Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 151 Ye Qianqian's Life Experience (2)

Chapter 151 Ye Qianqian's Life Experience ([-])

Just when he was disheartened and sad, suddenly there was an extra umbrella on his head.He looked suddenly, and the person holding the umbrella for him was an old woman.

This old woman is none other than Lan'er's mother.

Seeing Lan'er's mother, Ye Kai immediately knelt down, hugged Lan'er's mother's feet and said: "Mom, I was wrong, I shouldn't have quarreled with Lan'er, I was wrong...Mom, you must know Where is Lan'er, please tell me, please, mom...I swear, I swear, I will treat Lan'er well for the rest of my life!"

Lan'er's mother looked at Ye Kai who was kneeling on the ground with a complicated expression. She sighed and said, "If you want to see her, come with me!"

After Lan'er's mother finished speaking, she turned around and left.

When Ye Kai saw Lan'er's mother leave, he immediately stood up and followed her closely.Ye Kai didn't know how long the two of them had been walking, Ye Kai only knew how to follow her, and he could find Lan'er, it was as simple as that.They go all the way, all the way...

It wasn't until the rain stopped, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed, and the moonlight came out that Ye Kai realized that he followed Lan'er's mother and walked out of the city without knowing the time.

"Mom, where are we going?" Ye Kai couldn't help asking.Seeing fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road and fewer and fewer buildings, Ye Kai felt a little panicked.

But Lan'er's mother, who was walking in front, couldn't hear Ye Kai's words, but kept walking, and Ye Kai had to follow.

Arriving at a relatively remote place, Lan'er's mother actually stopped.

There is no village in front of this place, no shop behind, it is pitch black, if it is not for the moonlight in the sky, Ye Kai would not be able to see the road ahead at all, but Lan'er's mother actually stopped here.

Ye Kai was stunned, he didn't know why Lan'er's mother stopped in such a place.

"Ye Kai, do you know why the old man objected to your marriage with Lan'er?" Lan'er's mother put away the umbrella, turned to look at Ye Kai and asked.

Ye Kai shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"Because you are human." Lan'er's mother said with a sigh.

What's the meaning?I'm human, so you object?Isn't your daughter human?Ye Kai looked at Lan'er's mother in astonishment and said, "Mom, what do you mean by that? What am I a human being?"

"Because Lan'er and I are not human beings." Lan'er's mother said.

Hearing this, Ye Kai felt the cold wind blowing up his spine, and he was suddenly covered in cold sweat.Is this a ghost encounter?

His feet moved back involuntarily. At this moment, he was really not calm, and had the urge to scream and run away.

"Let me show you my real appearance!" Lan'er's mother said, a snake appeared in front of Ye Kai in an instant, no, it was not a snake, but a monster with a human head and a snake body.This monster has a human head and upper body, but its lower body is a snake body. It looks the same as the monster he vaguely said he saw last night, with long red hair and a blue body.

"Ah, monster, monster..." Ye Kai was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground and called out loudly.

"Monster, monster..."

He scrambled and wanted to leave, but found that no matter how far he climbed, he would always see the monster standing in front of him when he looked up.

I don't know how many times he ran away, but he still saw this monster when he looked up, no, it wasn't his mother-in-law, but his wife, Lan'er, and when he saw his wife in the same way, Ye Kai was so frightened that he defecated Incontinence.

"Monster, monster, monster..."

Ye Kai didn't know how long he had been screaming before he was tired, and the monster didn't seem to want to eat him, but looked at him with a very complicated expression.

"Lan'er, you saw that it is impossible for human beings to accept our appearance." Lan'er's mother sighed, walked over and stroked her daughter's back and said, "Let's go!"

"Aniang, why did I become like this?" Lan'er looked at her mother sadly and asked, "Why did I become like this? I'm obviously not a monster."

"Because we are of the Nuwa clan, you and I both inherit the blood of Nuwa, so we will both transform into human heads and snake bodies. We are not demons, we are descendants of the gods." Lan'er's mother said to her daughter gently.

