Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 269 I Can't Save Him

Chapter 269 I Can't Save Him
"What's the problem?" The female secretary and many people asked at the same time.

Zhang Sandao took out a porcelain bottle from his arms, handed it to the female secretary next to him, and said, "This is Niu Tear, you can touch it on your eyes and you will know what it is, and... also give it to those who don't The guy who believes also comes a little bit, let him see if what I said is a lie?"

When the female secretary took the porcelain bottle, she felt her hands trembling.

Holding the porcelain bottle for a while, she didn't know whether to open it, and touched the cow's tears to her eyes.Seeing that the female secretary was so hesitant, it was Zhu Ming who did not believe in evil. He walked over, took the porcelain bottle over, touched the cow's tears in the porcelain bottle to his eyes, and then returned the porcelain bottle to the female secretary. .

After Zhu Ming touched Niu's tears, he looked at Hao Renchi very disbelievingly, and he was completely dumbfounded.

Seeing Zhu Ming's dumbfounded look, Zhao Jie and the others were also stunned, but they soon took the porcelain bottle from the female secretary's hand like Zhu Ming, and touched the cow's tears in the porcelain bottle to their eyes one by one. .

The female secretary was even more frightened when she saw everyone dazed after touching Niu's tears, but in the end, her curiosity overcame her fear, opened the porcelain bottle, and wiped Niu's tears.

This time, it was her turn to be dazed.

Because the scene she saw was even scarier than "The Grudge 2".

There are indeed two ghosts, one big and one small, on Hao Renchi's body.The appearance of the female ghost was even more frightening, with a pale face and long hair. Her pointed fingernails kept digging into Hao Renchi's body, pulling Hao Renchi's soul out of his body bit by bit. Chew in your mouth.

When she saw everyone looking at her, she even showed a smug smile, especially when she saw the female secretary, her smile became even brighter.

At the same time, under Hao Renchi's feet, there was a bloody, infant spirit that was still attached to the umbilical cord, and it was biting Hao Renchi's feet firmly.

Hao Renchi was abused by these two ghosts, struggling, trying to escape from their bite, but unfortunately he couldn't escape at all.

Because his soul was locked in his body, and what locked his soul was a mass of black energy, a mass of black energy that looked creepy, and he couldn't break free from the control of this mass of black energy at all.Even his cry for help could not pass through the black air, he was isolated by the black air.

Zhu Ming stopped talking, his face was pale.

Obviously, this was the first time he had seen such a terrifying thing in reality.

The person with the same pale face as Zhu Ming, and other people present.

"This female ghost... I seem to have seen it before!" At this moment, the bodyguard Abin finally spoke, and his face was also very ugly.

Zhu Ming turned to look at the bodyguard A Bin and asked, "Have you seen it? Where is it?"

"He is..." Abin thought of something and couldn't help but shut up.

But Zhu Ming didn't want to let it go, he asked: "Who is this female ghost?"

"It's impossible for this female ghost to bring her child to pester this man for no reason. If you know something, it's best to speak up, so that this enmity can be resolved." Zhang Sandao looked at the bodyguard A Bin and said.

Abin gritted his teeth, hesitated for a while, and finally said: "She is Mr. Hao's girlfriend. Mr. Hao actually had a relationship with this girl for three years. In the beginning, this girl was only because he admired Mr. Hao. Mr. Hao is always obedient and obedient, and follows Mr. Hao regardless of his status."

"The madam and the young master also know the existence of this woman, but because this woman doesn't make trouble and doesn't make excessive demands, they also turn a blind eye to Mr. Hao's affair."

"But a year ago, this woman suddenly told Mr. Hao that she was pregnant with a child. She didn't want her child to be an illegitimate child, so she wanted Mr. Hao to marry her, give her a title, and give the child a title." name."

"Although Mr. Hao is romantic, he is only sincere to his wife, so he refused this woman's request, and gave this woman a large sum of money to let her leave him. If she gave birth to a child , he will not marry her."

"Later, this woman didn't take a penny from Mr. Hao, and disappeared by herself. We don't know where she went. But we didn't expect that she died."

After hearing what Abin said, the female secretary gritted her teeth and stopped talking.In fact, she also knows Mr. Hao is a romantic person, and she and Mr. Hao also had that kind of improper relationship.

However, this is an unspoken rule in the professional field, even if she doesn't want to, she has to grit her teeth and endure it.What's more, this Hao Renchi is really good to her, especially after having such a relationship with her, he will give her a lot of money almost every month, and even give her a small house, which makes her feel material enrichment.

"Master Dao, no matter what, please save Mr. Hao!" said the female secretary.

