Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 163 Dragon Group (1)

Chapter 163 Dragon Group ([-])

Although Lin Lin knew that the other party was following him, but he purposely kept silent, and ran into a box with this person, into the alley, and when he reached the corner, Lin Lin turned into a blue light and fled directly. into the ground.

Among the five elements, his earthy cultivation is Dzogchen, so he can escape into the earthy substance anytime and anywhere without being affected.

The person following Lin Lin obviously saw Lin Lin running into this alley, but after turning a corner, he couldn't see anyone. He couldn't help feeling strange, and searched back and forth, left, right, left, and right for a while, but still couldn't find him. When it came to Lin Lin, he couldn't help but said to himself: "Where is the person? Why did he disappear all of a sudden?"

You must know that this alley is a dead end with no exit.However, there are only two buildings next to this alley, but one of these two buildings is the back door of a certain building, and the door is locked with a thumb-sized iron chain. The lock head and the iron chain are rusty and mottled, and they look very close. No one moved.The other building is the back door of a residential building. Although this door is also closed, it can be opened as long as there is a key.

"Could it be that this person lives in this building?" The person who followed Lin Lin looked at the residential building and couldn't help talking to himself.

He thought for a while, and then looked around to see if there were any surveillance cameras, and found that there was no surveillance here. He couldn't help but said, "Anyway, I know where he probably lives, so I can explain it when I go back now."

The man turned around and went back.Lin Lin escaped from the soil after seeing this person leaving in the soil.Next, he chanted an invisibility spell and followed the person invisibly.He wants to find out who is following him and what purpose he has.

Lin Lin followed the man through several streets, and finally the man looked around and felt that no one was following him, so he walked into an ordinary-looking pharmacy.

The boss of the pharmacy saw this person coming in, and said with a smile on his face, "Boss, what do you want?"

"Any angelica?" the man asked.

The owner of the pharmacy said, "Yes. Do you want Chinese medicine or oral liquid?"

"Chinese medicine." The man said.

"Do you want new medicines or old medicines? We have new medicines here, just collected, and some are older angelica." The boss continued.

"It would be nice if it was older." The man said.

"Okay, come with me. I'll take you to the back to see the medicine." The boss said with a smile.After he finished speaking, he ordered the clerk next to him to take a good look at the store, and then led that person into the pharmacy through the small side door.

Lin Lin also went in with the shop owner.

The small pharmacy looks too ordinary from the outside, but there is another dark room hidden in the pharmacy.

After the boss entered the inner room, he pulled a few medicine drawers, and the white wall next to the medicine cabinet cracked automatically, revealing a small door that could only allow one person to pass through.

The man walked in and nodded to the owner of the pharmacy before entering. After the owner of the pharmacy took him in, he moved the cabinet and closed the door.

Fortunately, Lin Lin was invisible, otherwise he wouldn't be able to follow him in.

After entering the small door, there is a staircase going underground, which is about two floors deep before reaching a large space.The layout of the space is no different from the living room of ordinary people, with a sofa, a coffee table, a large LCD TV, a bookshelf, and a computer host next to it.

Moreover, Lin Lin was also surprised to find that there were bedrooms and toilets next to this space.

No matter how you look at such a place, it looks like a rich single person's apartment.It doesn't look like a contact base at all.

After the man returned to this space, he seemed to press a switch, turn on the light in this space, and illuminate the large living room. He took off his shoes, changed into slippers, walked to the refrigerator next to the living room, opened the refrigerator and He took out a carbonated drink inside, and then sat on the sofa.

Pressed the remote control and turned on the LCD TV hanging on the wall.

However, what appeared on the LCD screen was neither a TV series nor an advertisement, but a logo composed of a huge dragon head and a sharp sword. After the logo was split into two, a middle-aged fat man appeared on the screen. .

"Number Seven, you are finally back." The middle-aged man said.He is over 50 years old, chubby, looks very loving, like a Maitreya Buddha.

