Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 222 Another Little Lolita

Chapter 222 Another Little Lolita
Lin Lin couldn't help touching Zijinlong and said, "Okay, little Jinlong, can you become a human now?"

"Turning into a human form?" Zi Jinlong said, "Of course."

This is the difference between the Shenlong clan and the mortal beast clan. Since the birth of the Shenlong clan, they have had the cultivation level equivalent to that of monsters.Especially the five-clawed purple gold dragon in front of him, its muscles and bones are even more impressive, it should be the physique of a real fairy.

In a flash, it turned into a child who was only four years old or five years old, and he was still wearing no clothes.

A head of long black hair, a pair of bright big eyes, a tall nose, small lips, a little pink face, snow-white skin, very delicate, so cute and beautiful no matter how you look... Wait... Lin Lin's His eyes fell on the child, and his cheeks turned red immediately.

Lin Lin finally found out the problem. The Zijinlong-changing child didn't have the parts that a boy should have. He cried out in surprise, "You're a girl?!"

Xiao Jinlong looked at Lin Lin with big eyes blinking and said, "Well, I'm a girl?"

The corner of Lin Lin's mouth twitched for a while, and he thought to himself at the same time: "It's okay, it's okay, I rejected Mrs. Bai's proposal, otherwise this little loli will marry me as a wife or concubine? How can I do this?" ?”

Lin Lin said, "I thought you were a little boy."

Xiao Jinlong pouted and said, "Do you dislike me for being a girl?"

While she was talking, tears were about to fall from her eyes. Seeing this, Lin Lin quickly shook his hand and said, "Why? You are so cute, I won't despise you." After Lin Lin finished speaking, in order to express himself He didn't dislike this little golden dragon, and immediately took her into his arms with his hands, and hugged her up.

But he is hugging a naked little girl, which looks very evil!He said immediately: "Wait a minute, I'll find you some clothes for you to wear."

Finally, Lin Lin raised his eyes to look, and finally his eyes fell on the eggshell next to him.This is the eggshell of a dragon egg. The whole body of a dragon is full of treasures, so its eggshell is naturally also a treasure.Can make very powerful armor.

Lin Lin smiled and said, "Yes, this is it."

With a single finger, Lin Lin turned the eggshell into a set of skirts that a modern little girl should wear.He said softly: "Little Jinlong, be good, put on your clothes first."

Xiao Jinlong pouted and said, "But I don't know how to wear clothes, brother, can you dress me for me?"

Lin Lin's face twitched, and he said, "Just this time, you have to learn how to dress yourself in the future, because you are a girl. Do you understand?"

"Oh!" Xiao Jinlong said unwillingly.

Lin Lin managed to put on the clothes for Xiao Jinlong, and then tied her long hair back into a ponytail.

This little girl's hair is really good, it's black and dense, and it feels really good to the touch.

Lin Lin glanced at the well-dressed little golden dragon, nodded and said, "Well, this looks like an ordinary human little girl."

"It's just that you're a girl. It's really too vulgar to call you Lin Jinlong." Lin Lin seemed to have thought of something again, and couldn't help talking to himself.

Lin Lin thought for a while, and said, "Well, the girl is a girl... I want a more elegant and gentle name, so I can call you Ziguang, Zixin, Zier, Xiaozi... a little bit?"

Xiao Jinlong was not satisfied after hearing all Lin Lin's names, she pouted and said, "It's so ugly, why don't I have such an ugly name?"

Lin Lin said helplessly, "Then what's your name?"

Xiao Jinlong looked around and saw the glittering gold and silver treasures all over the floor. Finally, her eyes fell on a small purple jade ring. She said, "My name is Huanhuan. What do you think?"

Lin Lin froze for a moment, shook his head and said, "It's not that good."

So the two of them thought about this name for a long time. Finally, when Lin Lin saw the eggshell and thought of Mrs. Bai's last words, he said with emotion: "Let's call it Wynn! Don't change it! Just Call it this name."

Hearing this name, Xiao Jinlong felt that the name sounded good, and couldn't help asking: "Brother, this name seems to have a deep meaning, what is the deep meaning?"

Lin Lin said: "Thank you for your kindness!"

Xiao Jinlong finally nodded and said: "This name is good, I am grateful for my kindness! Okay! My name is Wynn."

She secretly felt that the name must have a deep meaning.However, it seems that my brother is unwilling to say.

Lin Lin touched Xiao Jinlong's small head, and said softly: "Wynn, my brother wants to go to the mortal world to experience, you must follow him to the mortal world? Because my brother is really worried about letting you here alone."

You must know that the whole body of a dragon is full of treasures, and the little golden dragon in front of him is a young dragon after all, and has no ability to protect himself. Lin Lin is really worried about letting her here.

