Chapter 263

Lin Lin, who was hidden in the air, couldn't help but sneered when he saw Hao Renchi's embarrassed look.Even as a god, you can't just end the life of a mortal, but as a god, you can use the means of a god to torture a mortal.

What's more, for a guy who has done a lot of evil, killing him is tantamount to canceling the evil things he has done, but helping him.If you don't kill him, but torture him slowly, that would be interesting.

Just like in the past, because of King Zhou's molestation, Nu Wa angered the people of the entire Shang country, ruined King Zhou's rich and powerful kingdom, ruined King Zhou's happy family, and ruined the unity of King Zhou and his ministers...

This process of destruction is more interesting and exhilarating than crushing him to death.

Suddenly, Lin Lin felt a strange feeling in his heart, which Lin Lin had never felt before.He felt bad about this feeling.

"What does it feel like?" Lin Lin asked himself in his heart.

"Cruel?" Lin Lin suddenly thought of this word.Yes, cruel.

"I didn't kill anyone, so what kind of cruelty is this? It's not cruel!" Lin Lin said to himself again, he wanted to comfort the weak kindness in his heart so that he wouldn't feel uneasy about it.

Lin Lin didn't have the habit of watching naked men crazy, let alone a middle-aged naked man with a completely changed body.So Lin Lin decided to leave, but before leaving, Lin Lin thought of something, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This sneer looked cruel, but Lin Lin didn't know it himself.Before he left, he left something on the man.To put it simply, it is a curse, a curse from the witch clan, a very simple curse, it will only make people have nightmares, and those nightmares are not groundless, but nightmares from the most feared thing in his heart .

In a dormitory of the Army Academy.

Because He Xiaoyan came to the aunt, she had a stomachache and it was difficult to sleep, and the weather was very hot, so she couldn't help feeling uncomfortable. She turned over repeatedly and couldn't fall asleep, so she couldn't help getting up to go to the toilet.

After using the toilet, she went to the balcony of the dormitory to blow some air.The breeze was cool, and He Xiaoyan was in a good mood for a while, and he couldn't help but think of every bit of being with Lin Lin.

"Xiaoyan, haven't you slept yet?" Just as she was giggling at the night sky alone, another girl who got up to go to the toilet saw He Xiaoyan, and couldn't help saying, "Military training is still needed tomorrow!"

"I see. I'll blow the hair and I'll fall asleep later." He Xiaoyan said.

When the girl heard this, she ignored He Xiaoyan, and went straight to the room to sleep after going to the bathroom.

Just when He Xiaoyan was about to go back to the dormitory to sleep when the wind was blowing, suddenly a pair of hands stretched out behind her, covering her eyes, and a familiar voice said, "Guess who I am?"

The voice was very low and deep, but because it was so familiar, He Xiaoyan could immediately guess that the owner of this voice was Lin Lin. She grabbed Lin Lin's hand and said, "Lin Lin, stop making trouble."

Lin Lin let go of his hand, appeared in front of He Xiaoyan, and said with a smile on his face, "What? Think I can't sleep?"

"Don't be stinky. Who misses you? I came out to blow some air because... because the weather was too hot and I couldn't sleep." He Xiaoyan said. Facing Lin Lin, she was naturally embarrassed to say this reason.

Lin Lin said: "Your stomach doesn't hurt, does it?" He could tell that He Xiaoyan's stomach still hurt, so he couldn't help reaching out and stroking He Xiaoyan's stomach, and at the same time, he directed a wave of true energy into He Xiaoyan's stomach In this day, the zhenqi circulated in He Xiaoyan's stomach for a week and then returned to Lin Lin's palm.

Seeing Lin Lin reaching out to touch her stomach, He Xiaoyan began to repel and feel a little scared, but when she felt a warm current flowing through her stomach, her stomach felt an indescribably comfortable feeling in an instant. It doesn't hurt anymore.She couldn't help asking in surprise, "Lin Lin...what did you do just now?"

Through the contact just now, Lin Lin also knew the reason for He Xiaoyan's discomfort. In fact, as a boy, he really didn't know much about the physical problems of girls. Therefore, Lin Lin couldn't help but blush when He Xiaoyan asked this question. , he said hastily: "It's nothing... just use true energy to clear your blocked meridians..."

He Xiaoyan lowered her head after hearing this, and after a while she said, "Have you not gone back yet? It's so late... I thought you had gone back!"

He Xiaoyan's words reminded Lin Lin of the purpose here, and he said immediately: "Xiaoyan, you go back to sleep, I will come to your dream and tell you something."

"What do you have to talk about in your dreams?" He Xiaoyan looked at Lin Lin in confusion and asked.

