Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 246 Write a spell

Chapter 246 Write a spell

"That's right!" Lin Lin said, "He even added a protective formation on me. If it wasn't for the shouting formation he added to me to protect me this time, I would probably be killed."

The elephant murmured, "Why can't I meet such a good master!"

The other five people watching the monitoring in the monitoring room looked at the elephant speechlessly.And Kui Niu said: "Everyone has their own destiny, big brother, you can't think of such a master."

The elephant suddenly thought of something, stood up and said: "I have some things to go first, I will trouble you to stay here for an extra day today, and tomorrow I will ask someone to sign a contract and a non-disclosure agreement with you. Time to send you out of here."

But Yu Tie couldn't help but said: "Wait a minute, are Abi and Qingqing alright?" He looked at Lin Lin while speaking.

He added: "They haven't woken up yet."

Lin Lin frowned and said, "Haven't they woke up yet? Could it be that they can't get out of the nightmare? This is a bit troublesome."

Yu Tie immediately put on a flattering face and looked at Lin Lin and asked, "Is there any way you can help them out of their nightmare?"

His intuition told him that the person in front of him must have a way to wake up Abi and the others.

Lin Lin said without concealing: "Actually, all you need is a wake-up talisman, ignite it, mix it with water and give them a drink, and they will wake up. It's just something like a nightmare. If you rely on external forces to wake them up, it's not them If they wake up on their own, this will still cause confusion in their hearts, and they will easily fall into nightmares once they encounter similar things in the future, which is very bad for them."

Yu Tie looked at Lin Lin and asked suspiciously: "You mean, it's better to let them wake up by themselves?"

"Yes." Lin Lin nodded and said, "That's right."

Yu Tie frowned and asked, "If they can't wake up by themselves, what should they do?"

Lin Lin immediately said: "No, everyone will wake up, it just depends on the length of time, and also depends on a person's understanding and obsession."

Yu Tie asked again: "Do you know the longest time, how long is it?"

Lin Lin thought for a while and said: "My master said that the time in the dream world is very different from the time in the real world. In the dream, there may be only one hour in the real world, or one day. It depends on the time of this nightmare. What kind. However, my master said that some people can stay in a dream for more than 3000 years without waking up."

"However, this person is going through a catastrophe. I think, Abi and Qingqing, they won't be so pitiful."

Yu Tie lost his voice and said, "3000 years? They have already been regarded as vegetative people."

Lin Lin was stunned, and so was the elephant beside him.

Yu Tie looked at Lin Lin and asked, "You mean the Awakening Talisman? Do you have it on your body?"

Lin Lin shrugged and said: "No. When I went out, I didn't think that these things would happen, so I didn't bring these things with me, but you can prepare things for me, and I can draw. Well, but I Think, there must be someone who can draw talismans in the dragon group! I don’t need to do this for me!”

Yu Tie said: "There are experts..." However, that is our boss, if I disturb him, I will definitely be scolded.He continued to look at Lin Lin and said, "However, it's too much trouble, you should draw the Awakening Talisman!"

Lin Lin said, "Bring the talisman!"

"What do you want?" Yu Tiema asked.

"Cinnabar, yellow paper, and the Rootless Yin-Yang Water that hasn't landed yet," Lin Lin said.

Yu Tiema looked at the elephant and said, "Elephant, someone in your ninth group has something like this!" Kui Niu must have something like this.

The elephant said, "Yes, I'll have someone deliver the things later."

When Kui Niu in the monitoring room heard this, he couldn't help standing up, and said to the people around him, "I'll come when I go."

He soon arrived at the door of the apartment where Lin Lin lived, and coughed outside the door.

The elephant looked through the glass window and saw that it was Kui Niu who came and said, "Come in! Demon King!"

Kui Niu walked in. He looked at Lin Lin with a serious face, then stretched out his hand and said to Lin Lin, "My name is Kui Niu, and everyone calls me Demon King, which means Bull Demon King. Our ninth group is sorted according to twelve Sort by zodiac."

Kui Niu continued: "If you and your sister come here, the dragon and snake should be in line."

Lin Lin said: "Dragon and snake? The order of the twelve zodiac signs?" He didn't reach out to shake hands with the devil, but touched his chin with his hand and said, "It's not appropriate to call me a dragon or something. Wynn should be called a dragon!" Or snakes are fine too.” Anyway, her parents were dragons and snakes.

"Phoenix doesn't appear in the Chinese zodiac, so should I be called a chicken?" Lin Lin wondered.

Seeing that Lin Lin didn't shake hands with him, but rubbed his chin with a troubled look, Kui Niu couldn't help but coughed and asked, "I said, you don't mean to lose face on purpose, do you? Don't even give me a chance to shake hands?"