The man said: "Boss, I have found a clue about what you asked me to investigate."

The middle-aged man asked: "Very well, what did you find?"

The man took out what looked like a USB flash drive from the pocket of his clothes, then plugged it into the main computer of the computer next to him, and called up a series of photos. Lin.

"This man..." said the man, "he smells like Number Seven."

"A child?" said the middle-aged man. "This child looks very young."

The man said: "Yes, I'm also thinking that this kid didn't do it. NO.11's martial arts are super strong. It is impossible for an ordinary child to hurt him, let alone kill him. I guess, NO.11 is dying. I must have met this child somewhere before, so this child has the smell of NO.11."

"Have you found out the identity of this child?" the middle-aged man asked.

"I just came back, before I had time to check, you came to ask me." The man said helplessly.

"Okay, let me know when you find out. No. [-]'s vital signs have disappeared, and now even his body has disappeared." The middle-aged man nodded and said, "We must find out what is going on .”

"Okay, I know what to do," said the man.

The person on the screen disappeared, and then turned back to the main screen of the computer.

"No. 11, NO.[-], this looks like a number." Lin Lin probably knew these people in his heart, and the dragon head and sword logo that appeared on the screen seemed like a certain authority .Lin Lin was very curious about the identities of these mysterious people.

This No. [-] scanned Lin Lin's head in the photo into the computer, and then searched online, and found more than a dozen people whose faces and appearances were somewhat similar to those after the disguise.

"The similarity is 75%. He is from Sichuan. He is over 30 years old. It cannot be him."

"This one has a similarity of 87%. He is from Hebei, aged 34...and it won't be him..."

Every face that comes out has similarities and names, ages and even home addresses.This computer is so powerful, it seems that using this computer to find people is more convenient than using God's sense to find people.

"Huh? The similarity is only 21%. He is 18 years old and is in Pubei County... a third-year student..." Just as Lin Lin was flirting with this heaven-defying machine, suddenly No. [-] came out. Lin Lin was dumbfounded in fright, because the person the other party found was not someone else, but his true face.

"Damn, even my parents don't recognize me anymore, yet this machine can find out that my disguised appearance is 20.00% similar to my original self. This is too amazing." Lin Lin endured the pain in his heart. Can't stop cursing.

"It's strange, none of these are... Either the age does not match, or the place you live in does not match. This is the only one that matches, but it is only 20% similar. This is impossible!" Number Seven looked at the computer in doubt. Find out a dozen face shapes, and said to himself.

"It seems that the boy I met this morning is really mysterious. No, I have to go to that place to guard, and I must find this boy." After finishing speaking, Number Seven turned off the computer, then turned and went out up.

After No. [-] left, Lin Lin showed up, turned on the computer, and searched through the information left on the computer. He found that many files on this computer required passwords. If you did not enter the password to open this file, it would force you to self-destruct.

So Lin Lin didn't dare to mess around, so he rummaged through some files that didn't require a password.

But after searching for a long time, he still couldn't find any useful information. Finally, when he was confused, the picture of the LCD screen hanging on the wall suddenly changed, and it was impossible for Lin Lin to turn off the phone.

And in an instant, Lin Lin felt that he had been caught peeping, but fortunately, he was disguised.

The middle-aged chubby face appeared in front of Lin Lin, and he saw Lin Lin standing next to the host.His face suddenly changed, but soon, the change on his face disappeared.Obviously, his resilience is stronger than anyone's.

"It seems that you found out that No. [-] was following you." The middle-aged man said.

"Yes, I was followed. I wanted to know who was following me, so I followed him here." Lin Lin said directly, not wanting to hide anything.

"You can come here without anyone noticing, it seems that your method is not simple. You should not be as simple as an ordinary boy." The middle-aged man said.

"Learned some things." Lin Lin said.

"No. 11 must have fallen into your hands." The middle-aged man said.

"Who is NO.11?" Lin Lin asked in confusion.

