Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 160 The Mysterious Go Master

Chapter 160 The Mysterious Go Master

"What is cause and effect?" He Xiaoyan's mother couldn't help asking.

Lin Lin looked at the sky and couldn't help saying: "Let Uncle He tell you! It's getting late, and my parents are waiting for me to go home for dinner."

"Lin Lin, you can stay here for dinner!" He Xiaoyan's mother couldn't help but said.

When Lin Lin was leaving the house, he suddenly looked at He Bang and his family of three and said, "No, by the way, Auntie, and Xiaoyan, don't tell my father and mother about my affairs, do you understand? They don't know that I worship the old gods For Master's business."

"it is good."

After sending Lin Lin away, the three members of He Bang's family hugged each other again.

In fact, the Lin Lin who came to He Bang's house was not the real Lin Lin, but Lin Lin's avatar, Zizhu, and the real Lin Lin was the Taoist priest.

Therefore, after "Lin Lin" walked out of He Bang's house, the real Lin Lin immediately took him back to Xumijie.

When Lin Lin saw the body that He Bang was looking for, he was surprised.Because this body is the homeless man who has been following him these days.

Strange, how could this homeless man die, and He Bang picked up his body.

This matter does not seem so simple.First of all, when Lin Lin fused He Bang's soul into the homeless man's body, he clearly felt that the other's body was like an empty water bottle, and he had no repulsion to He Bang, a foreign soul.

It's very simple to put together.

The soul of this body should have been artificially captured by a person of Taoism.

What would you do if you took the soul of a homeless man?Is there some ulterior conspiracy?Or maybe this vagabond offended some powerful person and turned into a vagabond in order to escape, but in the end he was discovered by his enemies, so he took his soul away?

There is such a possibility.

It seems that I have caused a lot of cause and effect.

Cause and effect have been provoked, it is useless to say anything now, let's see the trick!

After dinner, Lin Lin released Zizhu from Xumijie and let him stay at home instead of him, and he went online again.When he came to the Internet cafe where he often surfed the Internet, Lin Lin asked for a private room. After entering the private room, Lin Lin closed the door of the private room, and then released Xiao Xie and A Bao from Xumijie.

"Remember, you two are not allowed to be too noisy. When I play chess, if anyone is too noisy, I will take that person back into the Sumeru Ring, and I will not bring her to the Internet in the future." Lin Lin looked at the two of them and said.

The two girls nodded in agreement.

Lin Lin didn't know about his playing chess, which caused a commotion in the Go world.

In the computer room of a Go association, three middle-aged men gathered together.

One of the middle-aged men with a cropped cut said: "Look, this is the man who 'carried his son for thousands of years' and he appeared again. He played all night last night and won twelve games in a row. Almost every game Winning in the middle."

Hearing this, the other two men couldn't help but say in their hearts: "It's so powerful."

"The account was only registered in June this year, and the date of birth is [-]...it's only today! So young!" The person who spoke was a middle-aged man dressed in flowered clothes who looked like an artist. He right-clicked Checked the situation of this "carrying a child for a thousand years", and found that the registration time of this player was less than three months.

"The winning rate is 320%! My God, I won [-] games in total, and none of them lost." The man in the floral dress couldn't help but shouted.

Hearing the call of the man in the floral dress, the other person who was not very interested in this matter couldn't help but plug in and take a look.

"Su Ping, were you defeated by this person last night?" The plug came in to see a middle-aged man with sharp edges and a serious Chinese character face. After watching this master hidden in the online world, He couldn't help but look specifically at the middle-aged man with a cropped head and asked.

"En." The inch-cut man nodded.

"Su Ping, your chess skills are getting better and better, and you lost to a young boy. Let me teach this boy a lesson tonight! End his [-]% winning rate." The man with a square face said.

The man in the floral dress said: "I said Lian Rong, don't boast about Haikou first, what if you lose?"

"Can I lose?" Lian Rong said with a look of disdain.

"I mean just in case." The man in the floral dress immediately added.

"If I lose, then in the next month I will pay all of your money to the Go Club, so that's fine!" Lian Rong said indifferently.

"That's what you said. It's a deal." The man in the floral dress said immediately after hearing this.

"I think it's better to forget it. Lian Rong's family's money doesn't belong to him..." Su Ping said immediately, "His wife objects to him playing Go, and she's watching his money tightly! He doesn't have much pocket money for a month." money."

"You don't have to worry about this. I won't lose. Su Ping, just wait and see!" After Lian Rong finished speaking, he brought a stool, sat down next to the computer, and was about to fight "carrying a thousand years" , after he sent out the game invitation, it popped up that the opponent was in the game.

