Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 191 Journey to the Deep Sea

Chapter 191 Journey to the Deep Sea
Lin Lin said to He Xiaoyan, "Close your eyes."

He Xiaoyan thought to himself: "Is he going to kiss me?"

Her heart was pounding, but he kept his eyes closed.A lovely look that you can pick and choose.

She felt that Lin Lin hugged her around the waist with one hand, and her whole body seemed to be lifted off the ground. She felt the wind blowing by her ears, giving her an indescribably cool feeling.

"Okay, now you are about to open your eyes." Lin Lin said to He Xiaoyan.

When He Xiaoyan opened her eyes, she was taken aback.

"Ah, what is this place?" She asked, looking around in horror.She felt as if she was in a ball, it should be a glass ball, and the outside of the glass ball was covered with water, as if she had been put into a glass ball and put into the sea.

"Don't move around." Lin Lin said, "This is the sea. I'll take you to see the underwater world."

He Xiaoyan glanced at Lin Lin who was standing next to her, and found that Lin Lin at this moment felt so different from the Lin Lin she usually saw.The temperament is completely different. At this time, Lin Lin feels so far away.

"Lin Lin, this is..." He Xiaoyan looked at Lin Lin with some confusion and asked.

"This is the 'water-avoiding ball' formed by the water-avoiding formula. You and I are both inside." Lin Lin looked at He Xiaoyan with a smile and said, "Well, sit down." Sit down in the "water polo".

Although He Xiaoyan was a little scared, he sat down with Lin Lin.

Lin Lin put his arms around He Xiaoyan's shoulder and asked, "Do you like it?"

"I like it, but I'm a little scared." He Xiaoyan said.After all, it was the first time she had such an experience, and it felt like a dream.

"It's okay." Lin Lin said, "Look, I'll take you to the bottom of the deep sea to see..."

But when He Xiaoyan saw Lin Lin's hand turn slightly, she realized that the "water-avoiding ball" she was sitting on was like a speeding Mercedes-Benz, heading towards the deep sea, and the speed was so fast that it dazzled her.

She couldn't help asking: "Lin Lin, so soon... where are we going?"

"Of course I'm going to the deep sea. Don't you want to know if there is a dragon palace in this world? Actually, I want to know too, so let's go find it together." Lin Lin said to He Xiaoyan with a smile.

When He Xiaoyan heard Lin Lin's words, he couldn't help but tightly grasped the corner of Lin Lin's clothes, and said, "But I'm afraid..."

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you!" Lin Lin grabbed He Xiaoyan's right hand with his left hand and said softly.He found that the palm of He Xiaoyan's right hand was covered with sweat.

Along the way, He Xiaoyan was able to see the seascape outside through the protective layer of the water polo. At the beginning, it was still a blue sky, but later on, he could see groups of fish, as well as jellyfish and octopus swimming around. Fish, she was no longer afraid, but became excited.

"It should be in the deep sea. This should be the high sea area." Lin Lin said to He Xiaoyan, "We have been heading southeast, and this should be the high sea. The underwater world here should be the most beautiful and richest Yes. Shall we go and see?"

He Xiaoyan asked nervously, "Lin Lin, have we really reached the open sea?"

"Yes." Lin Lin said to He Xiaoyan, "And we should be at a depth of about five meters underwater. Do you want to go deeper?"

"Is it possible?" He Xiaoyan asked.She was a little nervous, holding Lin Lin's arm tightly with both hands.

"Of course!" After he finished speaking, he waved his right hand lightly, and the whole water-proof ball suddenly plunged and sank toward the depths of the seabed. At first, they felt that the light was still bright, but as the water-proof ball Gradually, the light in the sea water became dimmed.

After realizing that the surroundings had started to become pitch black, He Xiaoyan grabbed Lin Lin's hand nervously and said, "Lin Lin, don't sink any further, I can't see anymore..."

It was only at this time that Lin Lin remembered that He Xiaoyan was a mortal and could not see in the dark. Unlike him, the darkness had no effect on him at all, and he could see objects in the dark world out of the corner of his eyes.He said to He Xiaoyan: "Wait a minute, I will take out something to illuminate you."

Lin Lin immediately took out the Phoenix Stone from the Tai Chi Ball.

"Wow, it's very bright!" He Xiaoyan was almost blinded by the bright light of the Phoenix Stone, and she couldn't help covering her eyes with her hands, covering part of the light.

Hearing He Xiaoyan's words, Lin Lin immediately controlled the Phoenix Stone, making its dazzling light much dim, only as bright as a [-]-[-] watt light bulb.

"What is this?" After He Xiaoyan's eyes gradually adapted to the bright light, she saw the Phoenix Stone in Lin Lin's hand, and she asked strangely.This thing looks like a sun, but although the light it emits is dazzling, it doesn't burn people at all. It is cold light.

