Chapter 173 Sensation
Li Taian stared blankly at the chess game.He said with a wry smile: "I didn't expect that the way of life that Fujisawa found out after thinking for three or ten minutes was completely ruined by the other party. It seems that the other party has already seen where Fujisawa's only way of life is, and I have already thought of a countermeasure. Who the hell is this Carrying Child Millennium?"

I don't know why I have a kind of anticipation, hoping to meet him, sit face to face on the chessboard and have a good fight.

But if the other party treats me like Fujisawa Hidekawa, what kind of reaction will I have!Can I find a way out calmly like Fujisawa-kun?

I'm afraid it's hard.I guess I will be driven crazy by this horrible chess game.

And Fujisawa Hidekawa, who was sitting by the computer, turned even paler, because the other party let him down, without even thinking about it, completely cut off his own way of life, and he knew that he really lost.It seems that when he was looking for a way to survive, the other party had already found a way to survive before himself, and even thought of a way to cut off his way of life.

"I lost." Fujisawa Hidekawa wrote on the message board.

He threw in the towel.

He lost this game of Go.The moment Touzi conceded defeat, he felt his own relief.This feeling was something he had never had before.

"Thank you for your advice." Lin Lin wrote on the message board.

"Who are you?" Fujisawa Hidekawa suddenly wanted to meet this master in the online world, so he couldn't help writing on the message board.

"I am me, carrying a child for thousands of years." Lin Lin wrote after thinking for a while.Give people enough mystery, so that the other party will be curious and have a sense of expectation.

After saying this, Lin Lin withdrew from the game.And turn off the Go network.

That's all for today.Lin Lin looked at the time on the computer, it was already 58:[-].What to do with the remaining three hours?

For some unknown reason, Lin Lin suddenly had another bad taste. He clicked on again, but he didn't log in, but took a look at the reactions of everyone on as a tourist.

He browsed to the China section, and saw that the top post of the moderator actually reported the announcement of the game between "Xianzi Qiannian" and Fujisawa Hidekawa in the early morning of the 20th.

I looked at the time of the post, and it turned out to be past four o'clock yesterday.It seems that after Fujisawa Hidekawa proposed to play against himself, the moderator posted the game.This moderator is probably one of the audience who watched him and Li Taian yesterday!

Lin Lin looked at the content of the post, and he couldn't help laughing.

The moderator was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and said that the reason why Fujisawa Hidekawa challenged "Xiangzi Qiannian" was due to self-esteem, and wanted to defeat "Xizi Qiannian" to prove his ability.

There are many provocative words in the speech, and it can be seen that the moderator is either a patriot or a troublemaker who likes to make news.

This kind of post made many Chinese chess players who played chess on follow the post.

There is an elegant message: "Come on! Support Xiezi Millennium!"

There are rude rumors: "Fuck, fuck the little RB!"

Master Gufeng's message: "'Carrying children for a thousand years' can see a strong Chinese style from your Go. In your Go, I have seen the inheritance of Chinese Go for thousands of years. I hope to have a game with you."

Master RB Kigu Shinichi left a message: "'Xiangzi Qiannian'-kun, because I don't know your real name, allow me to call you like this, after watching your game with Fujisawa-kun, I found that there is a very old and old Go in your Go Very young existence, so I hope you can have a game with me."

Master Li Cang from South Korea left a message: "Seeing the game between you and Mr. Fujisawa, I know that your chess skills are extraordinary, and I am eager to play a game with you. Whether it is online or in reality, the time is up to you. Korea Lee Cangqi."


Lin Lin browsed carefully, and there were actually more than ten masters who wanted to challenge him, which made him a little excited and also a little ecstatic.

However, after he drifted away, he frowned again.

In fact, he really wanted to accept the appointment, but if he accepted the appointment so readily, there would be no suspense.This way there is no sensational effect.

For the sake of Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, Lin Lin suppressed his thoughts and decided to temporarily disappear from the Internet for a period of time.However, the missing time can't be too long, just a month or half a month.When I get to school, buy a computer, and then play against these seniors.

Lin Lin thought for a while, and then logged into

Leave a message under this post: "Thank you for the great love of the masters, but the boy has been entangled in mundane affairs recently, and it is estimated that he will not be able to accept the kindness of the masters in a short time. Please give the boy a little time to deal with mundane affairs, at least half a month, or as long as one Months. Or come to visit, or learn online.”

After Lin Lin finished leaving a message, he switched to the Go gateway.

Lin Lin didn't know that his message caused another wave on the Internet.

Gufeng and Mu Guxin glanced at each other after seeing such rumors.Gu Feng said: "Jun Mu, don't you want to go back to RB next week? Seeing such a message, do you still want to go back to RB?"

Mugu Shinichi said: "My Honinbo title match hasn't started yet. It will be October. I plan to wait until the title match starts before I go back. Gu Jun, I guess I will stay at your house for half a month. I don't know if Gu Do you welcome my uninvited guest?"

When Gu Feng heard this, he laughed and said, "Welcome, welcome, of course you are very welcome."

"The next month will disturb Gu Jun!"

On the other side, Li Cang said to his disciple Jin Shangyong: "Shang Yong, you can go and find out what is my Go game at the beginning of next month? I may go to China at the beginning of next month."

Hearing this, Jin Shangyong couldn't help but said: "Teacher, why are you so anxious? You have some competitions at the beginning of next month."

"The old guy Gufeng is in BJ." Li Cang said, "If that 'carrying son for a thousand years' comes to visit, he will definitely go to his door."

"But teacher, you will have a mentoring match for beginners at the beginning of next month. How do you arrange this?" Jin Shangyong asked again.

"The novice guidance competition? Go and ask me, can it be postponed? If not, then push it for me." Li Cang said immediately.

"But teacher, didn't you say that this year you want to dig out some good seedlings to inject fresh blood into our Korean Go world?" Jin Shangyong reminded.You must know that the teacher only agreed to the chess academy yesterday.

"Where did all the nonsense come from? I said, if it can't be postponed, I will push it away." Li said very unhappy.

"There is also a very important Go game in the middle of next month, which is the final of the ten-dan game." Jin Shangyong said again.

"In the middle of the month? I should be back in time." Li Cang said.

"Teacher..." Jin Shangyong looked helplessly at his self-willed teacher, but his teacher didn't give him a chance to say yes, but said very bluntly: "Stop talking, it's almost dawn now , you go to rest! Help me book a plane ticket tomorrow."

"Okay! Teacher, go to bed early! I'm leaving!" Jin Shangyong stood up after finishing speaking, and bowed to leave.

After Li Cang saw the students leave, he turned off the computer, then stood up, and wanted to turn off the lights. Before turning off the lights, he thought of Gu Feng's surprised expression when he saw him, and he couldn't help laughing.

"I won't let you this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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