Chapter 243
Yu Tie looked at Kui Niu and asked, "Why are they in a coma? And look at their appearance, there are beads of sweat on their foreheads, and their faces are pale. They look so miserable, no matter how they look, they don't seem to be all right? Are you sure they're all right?"

Kui Niu nodded and said, "I can assure you that they are really fine."

The elephant looked at Lin Lin and asked, "What happened to them? You should be very clear, young man!"

Lin Lin could tell that this well-dressed guy should be responsible for this group of people. He didn't want to offend him right now, but shrugged and said, "It's nothing, I just fell into a nightmare. Ghosts can't directly hurt people." , but to create fear in people through illusions, and in the end hurt themselves, or hurt others with the help of others."

"Then why are you alright?" White Rabbit looked at Lin Lin and asked.Since he came in just now, his eyes have never left Lin Lin, as if he wanted to see through the young man in front of him.

Maybe because everyone is young, White Rabbit always feels that the person in front of him is not an ordinary person.It should be well-behaved, and it should be much more powerful than Kui Niu.The disappearance of those ghosts is probably due to this young man.He guessed that this young man should be the expert that Kui Niu said.

Lin Lin said: "Because I have an object to ward off evil spirits on me, but they don't, so I got caught."

"Don't worry, the five of us sat upright according to the five elements and formed a five-element formation. The evil spirits can't hurt them. They just let them fall into a nightmare, and they will be fine after waking up from the dream." Lin Lin continued.

"Who is he?" Gao Tu pointed at Ma Xiaoming and asked Lin Lin.

"My friend and high school classmate." Lin Lin said, "Didn't I just say that? My friend and I came here to eat and met Miss Qingqing and her sister. Because I had a relationship with Miss Qingqing once, so Miss Qingqing If you want to show the friendship of the landlord, invite us to dinner."

"Who knows, they came here for another mission, and they didn't tell us! We didn't get enough food, and were attacked by evil spirits instead. Hey... It seems that there is no free lunch for antennas..." When Lin Lin said this, he couldn't help sighing.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Mickey looked at the elephant and asked.

"Let's take them away first!" Elephant said.

"Take it with you?" Mickey asked.

"Take it away together." Elephant nodded.

Mickey asked again: "What about the owner and waiter of the restaurant?"

"Together," said the elephant.

Lin Lin was taken away by this group of people in a black cloth bag. Wynn and Ma Xiaoming, who was lying unconscious on the ground, were also taken away.

Wynn was very resistant to the black cloth pockets at first, and he refused to be put in the pockets by these guys. Lin Lin felt Wynn's struggle and reluctance, so he couldn't help saying: "Wynn, don't be naughty, let them put the pockets on." ! That's their rule."

My brother has already spoken, the cute little loli, even if she is reluctant, she has no choice but to let those guys put a black cloth bag on herself.

What is the difference between a small black cloth pocket cover and no cover?Even without eyes, one's spiritual consciousness can still spy on everything around and leave marks.

Because Huai En is Lin Lin's younger sister, these people did not embarrass Huai En, but placed her and Lin Lin in a suite with only one exit.

This house has one bedroom and one living room. Apart from being unable to communicate with the outside world, there are surveillance cameras in every corner of the house, even the toilets. It makes people feel uncomfortable that their privacy is being peeped at. There is nothing else .

At least there is TV to relieve boredom, and there is enough food for Wynn, a foodie.

Lin Lin knew that the monitoring in this suite was very powerful, monitoring his every move from 360 degrees without blind spots, so he didn't use any spells.

Besides, he didn't need to use any spells.After he explained a few words to Wynn, he sat down cross-legged and meditated.On the surface it looks like he is meditating, but in fact he has entered the sea of ​​consciousness and practiced the "Hundred Ancestral Witches" that he just obtained.