"I can deal with their mother and child at that time, but I have nothing to do with this cloud of black energy." Zhang Sandao pointed to the black energy on Hao Renchi's body.

Everyone looked at Zhang Sandao suspiciously and asked: "Why is this?" "Isn't this cloud of black air caused by those two things?" "What is this cloud of black air?"

"Curse." Zhang Sandao said, "A very powerful curse."


"Well, it's a very powerful curse, and I can't deal with it." Zhang San said, "Because the person who cursed him is much better than me."

"What is this curse for?" Zhu Ming asked.Although he knew that the curse was terrible, he didn't know what function the black air in front of him could have other than restraining Hao Renchi's soul and preventing it from escaping.

"I don't know either, it's because I don't know, and I can't see it, that's why I say this curse is a very powerful curse." Zhang Sandao said without concealing it.

"What now?"

"The only thing I can do is temporarily put away these two ghosts that ate his soul." Zhang Sandao said, he took out a gourd, and took out two spells from nowhere, Up and down, it stuck to the foreheads of the two ghosts lying on Hao Renchi's body.

After pasting the charm, he pinched his sword fingers, chanted the mantra, and moved the gourd. In an instant, the two things turned into two black smoke and filled the gourd.

At this moment, Hao Renchi turned into a puddle of mud and fell to the ground.

"This is a talisman I wrote, take it and wear it for him!" Zhang Sandao said, taking out the talisman from his pocket and handing it to the female secretary.

The female secretary is also a sensible person, she quickly asked: "Master Taoist, how much do you want for this amulet?"

Zhang Sandao shook his hand and said: "Pindao's mana status is not enough. This amulet can only deal with those ghosts with little resentment. To deal with those ghosts with big resentment, the amulet of Pindao is useless at all. Therefore, This amulet, the poor will not charge any money."

Zhang Sandao was about to leave after finishing speaking, but was held back by the female secretary.

She said earnestly: "Master Taoist, saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, please save Mr. Hao!" Although he is lustful and romantic, for some reason, she doesn't hate him, let alone let him die.If he died, then he would be unemployed.

Zhang Sandao said: "Pindao accepted this pair of mother and child today. It has already formed karma and will definitely suffer certain retribution. If Pindao hits a stone with a pebble again, then Pindao may not even save his life. I also ask the female benefactor not to come." I'm embarrassing the poor Taoist. The poor Taoist bids farewell!"

While Zhang Sandao was speaking, he pulled away the female secretary's hand and wanted to leave.

At this time, Zhu Ming said: "Master Taoist, let me see you off!"

After Zhu Ming followed the Taoist priest out of the room, he said directly: "Taoist priest, you shouldn't be in a hurry, right?"

Zhang Sandao knew that Zhu Ming had something to ask himself, so he said, "The place where Pindao lives is on the thirteenth floor, Room 1307. If you have anything to do, you can go to my room and talk about it."

Zhu Ming was also polite, and followed Zhang Sandao to the downstairs room.

"Did the Daoist just come to check in today?" After Zhu Ming entered the room, he seemed to be in his own room, not restrained at all, but opened the window of the room to look at the scenery outside, pretending to ask inadvertently .

In fact, it is already night now, and because Guilin is a tourist city, the lighting effect is very gorgeous, and this restaurant is located in the city center.Looking down from the thirteenth floor, you can have a panoramic view of many night markets.

Zhang Sandao said with a smile: "Comrade police suspect that Pindao has something to do with this case? Well? The reason why Pindao came here is because someone invited him to come here... This is his business card."

"Zhang Qian!" Seeing the name on the business card, Zhu Ming couldn't help but say.He is very familiar with this person, because this guy is a big real estate developer, and because of the forced demolition, many people violently resisted the demolition. There were several fights and fights, and some things were reported in the newspapers. .

"He invited you here?" Zhu Ming asked.

Zhang Sandao said: "Yes, he said that there are some problems with the project he did, so please take a look at it."

Zhu Ming heard this, although he didn't say anything, he already looked down on Zhang Sandao in his heart, and thought: "This Taoist priest doesn't seem to be greedy for money on the surface, but he is with a profiteer like Zhang Qian. , and look at Feng Shui for such a profiteer. He must be greedy for money and insatiable."

Zhang Sandao is also a man of the rivers and lakes. He couldn't see what Zhu Ming was thinking. He smiled and said: "Comrade policeman, this Zhang Qian is actually my brother. I came here because of family affection. Not It's money."

Zhu Ming was stunned, and suddenly remembered that Zhang Sandao was also surnamed Zhang, and Zhang Qian was also surnamed Zhang.

After Zhu Ming thought of this, he felt relieved. After a while, he smiled and said, "Master, you just said that Hao Renchi was cursed?"

(End of this chapter)

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