Lin Lin said softly to He Xiaoyan: "Well, this matter is a bit troublesome. It's easier to talk about it in a dream. It's about Hao Liang, Hao Liang's godfather Hao Renchi, and Wen Jiali. Be good, go to bed quickly, Only then can I enter your dream..."

He Xiaoyan nodded, and then said: "Okay, I'm going to sleep."

At dawn, the army's bugle sounded, and every student participating in military training had to get up.After washing up in a hurry, I went downstairs to concentrate.

After the morning run, there is an hour to rest and eat breakfast.

Hao Liang didn't return all night, so He Xiaoyan couldn't help worrying about her, especially last night in the dream, she learned about Wen Jiali and Hao Renchi's grievances, she was even more worried about Hao Liang.But now in the army, no matter how worried she is, she has no way to contact Hao Liang.

"He Xiaoyan..." At this moment, Wen Jiali ran over, patted He Xiaoyan on the shoulder and shouted.

He Xiaoyan glanced at Wen Jiali, and then said, "Wen Jiali...what's the matter?"

"It's nothing... let's go have breakfast together!" Wen Jiali said, "Huh? Didn't Hao Liang come back last night?"

"I didn't see her. Huh? Isn't she with you?" He Xiaoyan said, "I saw you back last night, but I didn't see her back. After you came back, you fell on the bed without saying anything. Sleep. Is it because I drank too much? Haha..."

He Xiaoyan remembered what Lin Lin told her, he had to pretend not to know about Wen Jiali's revenge, and at the same time be on guard against her.This Wen Jiali is an avenger, for revenge, she will not hesitate to hurt innocent people.

When Wen Jiali heard what He Xiaoyan said, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She thought to herself: "It seems that her boyfriend hasn't told her about seeing me... However, what happened last night made me feel When I woke up, it was like a dream, so unreal."

"Thinking about it carefully, how did this Lin Lin know about my revenge? You know, my revenge plan was also improvised, so how did he know about my revenge plan?" Wen Jiali felt more and more about this matter in her heart. Things were strange. She felt that what she experienced last night was really like a dream.

"Wen Jiali, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Wen Jiali lowering her head in a daze suddenly, He Xiaoyan couldn't help but pushed her and asked.

Only then did Wen Jiali come back to her senses. She looked up at He Xiaoyan, then shook her head and said, "I'm fine. I just remembered something... Oh, He Xiaoyan, where's your boyfriend?"

"He...he has something to do with his friends, and he just stopped by to see me. He should go to do things with his friends now." He Xiaoyan said, "He is not in good health...but he wants to Doing more things and earning more money really makes people worry about his health."

He Xiaoyan fabricated such a reason for Lin Lin impromptu, and then pretended to be worried.

Seeing He Xiaoyan like this, Wen Jiali said: "It's okay, a man should support his family. It's just that he came to see you and left..."

"Now the military training, even if he doesn't leave, what else can he do?" He Xiaoyan looked at Wen Jiali and asked, "Let's talk about it after the military training is over!"

Wen Jiali nodded.

When the two arrived at the dining hall, they each asked for a breakfast, then found a table and sat down to have breakfast.Because everyone had their own concerns, everyone seldom talked during breakfast this time.

They are not the only ones who are worried at the moment.And Lin Lin.

Lin Lin's people did not return to the imperial capital, but lived in the depths of Mulong Lake.

He sat cross-legged, looking solemnly at the Jade Buddha in his right palm.This Jade Buddha is not as simple as an ordinary Jade Buddha.

His consciousness told him that there was something sealed on it.And this thing is also inextricably related to him.To be precise, it is inextricably linked with the remnant soul of the phoenix that he once fused with.

A faint girl's voice came from the Jade Buddha. The voice came and went, and it sounded very familiar, so familiar that Lin Lin wanted to cry.

"Brother... Brother... Is that you? Brother..."

"elder brother……"

"Brother, I miss you so much, brother, where have you been..."

"Brother, do you know that I miss you so much, miss you so much..."

Lin Lin stroked the Jade Buddha and murmured to himself, "I miss you too, Xiao Zhu... Xiao Zhu..."

After Lin Lin finished speaking, his tears fell uncontrollably. At this moment, the jade pendant on his waist felt cool.

He seemed to be awakened by the coolness.

How is this going?

"Why am I so sad? Why?" Lin Lin quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, then stared at the Jade Buddha and asked spontaneously.

"Brother, have you forgotten Xiao Zhu?"

" don't want Xiao Zhu?"

The Jade Buddha's voice came from time to time again. As soon as the voice came out, Lin Lin's state of mind was disturbed again. Fortunately, Lin Lin's mental strength was very huge, and he quickly controlled this inexplicable sadness.Only then did his mood calm down slowly.

 Welcome to the appearance of Little Phoenix, who played a guest role in Qingtao Zhuhai, although it's just a bubble now, haha!

(End of this chapter)

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