Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 248 Contest (2)

Chapter 248

Hearing what the elephant said, Abi couldn't help but said: "Our dragon team is well organized and disciplined. Although we don't have much free time for private time, but Lin Lin, you are still a student now, and our dragon team will not treat you badly." Too demanding. The benefits of joining our dragon group are much more than the benefits of joining the ninth group."

Seeing that Lin Lin was still hesitating, Abi immediately said: "Joining the dragon team, you will find good opponents, and those opponents are something you can't usually find. This will greatly improve your practice." Helpful."

The elephant next to him said, "Our ninth group also has masters."

"Only you people are also called masters?" Qingqing who was on the side said disdainfully.

Abi saw that Lin Lin's complexion was obviously relaxed, and she continued: "Also, our dragon group also has contacts with certain sects in Kunlun Mountain, and they will provide our dragon group with panacea. These panacea are hard to buy of."

"The ninth group can't enjoy it." Qingqing added, "The ninth group is injured, and they have to ask me and my sister to help! Their resources are insufficient."

Regarding this matter, Lin Lin had already guessed in his heart, and now hearing Qingqing's words confirmed that his guess was true.This ninth group is indeed the baby of the little wife, so it is not welcome.

Abi continued: "There are also members of our dragon team who will have the opportunity to go abroad and take on the responsibility of protecting the country's first brother. Don't you like such exciting things?"

After Lin Lin listened to Abi's words, he couldn't help looking at the elephant next to him.

The elephant gritted his teeth, and then said: "Although our ninth group does not have so many resources, the people in our ninth group are united. The people in our ninth group are the most united. When you are fighting with others, the last thing you want to see What happened was someone from your own team stabbed you in the back!"

"No matter how awesome you are, you can't always guard against your own people! Therefore, having a good team is the most important thing. The people in our ninth group are all united."

Kui Niu next to him said: "Lin Lin, the unity of our ninth group is not comparable to that of the dragon group. If you are willing to join our ninth group, I believe you will gain many friends."

Qingqing curled her lips when she heard this.

But Yu Tie and Gao Tu beside him couldn't help being silent.

Seeing the silence of Gao Tu and Yu Tie, Lin Lin also fell silent. Now he can be sure of one thing, the Dragon Group should not be very united.

Lin Lin didn't want to be involved in the vortex of the dragon group, he said: "I choose the ninth group."

"Wait a minute, Lin Lin, although the outer members of the dragon group are not very harmonious, the core members of the dragon group are united and friendly. If you join the dragon group, I will propose to the boss that you be directly promoted to the core member , why don't you think about it?" Abi said immediately when she heard that Lin Lin had chosen the ninth group.She was unwilling to give up trying to win Lin Lin into the ninth group.

Hearing this, Qingqing couldn't help but said: "Lin Lin, you're about to agree. No one else can ask for such a good thing. The boss will 100% agree to the person recommended by my sister."

Yu Tie couldn't help but also said: "Lin Lin, you are really lucky. You are so favored by No. [-]."

Gao Tu also looked at Lin Lin in surprise, he walked over happily, stretched out his big hand and patted Lin Lin's shoulder, and said excitedly: "My boy, you are really amazing, many people spend their whole lives like that. Can’t join the core of the dragon team! Hehe, just like me, I have to go through a year’s assessment before I can join.”

Lin Lin couldn't help but smile wryly when he heard this.

Seeing Lin Lin wryly smiling, but not expressing his desire to join, Qingqing next to him couldn't help but said, "Why, aren't you happy? The core members of our dragon group are the most powerful. Even if the principal of your school sees you People who see us have to bow their heads. Those second-generation officials and rich second-generations have to give in when they see us."

"Such a good treatment, do you still dislike it?" Qing Qing asked.

Lin Lin decided to tell Abi and the others about one thing.Looking at the elephant next to him, he said, "They all call you an elephant, can I also call you an elephant?"

The elephant nodded and said, "Of course."

In fact, his team members would call him Big Brother.However, Lin Lin is not considered a member of his team for the time being, so it is not an exaggeration to call him an elephant.

"Xiang, Abi and I have something to talk about. Is there a house that is not monitored?" Lin Lin looked at the elephant and asked.

The elephant looked at the brothers next to him. The brothers all looked at Lin Lin suspiciously, but they found that Lin Lin's eyes were full of sincerity. He thought to himself that if this request was not met, it meant that they did not trust him.The elephant nodded and said, "No problem."

"Mickey, take him and Abi to the secret room." Elephant looked at Mickey and said.