Xiao Jinlong pouted and said, "But my mother and I have lived here for many years! I really hate to be here!"

"When I have time, I will bring you back here, do you think it's okay?" Lin Lin asked softly.

Xiao Jinlong nodded, and she said: "Okay, I will listen to you, brother. You are my only family member, so I want to be good."

In fact, when Xiao Jinlong was about to be born, she heard her mother's voice, that voice told her that after she was born, she should follow whoever she saw, be obedient and so on.

Lin Lin put all the things piled up in the treasury into an empty room in Xumijie, and then left with the little golden dragon in his arms.In fact, Lin Lin felt that it would be a waste to put these things here. It would be better to receive the Sumeru Precepts. Sometimes a penny would be difficult for a hero, and his cultivation is inseparable from money.

When Lin Lin hugged the little golden dragon and left, he could be moved to a certain place in the sea, with a pair of eyes watching them leave, those eyes were so reluctant and sad.Lin Lin knew that it was White Snake watching her daughter leave.But what can he say?

Maybe when the little loli grows up and has the ability, I can tell her about it myself!Tell her now, it's really bad for her.She was still a child after all.

The emperor is the capital of the entire celestial dynasty, with a prosperous dragon aura, a boiling popularity, and a powerful divine power to protect it.Therefore, the emperor is a place where ordinary monks dare not act wildly.

Although Lin Lin was a mountain god, he didn't dare to ride the clouds and fog above the imperial capital without any scruples. Instead, he returned to his room not far from the emperor by using the magic movement technique invisibly.

Lin Lin put little Lolita on his bed, and said softly, "Wynn, this is your home."

Wynn looked up at the surrounding environment, and couldn't help saying, "It's so small here!"

You must know that this is only a room of about fifteen square meters, so it is naturally not comparable to the cave under the White Snake.Lin Lin said with a wry smile: "No way, this is the imperial capital of the celestial dynasty, every inch of land is expensive...It is not bad to have such a small house. However, if you really want to live in a big house, my brother will find a way for you .”

Wynn pouted and said, "brother, why do you want to experience in the world? Mom said that people in the world are becoming more and more treacherous, not as simple as before. "

Lin Lin was stunned, and said for a while: "Well... There are good people in the world. Well, Wynn, I heard from my brother..."

Immediately, Lin Lin told Wynn a lot about the world, and made an agreement with her for three chapters.The first one is not being able to show the original form in front of mortals; the second one is not being able to use spells at will, unless you encounter some danger and you have to use spells; the third one is not being able to run around, you have to listen to him.

Wynn said: "Mom said, let me listen to my brother in everything, and I will listen to my brother."

At this moment, Wynn's stomach made a "cuckoo" cry. She touched her stomach, looked at Lin Lin and said, "Brother, I'm hungry."

"Uh, wait a minute, I'll go get you something to eat." Lin Lin just remembered that this girl hadn't eaten since she was born out of her shell, so he couldn't help but stood up and said.

He opened the door and found that Ma Xiaoming was not in the living room.Lin Lin couldn't help frowning, thinking to himself: "Where did this Ma Xiaoming go? Why isn't he here? Forget it, let him handle his affairs!"

After searching around in the kitchen, Lin Lin frowned and thought to himself, "Didn't this guy cook anything today?"

Forget it, take Wynn out to eat!
Taking the little loli out of the house, Lin Lin took the little loli's hand and looked at several restaurants. Finally, Lin Lin set his sights on the buffet of a certain restaurant.

80 yuan per person.Such a price is considered very cheap in the imperial capital.

Lin Lin took the little loli in and came to the counter. He hugged the little loli and looked at the lobby manager who collected the money and asked, "Does this child want to collect money?"

The manager of the lobby is a woman in her 30s. She glanced at Wynn in Lin Lin's arms with a small mouth pouting. No matter how she looked at her, she thought Wynn was cute. She said, "What a cute little sister, how old is she this year?" gone?"

"I... I was just a thousand years old..." Wynn said in a crisp voice.

A black line appeared on Lin Lin's forehead, and he quickly said, "Children don't know how to count. She is just four years old this year, my sister."

"It's only four years old, so cute!" The lobby manager couldn't help reaching out to pinch Wynn's little face, and said enviously, "What a cute little girl...she looks so cute."

Wynn doesn't like people pinching her cheeks very much, so she can't help but look at Lin Lin aggrievedly.Lin Lin said awkwardly: "Look, for a child like her, does she have to charge for the buffet?"

"Children who are less than one meter tall will not be charged. Is she one meter tall?" the lobby manager asked.

Lin Lin put Wynn down and let Wynn stand next to the ruler. Wynn's height is really less than one meter, and he is only 2 centimeters short of one meter.

(End of this chapter)

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