Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 195 The Truth in Memories

Chapter 195 The Truth in Memories

At this time, the waiter brought up the breakfast they ordered.

"It's 07:30?!" Zhu Pingan said, "Everyone, let's have breakfast! After breakfast, get on the boat to see the sea view!"

"Eat breakfast!" Lin Lin also said with a smile.

The sea view of Halong Bay is really good, it can be called a fairyland on earth.Moreover, Lin Lin could also feel that this place had faint aura, and it could be seen that this place was once a place of immortality.However, judging from the current thinness of aura, this place should have been abandoned.

In such a place where the aura is thin, there should be no more immortals living, and there should be no immortal mansions.

On the boat, he tried to strike up a conversation with Lin Lin several times in a cold manner, but Lin Lin always turned to other topics, and Zhu Pingan, who was next to him, no longer underestimated Lin Lin as before.

In his opinion, if it doesn't work out, his Zhu family is likely to cooperate with Zhao Xiangfei in the future, and then Lin Lin is likely to be trained by Zhao Xiangfei as his successor.

Zhao Xiangfei has been married three times, but has no son, only one daughter, who is said to be about the same age as Lin Lin.If Lin Lin becomes Zhao Xiangfei's son-in-law in the future, the entire Zhao Group will fall into his hands.

Lin Lin naturally also noticed the change in Zhu Ping'an's attitude towards him. He didn't have the previous contempt, and his words became more polite.But Ma Xiaoming still didn't dare to get too close to him as before.

Lin Lin didn't feel much about this.He is now thinking about how to face the next danger.He had to explain their relationship with Ye Qianqian face to face.

Ye Qianqian is a nice girl, except for a little bit of jealousy, everything else is good.

Lin Lin turned his head and glanced at Zhu Pingan who was standing on the deck of the yacht. He was telling some unknown jokes and wanted to make Leng Bingbing smile. Sometimes, Lin Lin really envied these two people.

Maybe a mortal's life is very short, but he can live a wonderful life.

Immortals may have endless lives, but most of the time they are cultivating, sprinting through bottlenecks one after another. Some immortals have given up many beautiful things for the supreme spells and powers.

Thinking of this, Lin Lin couldn't help laughing at himself. He thought: "I won't give up the things I like for the sake of supreme rights and spells. Otherwise, what would I need those things for?"

"Lin Lin, you...what are you laughing at?" Ma Xiaoming next to him couldn't help asking when he saw Lin Lin's weird smile.When he finished speaking, he couldn't help but leaned back a little, thinking to stay away from Lin Lin.

"It's okay. I was just thinking about some funny things. I understand now." Lin Lin said with a smile.

Ma Xiaoming showed a strange look, he didn't believe Lin Lin's words!
"Let's go, the two of us go over there to see the beautiful scenery." Lin Lin said as he walked over and patted Ma Xiaoming on the shoulder.

Ma Xiaoming was forced onto the bow of the boat by Lin Lin, facing the wind, looking at the beautiful scenery of Halong Bay.When Ma Xiaoming began to miss the beautiful scenery, Lin Lin asked coldly: "Ma Xiaoming, do you remember a girl named Ye Qianqian?"

"I...don't know." Ma Xiaoming shook his head and said.

"Think about it carefully." Lin Lin said, "This girl was hurt by you and almost died."

Hearing this, Ma Xiaoming's expression changed suddenly, and he said, "What?"

How many people did this Ma Xiaoming kill?I really despise being with such a person, but it is a pity that my identity is now this person.

Lin Lin couldn't help frowning, and then said: "Think about it, your soul has merged with his memory, you should know about this girl."

After all, this memory is not the real memory of Ma Xiaoming in front of him, but from Ma Xiaoming in the past, so it is inevitable that he will not be able to remember it.

Ma Xiaoming thought for a while and said, "My memory doesn't have this girl's name."

Seeing that Ma Xiaoming still couldn't remember, Lin Lin couldn't help reminding him: "At the beginning of the year, on your birthday, she appeared at your birthday party, Pearl Hotel, K song, you were drunk, and then..."

Hearing this, Ma Xiaoming had such a fragment in his mind, and he suddenly said: "I remembered, there is such a fragment in this guy's memory, he drank a lot of wine, but he hasn't completely drunk yet. Drunk, and in the middle of the scene, there was a girl who was very beautiful, with a good figure, wearing a miniskirt and a low-cut dress, because he came with someone else, and he didn’t know the girl’s name at the time, so he just Filled that girl with wine, and put some condiments in the wine..."

Seeing that Ma Xiaoming stopped talking here, Lin Lin frowned and asked, "What happened afterwards?"