Lin Lin's Tai Chi realm is not low, and Tai Chi is the originator of the Dao of the world, so the spells in "Ancestor Wu Baijue" can be practiced very smoothly.It would take others several years, or even decades, to cultivate a successful spell, but he only needed to spend a short day and night to cultivate successfully.

Lin Lin meditated calmly and calmly, so that everyone in the monitoring room couldn't help frowning.

"Devil King, since Lin Lin entered this room and confessed to his sister, he has been sitting cross-legged for a day and a night without moving..." Mickey looked at Kui Niu and said, "What the hell is this guy doing?" what are you doing?"

"It seems that he is adjusting his breath." Kui Niu said, "He must have lost a lot of mana after dealing with the siege of those evil spirits, so he meditated and adjusted his breath." I don't think so, because other people meditate and adjust their breath, they all need luck to be comprehensive, but this one in front of him doesn't even talk about luck, even his hands are motionless, the whole person is like a piece of wood.

If it weren't for the fact that I knew his existence and noticed him all the time, it would be difficult for others to discover his existence at first glance, because he didn't feel like a living thing, but like a person in this room. Furniture without life.

Elephant obviously felt the same way with Kui Niu, he said, "Kui Niu, haven't you seen his primordial spirit go out of his body?"

Kui Niu shook his head and said, "No."

The elephant said: "But why can't I feel the existence of life in this person? He seems to be integrated into this house, like air, and people can't feel his existence."

Kui Niu said: "It seems that this person's cultivation state of mind is very strong, and he can integrate into all environments. Elephant, if we capture him this time, it might bring us a powerful enemy."

Yu Tie next to him couldn't help but said, "Hey, what are you two talking about? What powerful enemy?"

Gao Tu also looked at Kui Niu and the others in puzzlement. He scratched his head and said, "Isn't he just a ten-year-old kid? It's not surprising that he just sits there as soon as he enters the room. Isn't he Do you meditate for one day and one night? It is also very common for our boss to meditate for three days and three nights."

Although these two people are supernatural beings, all they can feel is the fluctuation of aura, but Lin Lin's body does not have such fluctuations, so they regard Lin Lin as an ordinary person, and have no idea how powerful Lin Lin is. .

Although there were some things that made the two of them feel that there was something weird about this young man, but this kind of weirdness didn't make them feel that powerful.

At this moment, the silent Nanhu spoke. He stroked the body of the puppet with his hand, and said, "Xiaoling said that there is a terrifying formation in this person's body, and there is also a kind of majesty of heaven and earth. As long as Xiaoling gets close He, without touching him, she could feel her heart beating..."

Hearing Nan Hu's words, Yu Tie couldn't help but said: "It's just a female ghost who doesn't enter reincarnation. As long as this person is full of blood and open-minded, she will be scared. You can believe her words! However, this guy has an amulet on him, so it should be real."

Elephant and Kui Niu didn't want to argue with the dragon group, so they chose to keep their mouths shut.

And Mickey and the others kept silent because of the eldest brother, so they couldn't say anything more.

Gao Tu pointed to Wynn in the surveillance and said, "Compared to the boy named Lin Lin, I think this girl named Wynn is more suspicious."

At this time, everyone noticed the existence of Wynn in the living room, and everyone turned their attention to Wynn.

Wynn is watching cartoons quietly in the living room at the moment, looking obedient and obedient.

Mickey said: "It's nothing, children like to watch cartoons, so what's the matter?"

She is just a four-year-old child. What else does such a big child like besides cartoons?Of course, she doesn't cry or make trouble, and her well-behaved and cute appearance is indeed a bit special than ordinary children.

And the white rabbit also said: "Yes, she has nothing!"

Gao Tu pointed to another image on the surveillance screen and said, "Hey, hey...Look, there's nothing there yet? What is this? Look..."

Seeing the picture Gaotu pointed at, everyone was stunned.

God, what's going on here?The bread machine that automatically dispenses bread is empty, and the table is a mess, with large and small packaging bags on it... The most incredible thing is the dozen or so empty cans on the table... Hey, hey , that's for wine.