At this moment, Lin Lin regained his composure, and was about to shake hands with Kui Niu.

During the handshake, Lin Lin found out that the other party was secretly fighting, using the aura in his body to oppress himself. He couldn't help but think in his heart: "Is this guy testing me?"

But Lin Lin ignored it, because Lin Lin's sense of oppression from the other party's spiritual power was too small. This feeling was like someone putting a straw in Lin Lin's hand to test Lin Lin's weightlifting ability. , the effect is negligible.

Lin Lin's ignorance caused the aura from Kui Niu's hand to enter Lin Lin's hand, and then disappeared like a drop of water into the vast ocean.

Kui Niu was not reconciled, and continued to inject more aura, he must increase Lin Lin's sense of oppression.

Lin Lin said helplessly: "You don't need to try again. If you try again, your body's spiritual energy will be exhausted, and it will not affect me in the slightest. Is it so easy for you to cultivate this little spiritual energy to protect your body?"

Lin Lin didn't care, he practiced Taiji Dao, the ancestor of the Dao, he can be compatible with any Taoism, and naturally he can also be compatible with the aura obtained from any Taoism, but the other party will be miserable. The aura of the other party enters Lin Lin. In Lin's body, the meat bun beats the dog and never returns.

After hearing Lin Lin's words, Kui Niu looked at Lin Lin in astonishment and said, "What's going on? Why did my aura enter your body, like a dragon entering the sea, without any trace. "

Lin Lin deliberately shrugged and said, "What do you think?"

Kui Niu cursed secretly in his heart: "If I knew, would I still ask you?" Although he scolded like this in his heart, he still said: "Can you tell me?"

"This is very simple. Master once enlightened me and washed my dantian with spiritual energy, making my dantian larger than any of you. I haven't practiced too many exercises in my sect. There is very little aura, so any aura added to my dantian is like raindrops falling into a thirsty desert, do you think you can still find it?" Lin Lin said, "Of course, this is not the same as my dantian. It has something to do with my special physique, Master said, my physique is compatible with the aura obtained from any sect."

Kui Niu was stunned, and couldn't help but said: "There are people with such strange physiques in this world." Now he also understands why there are peerless experts who are interested in this young man's physique. , that is simply a rare genius in a thousand years.

Both Yu Tie and Daxiang knew that Kui Niu was tempting this young man, so they turned a blind eye to it at first. After all, they also wanted to know the depth of this young man. When they saw Kui Niu tempting Behind the other party, they looked dazed. They all knew that this young man was indeed very powerful.

The elephant asked, "Demon King, do you have something to draw a talisman on?"

Only then did Kui Niu remember his purpose of coming here, and he said: "I came here just to talk about this matter. I can also draw this sobriety talisman, but the effect probably won't wake up the two of them. Cinnabar, I have rootless yin and yang water and yellow paper here."

"That's because your skill is not enough." Lin Lin couldn't help but said, "You bring your things here, and I can draw them for you on the spot."

"However, I want three pieces of yellow paper, because I want to draw three Awakening Talismans."

"Three? Oh, you want to draw one for your friend Ma Xiaoming too?" Kui Niu said.

Lin Lin nodded and said, "Well, there are too many dark things in his heart. If you don't wake him up, I guess he can't do it well, and he will really sleep for 3000 years."

Everyone was stunned.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to get the yellow paper, rootless water and cinnabar..." Kui Niu finished speaking and went out.

After a while, he brought all these things.

In front of everyone, Lin Lin divided the rootless water into two, took one part to freeze, and one part to boil, then put it in an unused copper dish, mixed it, and washed it. The Langhao pen sent by the cow.

Lin Lin looked at the wolf hair pen, and couldn't help but said: "This pen has been around for a while, um, is it made of the wolf king's brow and rhino hair? I can feel this pen when I get it. The spirit is gone."

Kui Niu said, "A family heirloom."

After Lin Lin washed the Langhao brush, adjusted it properly with rootless water and cinnabar, he laid out yellow paper, dipped the Langhao brush in cinnabar, and wrote the spell in one breath in public.

Writing a spell is all about being done in one go, because when writing a spell, the spirit of the person who wrote the spell is all focused on the tip of the pen in the hand through the human hand. Once there is a break or is interrupted, then this spell is Obsolete, has no effect at all.

After Lin Lin wrote three talismans in one breath, there was no gap at all. After he put away the pen, he rubbed his forehead and said, "Hehe, it's really troublesome. I wrote three talismans in one breath, and I feel a little dizzy. Look Come on, I shouldn't write three talismans in one go."

(End of this chapter)

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