Mickey shop nodded.After he finished speaking, he looked at Lin Lin, waiting for when Lin Lin would leave for the secret room.

Although Abi didn't know why Lin Lin wanted to invite herself to the secret room to talk, but she felt that Lin Lin should have something important to say to herself, so she couldn't help but hesitate.

"Sister Abi, can I invite you to the secret room? I have something to tell you." Lin Lin looked at Abi and asked.

Abi glanced at her companions beside her, and found that they were also looking at Lin Lin very curiously.

"Let's talk about it here! The people here, except the ninth group who are not from our dragon group, are all from our dragon group. I believe in our dragon group." Abi said to Lin Lin.

Hearing this, the elephant was slightly angry, and he seemed to say again: "Don't you believe us?"

Seeing that the elephant got angry, Abi said: "Of course, I also trust the people in the ninth group, so if you have anything to say, just tell us here. I think there is nothing wrong with the conversation between us." Can't see anyone."

"Really?" Lin Lin said with a wry smile when he heard this, "Sister Abi, maybe you don't know that there are traitors in your dragon team?"

This Abby is really too arrogant.Forget it, since she is not afraid of people knowing about the traitors of the Dragon Group, she is not afraid of speaking out.

Hearing Lin Lin's words, Abi lost her voice and said, "What did you say? There is a traitor in our dragon team? Who is it?"

"It's not convenient here." Lin Lin said and looked at the people around him.

"Well, this matter involves your dragon team after all, I think you should go to the secret room!" said the elephant.

Abi hesitated for a moment, then stood up and said to Lin Lin, "Come on, let's go to the secret room."

Mickey led Lin Lin and Abi to the secret room.

After closing the door of the secret room and opening all the shielding and defense systems, Mickey walked out.

Abi looked at Lin Lin and said, "Lin Lin, do you think there are traitors in our dragon group?"

Lin Lin looked at Abi and said, "Yes. That person should belong to your dragon team."

"What's his name?" Abi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she heard Lin Lin say the word "should".

Seeing Abi's relaxed expression, Lin Lin couldn't help laughing in his heart: "You're too happy, and next time, when you hear what I say, you probably won't be happy anymore."

"Sister Abi, is there a person in your dragon team with a strong sense of taste? Is there someone with a nose that can catch up to that of the Xiaotian dog?"

Hearing this, Abi was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Have you seen that person? What does he look like?"

"Yes." Lin Lin nodded and said, "His appearance is very ordinary, and I can't describe it for a while. It's the kind that you can forget him after seeing him once. I saw him when I was traveling in Vietnam. He, he was with a woman named ROSE. Working as a killer."

"My classmate Ma Xiaoming was in his kidnapping plan, but because of me, they didn't succeed." Lin Lin continued, "During the fight, I saw the dragon and the sharp sword on his right shoulder. You and Qingqing have the same tattoo on their right shoulders last night, so I ventured to guess that he is from the dragon group. However, this is all my guess. It may not be countable .”

After listening to Lin Lin's words, Abi did not express her opinion immediately, but fell into deep thought.

Abi couldn't help thinking: "ROSE? The code name is Rose Girl Killer? No. 11 is actually with him? No. 11 and No. [-] are good friends. If No. [-] is a traitor, then No. [-]'s disappearance must be related to No. [-]." No. related."

Lin Lin saw that Abi's face was cloudy and uncertain, and knew what he said, which shocked Abi so much.So I wasn't too anxious, but sat on the chair next to me and waited for Abi.

I don't know how long it took for Abi to recover.She said to Lin Lin: "This matter is of great importance. I have no way of judging whether your words are true or not, so the whole matter needs to be investigated. Please keep it secret for now."

Lin Lin nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will keep it secret."

Abi couldn't help but asked again: "That Rose's martial arts skills are not bad, how did you manage to deal with her?"

Abi and Rose met once, and felt that the fighting power of each other was no less than that of Tie and Gaotu.Although Lin Lin is a cultivator, he looks very weak. Is there any way for him to avoid the opponent's attack?You must know that the opponent's attack is the most direct and effective physical attack.

To some extent, physical attacks are more terrifying than magical attacks, because they are immediate.

Lin Lin smiled slightly, and then said, "Seeing is not necessarily believing."

He knew that Abi looked down on his frail appearance, so he didn't believe what he said, otherwise she wouldn't have such doubts.

After hearing Lin Lin's words, Abi looked at Lin Lin suspiciously.

Lin Lin said, "I'll let you see what my physical attack looks like?"

Some things, no matter how nicely said, are not as good as letting the other party see the facts, which makes the other party more convincing and shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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