The middle-aged man didn't seem to be pretending to be stupid seeing Lin Lin like this, besides, there was no need for the other party to pretend to be stupid with him at this moment.He couldn't help calling out the photo, and then said, "Haven't you seen him?"

Seeing the person in the photo, Lin Lin was stunned.

Because the person in the photo is not someone else, it is the body that He Bang found yesterday, but the person in the photo is younger than the body that He Bang found, with shorter hair, whiter skin, deeper eyes, and more stylish , At first glance, he looks like a tall, rich and handsome man.

"Yes. But when I saw him, he was already dead." Lin Lin didn't hide anything, and said directly, "His death has nothing to do with me."

The middle-aged man saw the expression on Lin Lin's face, and then heard Lin Lin's answer. From the tone and speed of speaking, he knew that the person in front of him was not deceiving him.He said after a while: "Then do you know where his body is?"

Lin Lin didn't answer the man's question, but asked directly: "Who are you?"

If I don't even know who the other party is, then I will rashly tell the other party where the body is, what is it if I am not stupid!

The middle-aged man said: "Not many people know that our organization exists. But our organization is a righteous organization, so you don't have to worry."

Lin Lin shook his head and said, "I'm not interested in whether your organization is a righteous one or not. I just want to ask what kind of mission this person is performing."

The middle-aged man said: "This is the secret of our organization, sorry we can't tell you."

Lin Lin said, "Then I can't tell where his body is."

After the two said this, they looked at each other with their eyes, as if they wanted to find flaws in each other's expressions, but unfortunately, neither of them could see any flaws in each other's expressions.

Just when the two people were looking at each other, Lin Lin's "six senses" told Lin Lin that someone was approaching and rounding up the stairs in this room.There are not many people, only three, but these three people are not ordinary people, at least their aura fluctuates greatly.

One of the auras of these three people is the breath of the earth spirit, the other is the breath of the gold spirit, and the third is the breath of the fire spirit.The aura fluctuations of these three people are very powerful, not possessed by ordinary humans.But they are definitely not monks, because although their aura fluctuates very strongly, but because their aura fluctuates too strongly, and there are serious magazines, which are intermittent, this kind of aura is definitely not owned by monks.

It seems that they should be the supernatural beings that Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai said.Good guy, three supernatural beings come at once, what kind of organization is this organization?
"In that case, I'll take my leave." After Lin Lin finished speaking, he turned into a bolt of lightning and instantly turned off the light in the living room.

Taking advantage of the momentary darkness, Lin Lin fled his body into the soil.

"I want to leave, do you think it's too late?" The middle-aged man said with a sneer.

The three people above seemed to have received the order from the middle-aged man in the computer, and one person was left to guard the exit, while the other two rushed down quickly.

The two people who came down were the earth-type power user and the gold-type power user.

It's a pity that when they rushed down, before they had time to react, the guns in their hands and their people were knocked down by Lin Lin who suddenly jumped out of the ground.

Lin Lin has experienced the training of Tianlei once, and the forging of Nirvana Fire, and he also has a diamond body protection. Whether it is the hardness and flexibility of his body, or the explosive power of his fists, and the speed of his body, it is impossible. It is comparable to ordinary people.You know he is a god.

With Lin Lin's current ability, maybe he could kill a person with a light punch by accident.

The two punches of "Bengpeng" directly sent the two people flying, and they popped up like a parabola, and finally hit the stairs, even smashing the stairs and smashing the walls of the stairs.

After Lin Lin finished beating up, he turned on the light.

The surveillance camera in this room was not damaged by Lin Lin's strength, so the middle-aged man on the other side of the computer probably could see the process clearly, because the room should be equipped with an infrared camera.

The person who was in charge of guarding the exit above heard the noise inside, and was shocked for a while, and wanted to go down to see what happened, but was stopped by the sound from the rice earphones, so he obediently stayed at the door and did not go down.

(End of this chapter)

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