Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 254 Be an Audience

Chapter 254 Be an Audience

"I don't have decent clothes either!" He Xiaoyan said hastily.She really didn't want to go to that kind of high-end place, especially to meet the godfather Hao Liang talked about.

Lin Lin smiled, and whispered into He Xiaoyan's ear: "Xiaoyan, the cheongsam I gave you is really beautiful to wear..."

Although He Xiaoyan couldn't see Lin Lin, her gaze was very resentful. How could there be such a boyfriend who wanted to send his girlfriend to the wolf.

"What are you afraid of? My godfather likes to help people the most, especially those poor students from the countryside. My godfather, the poor students who are subsidized every year, if there is no one hundred, ninety. Well, after going, I will ask my godfather to recognize you as goddaughters, and then buy you clothes...to help you go to college." Hao Liang said nonchalantly, "My godfather will definitely be happy."

Hearing the word "godfather", Lin Lin couldn't help feeling evil again, and he thought of the photos of "godfather" and "godfather" daughters on the Internet.

"Lin Lin, what should we do?" He Xiaoyan asked in his heart.She didn't want to go to any reception banquet.You know, what kind of godfather is this, maybe it's a wolf in human skin.

Lin Lin said to He Xiaoyan: "It's okay, there is a formation in the jade I gave you for body protection, if you feel dangerous, hold the jade in your hand, think of me, and I will appear to protect you .”

This jade power has the power of divine sense left by Lin Lin. Although it is just an incarnation of a phantom, it is more than enough to deal with ordinary mortals.However, this avatar is a one-time consumable item, once used, it will be gone.This jade had to infuse Lin Lin with the power of spirituality in his heart, so that he could reincarnate into a new virtual image.

After He Xiaoyan heard Lin Lin's words, her heart felt warm, and she said in her heart: "Lin Lin, if you are by my side, I won't be afraid of anything."

Lin Lin smiled and said, "When necessary, you can use your yin and yang eyes to scare Hao Liang's godfather. Hehe, I think if he is that kind of person, he must have something on him."

After hearing this, He Xiaoyan was speechless for a while.
Er said in his heart, "I haven't learned how to drive away demons, even if I see it, what else can I do?"

"You can introduce me to help! Haha, your parents will have the money to buy a house in Guilin." Lin Lin said, "By the way, there is nothing going on with your parents recently, right?"

He Xiaoyan said in his heart: "They are very good, and the old house has been sold. They will come here in two days. They plan to buy a house near our university town, which is a newly developed community. The price is much cheaper than in the city center. Our money should be able to pay for the down payment and decoration.”

"Lin Lin, thank you."

Lin Lin whispered in He Xiaoyan's ear: "Isn't your family's business my family's business? Isn't your parents my parents? Hey, where is the son-in-law who doesn't take care of his father-in-law and mother-in-law?"

After hearing this, He Xiaoyan's face turned red immediately, and she couldn't help but said in her heart: "Ignore you, you bastard, and deliberately teased me with words. How can there be a god as dishonest as you?"

Lin Lin deliberately said affectionately: "I'm just a mountain god, hehe, an earth fairy, haven't you heard of a mountain god marrying a wife?"

"Damn guy." He Xiaoyan couldn't help cursing in his heart, "You stinky bastard, is there a god like you? It's just ruining the image of a god."

"Ha ha……"

Hao Liang, who was next to her, saw He Xiaoyan lowered her head and blushed, and couldn't help laughing. She said, "He Xiaoyan, what are you thinking? You have a rosy face, don't you want to catch a wealthy son-in-law?" ? Haha! My godfather has a wife and children..."

What Hao Liang said didn't mean to look down on He Xiaoyan, it was just a joke with her.

Hearing Hao Liang's words, He Xiaoyan immediately raised her head and said, "Hao Liang, what nonsense are you talking about? I... just miss my boyfriend..."

Wen Jiali next to her asked gossipingly, "He Xiaoyan, do you have a boyfriend? Is he handsome? Is he tall and mighty?"

"I won't talk to you two guys anymore." He Xiaoyan stood up after finishing speaking, turned around and left the dormitory.

"Hey... this He Xiaoyan really can't help being funny." Hao Liang next to him couldn't help but said, "However, He Xiaoyan is so smart, her boyfriend is definitely not bad."

He Xiaoyan ran to the back mountain in one breath, and then found a place where there was no one.

He Xiaoyan said in a low voice: "Lin Lin, you can come out now..."

But Lin Lin didn't show up. She yelled several times, but she didn't see Lin Lin. She couldn't help being anxious, and said, "Where did this guy go?"

"Hehe, why do you miss me again?" Lin Lin suddenly appeared in front of He Xiaoyan and asked.

"Bad guy..." He Xiaoyan cursed with pouted lips, "He's trying to scare me again! Can you stop being so elusive?"

Lin Lin said: "Hehe, I'm a 'spiritual', I don't have a 'ghost'."