"What's the matter with these things?" White Rabbit couldn't help asking, "That person named Lin Lin, from the time he entered the room to now, should not have moved a day and a night."

"Yes, when I was in charge of surveillance, he didn't move. I can be sure." Nan Hu said very positively.

Mickey also said: "Me too!"

"Then who ate these things? Don't tell me that this little girl ate them!" The white rabbit said, "How is this possible? This little girl is only so old, how could she hold so many things."

Just when everyone was still wondering, Wynn, who was still watching cartoons, suddenly put down the remote control and stood up.

She went to the living room, opened the refrigerator, and found that the refrigerator was empty, and there was nothing to eat in it. She couldn't help frowning. Next, she walked to the front of the automatic bread dispenser and pressed the release button, but the bread The machine has long been empty, where is the bread.

Seeing that there was no food, she couldn't help but sat on the ground and cried, "I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I'm hungry...I'm hungry...I want to eat, I want to eat..."

Seeing the little girl playing petty temper, the elephant said to the white rabbit: "White rabbit, go find something to eat for this little girl!"

"Okay." The white rabbit said.After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

A dozen of bread was placed in front of Wynn, Wynn didn't even think about it, he picked up the bread and gnawed it. After eating a dozen of bread in one breath, she called: "I want to drink water, I want to drink water..."

The white rabbit brought her a large bucket of pure water.

She drank two sips of purified water, then stopped drinking, sat down on the ground, and shouted shamelessly: "I want to drink juice, I want to drink juice..."

She yelled a few times and found that the white rabbit ignored her. She just now cried with pear blossoms on her face and said: "I drink fruit juice, I want fruit are all bad guys, don't give me fruit juice...I want fruit juice ..."

Seeing Wynn, who changed his face faster than posting a book, everyone present was stunned.Is this child still that well-behaved and cute little girl?This temper is really a headache.

"Why is this child so difficult to take care of!" Gao Tu couldn't help but said in the monitoring room, "He's just as virtuous as Qingqing."

The elephant said to the white rabbit through the walkie-talkie: "White rabbit, go get her juice..."

"Okay." The white rabbit responded after receiving the order.He looked at Wynn who was sitting on the ground and said, "little sister, big brother is going to get you juice. Don't cry."

"I still want beef jerky, chocolate, instant noodles, candy, and bread...I'm not full yet, I'm still hungry..." Hearing this, Wynn finally stopped crying , but said so many snack lists in one breath.

The white rabbit's face twitched faintly. He really wanted to scold the child, but seeing her pitiful look with tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes, the white rabbit endured it, and he said with a smile: " Okay, I'll get them for you, then don't cry... Obediently wait here for big brother, big brother will get you something delicious."

When the white rabbit came in with a big bag of snacks and a bucket of fruit juice, the little girl Wynn jumped up happily and said, "Okay! Finally there is something to eat!"

The white rabbit casually put a bag full of snacks on the table, and carried the juice to the juice machine. When he filled the juice, he took a cup and filled a large glass of juice for Wynn. Thank you for bringing the juice Handed it to this girl, but when he turned around, he was stunned.

Because the table full of snacks disappeared.All that was left was wrapping paper all over the floor, and a little girl sitting at the table hiccupping.

This... what's going on here?She actually ate all of these?

"How is this possible? Don't be joking? How long has it been since she came in just now? Can she actually eat so much in one go?" The white rabbit was stunned, and he felt that he was not calm at this moment.

When Wynn saw the juice in the white rabbit's hand, he immediately said, "I want to drink juice, I want to drink juice..."

The white rabbit sent the juice over in a daze.

Wynn picked up the cup and drank the juice upside down in one breath. After she finished drinking, she hiccupped, then touched her swollen belly and said, "I'm so full, I'm so full... I'm so happy to eat this time !"

(End of this chapter)

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