"It's the Phoenix Stone." Lin Lin said, "Okay, now you can see the outside world!"

After a day and a night of absorbing the agate with fire aura, this phoenix stone is no longer the original round stone, but has become what looks like an eggshell. The appearance of the formed, unhatched chicks.And that agate lost its fire aura, and turned into a crystal clear agate, which was very beautiful.

Although He Xiaoyan felt that the Phoenix Stone was strange, but after a closer look, she found that it was just like a bird that hadn't emerged from its eggshell, so she didn't have much interest in it.Instead, he was attracted by the light-colored glazed seabed scenery outside the "water-avoiding polo".

When she saw the beautiful coral groves outside, beautiful tropical fish, and all kinds of unnameable and recognizable creatures on the bottom of the sea, she couldn't help but grow her mouth and eyes wide.

"What a beautiful seabed." He Xiaoyan couldn't help but said.

"Yes! It's a pity that I don't study biology. I really can't name these fish and seaweed." Lin Lin said with a smile.

"Wow, look, Lin Lin, look, is that thing an octopus? It can actually pretend, it just pretended to prey on a small fish...Look, it's going to prey again..." He Xiaoyan was somewhat said excitedly.

Lin Lin smiled and said, "That's right... octopuses are good at disguising..."

The two of them took a casual tour of the bottom of the sea and saw the predation process of many animals in the bottom of the sea. They also saw jellyfish that can glow in the deep sea. Some jellyfish can glow, and they emit light to attract certain fish. Or plankton approach them and then prey on them.

"Lin Lin, look, there are sharks, there are sharks coming, and not one, but two!" Suddenly, He Xiaoyan saw a huge monster swimming towards here in front of her, and she couldn't help but exclaimed .

Lin Lin glanced at the two sharks swimming over, and then said to He Xiaoyan: "Don't worry, they are not enough to hurt us. Just watch..."

After Lin Lin finished speaking, he waved his hand lightly, suddenly, a wave surged in front of the sharks, and swept away the two sharks swimming towards here in an instant.

"Don't worry now, right?" Lin Lin asked He Xiaoyan with a smile.

He Xiaoyan nodded happily.The two of them watched the underwater scenery for a long time, but no matter how beautiful the scenery was, they didn't feel much.So Lin Lin couldn't help asking: "Have you seen enough?"

He Xiaoyan actually wanted to continue watching, but seeing that Lin Lin seemed a little bored, he couldn't help but nodded and said, "En."

Lin Lin said, "Then let's go to the sea to get some air."

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand lightly, and the water ball quickly floated up. He Xiaoyan felt a strong weightlessness. When He Xiaoyan recovered, she was already on the surface of the sea.

Looking up at the endless sea, looking up is a sky full of stars.

She was in the "water balloon" and couldn't sink. She felt like she was in a dream.She said: "What a beautiful starry sky, Lin Lin, don't you feel it?"

"It's very beautiful." Lin Lin nodded and said.When he ascended, he had already put the Phoenix Stone back into Tai Chi.On the surface of the sea, although it was darker, but because of the starlight, he and He Xiaoyan were very close, and He Xiaoyan could see him.

What's more, since we are admiring the stars, if there is a [-]-watt light bulb around, it will affect the beauty of appreciating the stars.

The stars in the sky are shining beautifully.

"The stars here are much more beautiful than the ones we usually see." He Xiaoyan said, she couldn't help but lie down in the Tai Chi ball and look at the starry sky.

When Lin Lin saw He Xiaoyan lay down, he also lay down.

He said: "Of course, the starry sky here is not polluted, and there are no dazzling lights in the city, so the starry sky here looks extraordinarily clear, extraordinarily bright and peaceful."

Just as the two young lovers were admiring the beautiful starry sky over the sea, they suddenly heard a gunshot.

"Da da da"

"Da da da"

It was Lin Lin who heard the gunshot. His hearing was much better than that of ordinary people. He immediately sat up from the Tai Chi ball.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Lin Lin sitting up suddenly, He Xiaoyan asked as she also sat up, grabbing Lin Lin's hand nervously.

Lin Lin looked at He Xiaoyan and said, "Xiaoyan, there are gunshots."

"There was a gunshot?" He Xiaoyan asked suspiciously. She pricked up her ears, but she couldn't hear anything. The sea was very quiet, and there was no sound.

"You can't hear it. You are a mortal. You stay here and wait for me? Or come with me to have a look?" Lin Lin looked at He Xiaoyan and asked.

He Xiaoyan grabbed Lin Lin's clothes and said, "I want to follow you."

(End of this chapter)

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