"Bad guys..." He Xiaoyan said happily, she was about to hit Lin Lin with her hand, but Lin Lin grabbed her hand.Lin Lin's eyes were fixed on He Xiaoyan, and the two of them stared at each other at this moment, without speaking for a long, long time.

Just when He Xiaoyan thought that Lin Lin would kiss her, Lin Lin suddenly said: "Xiaoyan, I suddenly thought of a good place, I want to take you there... But, I have never been to this place, um, you Wait a minute, don't go away, I'll go and have a look and I'll be back."

Lin Lin disappeared in front of He Xiaoyan again.

This made He Xiaoyan dumbfounded.

He Xiaoyan sat on the stone bench and waited for Lin Lin.The waiting time always feels very long. At the beginning, He Xiaoyan would turn on the phone every minute to check the time, and then it was 1 minutes...

In this way, He Xiaoyan waited for nearly an hour, and when she was a little anxious, Lin Lin suddenly appeared in front of He Xiaoyan again.

He looked at He Xiaoyan with a smile and said, "Go, I'll take you to a good place."

"Where?" He Xiaoyan asked.She was looking forward to where Lin Lin would take her just now, because the last time Lin Lin took her to the bottom of the sea, and came to the bottom of the sea for a romantic night trip, which made her feel as if she was in the sea every time she recalled this incident. Same in a dream.

"You'll know when you go." Lin Lin said with a smile, "Soon."

He Xiaoyan wanted to say something, but Lin Lin grabbed her hand, and Lin Lin grabbed her waist at the same time.In an instant, she felt that the scene in front of her had undergone a rotational change.

When she recovered, she was immersed in a sea of ​​flowers.The space is very blue, very blue. On the blue sky, there is a sun hanging, but the sun's rays don't seem too dazzling, because there are white clouds beside the sun, which cover the excess sunlight.

This world is a peaceful and beautiful world of flowers.

Wherever her eyes can touch is the sea of ​​flowers, a beautiful sea of ​​flowers, these flowers are not high, only reaching the knees, and the strangest thing is these words, which He Xiaoyan has never seen before.

"Lin Lin, Lin Lin..." Suddenly, He Xiaoyan realized that Lin Lin beside her was gone, and she couldn't help crying anxiously.

"Hehe, I'm here." Lin Lin suddenly appeared in front of her, and there was a steed with him. He led the steed, and stood in front of He Xiaoyan, smiling at her.

"Lin Lin, what is this place?" He Xiaoyan couldn't help asking, "Is this a fairyland?"

"En? Here... is my manor." Lin Lin said to He Xiaoyan, "If you insist on calling this a fairyland, you can. Come on, get on the horse, and I will take you to see my manor... "

As Lin Lin said that, he grabbed He Xiaoyan's waist, jumped up, and led her onto the horse.

Lin Lin rode a horse and took He Xiaoyan to gallop in this sea of ​​flowers. The feeling of chasing the wind and leaving the fragrance of the horse's hooves was really good.For a moment, He Xiaoyan's heart was filled with happiness.

The two kept running in this sea of ​​flowers for a long time until the sun set. Lin Lin brought He Xiaoyan to the edge of a cliff and watched the sunset with her.

When it was dark, He Xiaoyan reluctantly said: "Lin Lin, it's dark..."

"En." He Xiaoyan said, "I'm going back."

"Don't worry, the time here is different from the time outside." Lin Lin said to He Xiaoyan, "Hehe, the time here is one year here, and only one day in the outside world."

"Ah!" He Xiaoyan couldn't help but said after listening, "So good?"

"Of course. Alright, come with me! I invite you to my manor and enjoy the treatment of a young mistress." Lin Lin carried He Xiaoyan onto the horse's back as he spoke, jumped on the horse, and took He Xiaoyan away up.

Lin Lin carried He Xiaoyan on horseback, and the horse galloped quickly. After a while, they came to the gate of a huge villa.

Under the moonlight, this villa looks extraordinarily majestic and majestic. The vermilion gate rises from the ground. On both sides of the gate, there are two big lions. These two big lions seem to be alive, giving He Xiaoyan a feeling. Unbearable pressure.

"Yanran Villa" He Xiaoyan looked up at the plaque hanging on the vermilion gate, on the plaque were written these four big characters in gold script, she couldn't help but read.

On the vermilion pillars are hung the upper and lower couplets respectively: "Happy and free, there is nothing to do; happiness in the mortal world is a fairy scene."

"Open the door!" Lin Lin said loudly.

"Yeah!" The two huge vermilion gates of the villa slowly opened.

A group of servants and maids filed out from inside. These people were dressed in ancient costumes, and each of the maids was as beautiful as a fairy coming out of a painting.

"Who are they?" He Xiaoyan looked up at Lin Lin and asked.

"They are servants in my villa, hehe, they are not human?" Lin Lin said to He Xiaoyan.

"Then what are they?" He Xiaoyan asked inexplicably.

Lin Lin looked at He Xiaoyan and said, "They are left behind by the previous master, and they are Dao soldiers."

"What is a Taoist soldier?" He Xiaoyan asked again.

(End of this chapter)

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