Chapter 184
"Lin Lin, I regard you as a good friend. Now that Bing Bing is in trouble, are you reluctant to borrow this pendant for two days? What kind of friend are you?!" Seeing that Lin Lin is so stingy, I wish you peace Immediately upset, he said angrily.

"Bingbing is also my friend, so I will help her if she is in trouble." Lin Lin said, "But I can't borrow this pendant randomly."

When Zhu Pingan heard this, he took Bingbing's hand and said, "Bingbing, let's go! Tonight, you live with me, and I will protect you! Ignore this stingy guy!"

But Leng Bingbing broke away from Zhu Ping'an's hand, and she said: "Okay, young master Zhu, don't force others to be difficult, now my bowing head has been solved, and it was Lin Lin who helped me, if there is no Lin Lin, I can be safe Standing here without incident? How can you lose your temper at others casually!"

"Manager, I think you should send Ms. Leng Bingbing to the downstairs room to rest. After all, Ms. Leng Bingbing has just been safe and weak just now." Ma Xiaoming next to her also said.

Hearing this, Zhu Pingan said: "Okay, I'll send Bing Bing down to rest. Since this happened, tonight's activities are temporarily cancelled. However, I said I would treat you to seafood. I've already made an order, everyone pack up and go down!"

Zhu Pingan held his cold hand and said softly, "Go, I'll take you to rest!"

Leng Bingbing's head was indeed a little dizzy, and her steps were a little frivolous, but she was still not used to being supported by Zhu Ping'an. She said, "I don't need your help. I still have things to pack!"

Turning her face coldly, she said to Lin Lin, "Thank you."

Lin Lin smiled and said, "It should."

Leng Bingbing smiled slightly, He Xiaoyan saw Leng Bingbing's frivolous footsteps, she hurried over to support Leng Bingbing.She said to Leng Bingbing: "Bingbing, please sit down first! I'll help you pack your things."

While she was speaking, she helped Leng Bingbing to the edge of the bed and sat down, then began to pack the things in the room, preparing to move to the room below.

The girl was packing her things, because some things belonged to the girl's body, and the three big men were too embarrassed to stay in the room, so everyone went outside.

"Hehe..." Zhu Pingan looked at Lin Lin with a charming smile and said, "Lin Lin, I have something to discuss with you. Let me lend that pendant to Leng Bingbing for a few days! Well, I will give you money for three days a day. Thousand? How?"

Lin Lin looked at Zhu Pingan helplessly, and then said, "Master Zhu, some things are not about money. I will not leave this pendant. Don't ask me."

"Why are you so stingy?" Zhu Pingan said angrily, "I invited you and your girlfriend to play, but you don't even want to borrow a pendant, isn't it just a few days? You won't mess with your pendant." leave."

Lin Lin said: "The pendant is something my master gave me, and I will not lend it to others casually. So, please stop talking about it."

At this time, Leng Bingbing and He Xiaoyan came out carrying things.

Ma Xiaoming hurried over to support Leng Bingbing. Before he left, he gave Lin Lin a stingy look.Facing his gaze like this, Lin Lin could only smile helplessly.

"Xiaoyan, go down and rest too!" Lin Lin said to He Xiaoyan.

He Xiaoyan hesitated for a moment and said, "Lin Lin, why don't I just stay here with you tonight, and give the room below to Ma Xiaoming... Do you think it's okay?"

Ma Xiaoming almost blurted out "Great", but seeing Lin Lin's cold eyes, he immediately said: "Xiao Yan, you are a girl's house, you should live down here! This is not suitable for you."

"Xiaoyan, you and I are alone... at this time, we are in the same room, which doesn't seem very good." Lin Lin whispered to He Xiaoyan.

He Xiaoyan blushed when he said that.It took her a long time before she recovered and said, "I'm still worried about you..."

Seeing He Xiaoyan, still worried about herself, Lin Lin stuck to her ear and said, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

After seeing off He Xiaoyan, Leng Bingbing and Zhu Ping'an, Lin Lin dragged Ma Xiaoming into the room, closed the door, and put his luggage aside.Ignoring Ma Xiaoming who was sitting cautiously by the bed, he went to the glass of the toilet and said to his virtual image in the mirror: "You release Bingbing's soul, and I will spare your life according to the agreement. This is not the case. owed."

After Lin Lin finished speaking, he tore away the taboo of painting the ground as a prison in the room.

"You still have credibility." The virtual image in the mirror said.The virtual image in the mirror was Lin Lin himself, which felt weird.Mirror demons are not like other monsters, they have a shape and appearance, they have no shape and appearance, and they mostly appear in the appearance of others.