Ma Xiaoming said hesitantly: "Later...later...this guy, this guy, grabbed this girl and wanted to pull this girl to the toilet..." He was red-faced when he said this, almost saying no out of words.When he recalled this incident now, he felt astonished and disgusted... In fact, at this moment, his lower body already had a manly reaction.

Lin Lin didn't care about these at all, and asked, "What happened?"

Ma Xiaoming closed his eyes and thought hard. After a while, he said: "She bit this guy, opened the door of K Song's room, and ran out... The situation at that time was a bit chaotic, and this guy's memory It was even more chaotic, and for some reason, the two ran to the top of the building, and then the guy forced the girl to submit, but the girl refused, and he hugged the girl and refused to let go. During the scuffle, The girl bit him again, as if he had pushed the girl violently, who knew that the girl stepped on a mineral water bottle, and then the girl turned backwards, as if she had fallen from the top of the building. fell down..."

"However, there is another floor below the roof of the Pearl Hotel, so the girl did not fall downstairs, but fell onto the roof of the next floor..."

"He saw the girl fall and hit the ground on the back of her head, bleeding from the fall, and he was so frightened that he passed out. That's all he can remember about this incident. It's gone."

Lin Lin nodded and said, "I see."

Ma Xiaoming looked at Lin Lin very anxiously, he didn't know why Lin Lin asked himself these questions for no reason.

Lin Lin asked, "Nan Keyeng, I guess this girl is coming to seek revenge."

"What?" Ma Xiaoming said in surprise when he heard this, "To seek revenge? Are you looking for Ma Xiaoming?"

"En." Lin Lin nodded and said, "Yes."

"But he is already dead." Ma Xiaoming said immediately, "He did this thing, and it has nothing to do with me!"

Lin Lin smiled bitterly. If it wasn't for Ma Xiaoming, he wouldn't know Ye Qianqian, and if he didn't know Ye Qianqian, he wouldn't be in such a troublesome situation now.Although this Ma Xiaoming was dead, he brought him a lot of trouble.

"But the other party doesn't know." Lin Lin looked at Ma Xiaoming and said.

Ma Xiaoming immediately grabbed Lin Lin's hand, and said nervously: "Then please, please let her know, okay?"

Lin Lin said: "She didn't just come here this time to look for you, but she also came here mainly to look for me."

"What?" Ma Xiaoming was stunned, and said for a while, "What's going on?"

"It's very simple, I saved you." Lin Lin looked at Ma Xiaoming and said, "And I saved her too."

Hearing this, Ma Xiaoming breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "It's a human!" As long as it's a human, it's easy to handle, and it's fine if it's not a ghost.

"No." Lin Lin said, "She is not a mortal now."

"Not a mortal?" Ma Xiaoming looked at Lin Lin in confusion and asked, "What is that?" Could it be that Lin Lin is also a fairy like this?

But how is it possible?How could the god be pushed downstairs by that guy and fell to his death?

"This...you will understand this when you see this later," Lin Lin said.

Hearing this, Ma Xiaoming was almost scared to pee. He grabbed Lin Lin's hand and said, "You must save me, you must save me."

"I will try my best to help you talk. But, you also know that if you use this guy's body, you must more or less bear the corresponding karma." Lin Lin looked at Ma Xiaoming and said.

"Lin Lin, I beg you, you must help me, I beg you..." Ma Xiaoming almost cried.His hand tightly grasped Lin Lin's right hand, and his pitiful appearance attracted many tourists nearby to look at them.

At this time, Leng Bingbing and Zhu Ping'an also came here, just in time to see this scene.

Coughing coldly, she felt that Ma Xiaoming was probably begging Lin Lin to help him, or begging Lin Lin to forgive him for his mistakes back then, begging for forgiveness.But in front of so many people, this seems a little too much, others don't know, they really think that the two of them have such an affair!

Zhu Pingan said with a bit of embarrassment: "You two...you...can you restrain yourself...this is a foreign country!"

Lin Lin looked at Zhu Ping'an and said, "It's nothing, it's Ma Xiaoming who is begging me to borrow money, and I said I have no money."

When Zhu Pingan heard this, he immediately said: "Ma Xiaoming, you asked Lin Lin to borrow money. You got it wrong! Although Lin Lin had some money, he gave it to He Xiaoyan. How can he lend you any money? You are about to let go gone."

Lin Lin said: "Yes, if you want to borrow money, you have to ask a rich second generation like you to borrow money. It is a waste of time to ask a grassroots like me to borrow money, because I have no money at all."

Ma Xiaoming stopped quickly, looked at Zhu Ping'an and said, "Manager...I'm sorry, I was just..."

Naturally, he couldn't tell what he was doing just now.The fewer people know about such things, the better.

(End of this chapter)

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