"The opponent is in the game."

"Go in and see who he's playing against."

"Li Tai'an?" Lian Rong and the three of them were not calm when they saw that the person who was playing against this "carrying a thousand years" was Li Tai'an.Because they are too familiar with this name, isn't this a Korean chess player?And he is also a rookie of Korean youth.

Although the player who entered the finals of the Samsung Fire Cup did not qualify for the top three, his name is too familiar to the Go world in Korea and even in the world.Because he is a dark horse, his chess game will always have unexpected changes, and he will kill people by surprise.

"It can't be the same name and surname!" The man in the floral dress couldn't help but said.He swallowed, if it was true, it would be a good game to watch.

Su Ping immediately said: "No, look, this Li Taian's name has been added with a V. This Go website is a worldwide Go website. There are many top Go players in the world, and those who added V are all The one who passed the real-name verification must be himself."

"It seems that we can watch a fun game tonight." Lian Rong said with some excitement.He clicked in to watch the battle.

"The battle has just begun, and the sixth brother was only released." Su Ping said.

The other two also found stools, and squatted in front of the computer at the same time, carefully watching the changes in the chess game.

"Why is it so fast?" Lian Rong couldn't help saying, seeing that 'Xiangzi Qiannian' faced this South Korean master so quickly, "Does he know who the other party is? He actually made a move without even thinking about it? What the hell is he doing?"

Su Ping said with a wry smile: "It's very strange that this man has been carrying his son for thousands of years. He moves very fast, but don't underestimate him because he thinks he is fast. Because I lost because of this."

In fact, the people who watched this match were not just Lian Rong and the three of them, but also other people. Some of them were the ones who lost the game against Lin Lin, and some of them saw the name "Li Taian" and clicked on it. Those who came in to watch, and later those who watched the game found this chess game interesting, and called their friends, and spread it to ten, ten to hundreds, so that the number of people watching this chess game on the Internet reached more than a hundred people.

RB Tokyo, in a certain apartment.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Ding ding ding"...

A rush of ringtones woke up Fujisawa Hidekawa, who was soundly asleep. He rubbed his eyes, took the phone from the bedside, and asked, "What..."

"Xiuchuan, turn on the computer quickly. Li Taian, who won against you in the Samsung Cup, is now playing Go online."

"With whom?"

"I don't know, it's just a Chinese. It's very intense! He's about to lose, and you won't see him lose if you're too late."

"a Chinese?"

Hearing this, Fujisawa Hidekawa finally couldn't fall asleep again, he got up immediately, ran to the desk in a hurry, and turned on the computer. Since it took time to turn on the computer, he couldn't help asking the person on the other end of the phone: " Is that guy really going to lose?"

"That's right, they may have met on the Internet. They played fast chess, and the time to place each piece is only 3 minutes. The total time is only 10 minutes. Haha, Li Taian's time is running out."

"What about the other party's time?"

"After Li Taian's chess piece was dropped, the opponent dropped the chess piece without even thinking about it. The opponent is good at playing fast chess."

"Is there such a master in the Chinese Go world?"

"I don't know either, that's why I called you and let you take a look. It can be seen that it is the chess player from China."

While the two were talking, Fujisawa Hidekawa's computer had already started up. He quickly clicked on Go.com, entered the three characters Li Taian, and searched for it, and soon found the game played by Li Taian.

"I turned it on. Don't talk anymore. I'm watching the chess game!" After Fujisawa Hidekawa hung up the phone, he stared at the chess game on the computer intently.

Just when Fujisawa Hidekawa saw that the chess game was about the same, Li Taian actually surrendered.

"Admit defeat? So fast!"

"Who exactly did this Li Tai'an meet, and he just gave up like this?"

"Huh?" Fujisawa Hidekawa pointed out the information of Li Taian's opponent in the game, looked at it, and said to himself, "The account registered in June this year has been killed for eight consecutive days. From the low-level competition area I got to the high-level competition area, and I didn’t come up for two months, and I just came up last night...wait, the record of 330 wins...without any defeat!"

"This must be a certain chess player from a Chinese chess academy, and he is still a very good chess player."

Fujisawa Hidekawa carefully watched the order of Li Taian's opponent's falling of each piece, and found that the opponent used unusually old stones in some places, which had a strong Chinese style of chess.

"Is there such a master in the Chinese Chess Academy? Go ask the teacher tomorrow. The teacher should know."

(End of this chapter)

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