"I just want to know, why did you hurt Bingbing?" Lin Lin asked, looking at the virtual image in the mirror.

"Hey, why?" Xu Xiang couldn't help laughing and said, "What did you say!"

"Mirror demon," Lin Lin said, "I just promised to spare your life. If you make me angry, I don't mind breaking the mirror and ruining your only exit."

"Hmph, even if you break this mirror, do you think I have no other way out? Tell you, you are wrong. As long as there is a mirror, I can come out." Xu Xiang said unceremoniously.

"Sure enough." Hearing what the mirror demon said, Lin Lin seemed to understand something, and couldn't help but said, "Tell me, who made you do such a thing? You and Leng Bingbing have no grievances or enmity, absolutely It may hurt her. She is just an ordinary mortal, although you are a demon, but the demon world already has rules, and the demon world must not interfere with the affairs of the human world."

The virtual image also realized that it had slipped up, and it covered its mouth.After a while, it put down its hand, and its eyeballs kept rolling around, and suddenly put on a proud smile and said: "This time I failed in my mission. But as I said, the mirror is The most reputable, so you don't want to know any news about this matter from my mouth. Huh, you want to ask me something from my mouth, you are dreaming!"

While talking, "Lin Lin" in the mirror was acting cute and coquettish on purpose, looking like I'm cute and arrogant, which made Lin Lin's goosebumps rise.

"Okay, I don't ask who sent you here, I just ask you, do you want to attack Bingbing?" Lin Lin asked with a frown.He knew that the mirror demon deliberately made such a coquettish and cute appearance in order to let himself relax his vigilance. Lin Lin didn't understand its purpose for a while, so he looked at the mirror demon more cautiously.

"Since the mission has failed, naturally I won't do it again." The mirror demon said, and he showed a cute smile again while speaking.

He didn't know if it was the mirror monster's problem or Lin Lin's mentality. He always felt that "Lin Lin" in the mirror was really a fake girl. He probably wore a wig and a skirt, so she must be a cute girl.

Lin Lin said to himself: "This mirror demon purposely appears in your appearance, just to disturb you, you don't pay attention to him, no matter how much he mocks your image, you don't care about it."

After Lin Lin thought of this, his mentality really eased. He still looked neither cold nor indifferent. He looked at "Lin Lin" in the mirror and said, "That's good."

"However, don't be too happy, she offended my little master, my little master will not let her go, and someone else will take care of her." "Lin Lin" in the mirror didn't get angry when he saw Lin Lin , he deliberately covered his cheeks with his hands, showed a cute smile, and said proudly.

I don't believe that you can persevere. If I use your appearance to pretend to be cute, I don't believe that I can destroy your three views.

Lin Lin's mentality was indeed corrected, so he directly ignored the cute mirror monster and listened carefully to what the mirror monster said.Anyone else?Suddenly Lin Lin thought of something, and he said, "You mean there are other monsters?"

"That's right." The mirror demon raised her head proudly and said, "Hmph, do you think the matter will end like this? If you offend my little master, the matter will not end like this."

Hmph, pretending to be cute can't make him feel sick, can it?Then change another way.That would hit his confidence.

The mirror demon looked at Lin Lin triumphantly, and it wanted to hit the person in front of it.It really wants to see Lin Lin panicked, because the mental power of the person in front of him is really too strong, and he is too calm. Only when the other party is panicked and confused, this is the consciousness that it invades the other party. It's a good opportunity to make the other party fall into chaos. Once the other party's consciousness is in chaos, then it's a good opportunity for you to show your skills.

Lin Lin couldn't see what the mirror demon was thinking, but he didn't care, because he wouldn't follow the other party's way.Lin Lin learned from the biography of the Mountain God Seal that the mirror monsters are all monsters that focus on mind control. Like the dream monster, they can create a world that looks like a real one, and trap the soul of a person in it. Different terrifying things, or wonderful things, make people's primordial spirit sink into it, so as to achieve the effect of destroying the primordial spirit.

Lin Lin's mental state has been trained to be extremely strong in the dream space of the succubus, so how can he be afraid, let alone fear.He looked at the mirror demon and said: "Even you are called the little master, it seems that this person is not simple."

How could Leng Bingbing, an ordinary mortal, offend such a powerful boss?Make this big boss not give up until he kills her?And it seems that it is not a simple killing, but the kind of killing that wants to erase the soul.

How much hate is this?
"Of course!" said the mirror demon proudly. "After her ability is awakened, she will be even more powerful! I advise you, you are just an ordinary human monk, so don't meddle in your own business."

(End of this chapter)

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