, immediately left the communication vehicle, ran out, and went to the blockade.Naturally, Liang Shangjun hung up the walkie-talkie angrily, and followed.

When the elephant, Liu Su and Liang Shangjun arrived at the front, they saw Lin Lin approaching the bus step by step.

"Huofeng, come back! Are you looking for death?" The elephant yelled loudly when he saw this.Does this kid think he is a superman?He didn't wear bulletproof vests, and he didn't have any equipment to avoid bullets, so he just walked slowly over empty-handed, what exactly was he trying to do?
But Lin Lin, who was approaching the bus step by step, ignored the elephant's yelling behind him, but continued on his way.

Seeing this, the elephant immediately snatched an anti-explosion shield from the hand of the special police next to him. Holding the anti-explosion shield, he was about to rush towards Lin Lin, trying to pull Lin Lin back.

It's a pity that just after he rushed over, there was a burst of machine gun fire.

With such a fierce firepower, the elephant could not advance half a point, it could only retreat obediently.After he retreated, he looked at Lin Lin angrily.

At this time, it was his turn to be as astonished as the people next to him.

"Damn, American Superman? Iron Man?!" A police officer couldn't help but burst out such a foul language.

But this swearing really revealed Lin Lin's situation at the moment.The bullets from those machine guns hit him like they were hitting an iron plate, no, not on an iron plate, and there would be traces left on the iron plate, as if they were hitting the elastic air .

When the bullet hit Lin Lin's body, it bounced off and landed on the ground.

Liang Shangjun was also dumbfounded, so awesome?Is this the ninth group of people?Come on, Superman!In this life, Sajia can see such an awesome picture, it's worth it!

Liu Su was also dumbfounded. He didn't expect that this seemingly young child would have such an awesome side. He stared dumbfounded.

Everyone present was stunned, including the elephant.

The elephant couldn't help roaring in his heart: "Stinky boy, you are so powerful, why didn't you tell me?! It made me worry about you for nothing. You brat."

Lin Lin ignored the opponent's bullet attack and walked directly to the bus door.

A punch passed, and in an instant, a big hole was punched in the door of the official car.And Lin Lin grabbed the hole with his hands, and using this hole as a focus, he instantly tore the bus door in half and threw it on the ground.

Seeing that Lin Lin was invulnerable to swords and guns just now made everyone dumbfounded, so what Lin Lin did in front of him once again made everyone not know how to describe it.

The elephant came out within a minute after Lin Lin went in.

And he walked out with a person in his left hand.

Everyone exclaimed: "What a fast speed!"

"Quick, go in and rescue the hostages!" Liang Shangjun said immediately.

When the police heard this, they rushed over in a swarm.

"He, I'll leave it to you." Lin Lin threw the person in his hand in front of Liang Shangjun and the others and said.

This person was a young man in his early twenties at most. He was full of white hair, and he was looking at Lin Lin, Liang Shangjun and others with resentment on his face.

Liang Shangjun was frightened by the young man's spiteful gaze, and his heart trembled unavoidably.Why is this guy's eyes so scary?It feels as if someone owed him a lot and didn't pay him back.

Liu Su was taken aback when he saw this young man, and then said, "It's you?"

The young man gave Liu Su a hard look, and cursed, "Murderer!"

Liu Su's face changed after being scolded by the young man, and he didn't say anything anymore.

Lin Lin said to the young man, "Where are the souls of those people?"

"What soul, I don't know what you're talking about?" The young man glanced at Lin Lin, his complexion changed, but he said as if a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

"Gathering the souls of a hundred innocent people and handing them over to the evil spirits, you can exchange the lives of your loved ones from the hands of the evil spirits? Isn't that right?" Lin Lin asked, looking at the young man.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" said the young man at once, "Nothing."

Lin Lin said: "This is an exchange, a deal with the evil spirits of hell."

This is also a kind of witchcraft in the witch clan. Lin Lin had seen it in the "Ancestral Witchcraft" that Ai Yu left in his mind, so he had a rough guess in his heart.However, seeing the young man's expression, it was obvious that his guess was correct.

After Lin Lin said this, he raised the young man's right hand, and then touched it down. After a while, he found a small coffin.

"Give it back to me, give it back to me...give it back to me..." Seeing that Lin Lin had taken away his little coffin, the young man was agitated. He rushed over, wanting to take the coffin back from Lin Lin's hand.

However, Lin Lin held the small coffin in his hands to avoid the young man's snatching. Seeing this, the policeman next to him grabbed the young man firmly and pressed him to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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