"But why I didn't know before..." Lan'er said inexplicably.You must know that in these years, except that she has yin and yang eyes and can see some things that ordinary people cannot see, everything else is no different from ordinary people.But since she was pregnant with the child, especially after the child in her stomach took shape, she began to look like she is now. She is not like a human, and she is not like a demon. She is very troubled.

"Silly boy, we Nuwa people, especially the descendants who have inherited the blood of the gods, once they give birth to offspring, they will restore their ancestors' deities and turn back into snake bodies." Mother sighed and said, "I wanted to tell you this. Yours, but you left him overnight, and I didn't have time to tell you..."

"Mom... I'm sorry!" Lan'er cried, she touched the child in her belly with her hands, and she could feel the child's heartbeat.

Lan'er's mother touched Lan'er's back and said, "Lan'er, let's go! Get out of here and go back to the mountains! In the world, you will cause trouble if you look like this."

Lan'er nodded, and slowly left with her mother.

And Ye Kai watched their mother and daughter leave, not daring to speak.Maybe he was frightened, maybe he didn't know how to face this result.

It wasn't until the backs of their mother and daughter disappeared that he dared to stand up and stumble back home.

After he regained his composure and walked out of the fear, he recalled every detail of being with Lan'er, and remembered every word Lan'er and her mother had said, and he began to regret it.

Lan'er is not a monster, she is a descendant of the Protoss.But because of her recovery, I was afraid of her, didn't dare to get close to her, and regarded her as a monster, which deeply hurt Lan'er's heart.

The more he thought about it, the more he regretted it, and he really wanted to go to Lan'er to explain the matter clearly, and he wanted to save this relationship.But he didn't know where to go to find the one he loved.

Until one day two years later, Lan'er's mother gave Ye Kai a baby and told Ye Kai that the baby was his daughter.

Looking at the child's eyebrows and Lan'er's daughter who looks seventy-eight percent similar to Lan'er, Ye Kai cried.

Ye Kai couldn't help asking about Lan'er at the moment, but Lan'er's mother didn't speak, just said: "Lan'er is doing well. Your fate with her is over, don't think about her anymore. If you miss her She, please treat you and her daughter well! This child's Nuwa's blood has been sealed, and Taoist priests in the world cannot break the seal, so you don't have to worry about her becoming like her mother."

"This child will be like an ordinary child, ordinary, and live out his life in peace."

After the mother-in-law finished speaking, she turned around and left.

Ye Kai chased after him, but found that he couldn't catch up with the other party at all, and soon the other party's figure disappeared.

When Ye Kai's story came to this point, tears filled his eyes.

After a long time, he said: "What I did back then broke Lan'er's heart. She betrayed her mother and eloped with me because of me, but I returned to my ancestors because she was pregnant with a child. Afraid of her, afraid to be with her..."

Lin Lin felt sad, he knew that the girls of the Nuwa clan were all infatuated, and they were also kind girls.

"Uncle Ye, don't be sad." Seeing Ye Kai's appearance, Lin Lin couldn't help feeling sad, and couldn't help but comfort him.

Ye Kai sighed and said, "Master Daoist, if Xiaoqian has any troubles, how can I feel sorry for her mother! I would rather be the one lying on the bed than Xiaoqian."

"Uncle Ye, don't be sad, I believe Xiao Xie and A Bao can definitely wake Xiao Qian up." Lin Lin patted Ye Kai's shoulder to comfort him.

"Thank you, Daoist." Ye Kai said, "If it weren't for your two rescues, Daoist, my daughter would have passed away long ago. Thank you, Daoist! I, Ye Kai, have no teeth for your kindness. memorable."

"Uncle Ye, don't always call me Daoist. If you don't mind, just call me Xiaolin! My age is the same as Xiaoqian." Lin Lin couldn't help but said, "I and Xiaolin Qian is a friend, since it's a friend, it's normal to help her. You don't have to worry too much about it."

While speaking, two rays of light flashed from Ye Qianqian's head and turned into two women on the ground.

"Master, Xiaoqian refuses to come out." Xiao Xie said anxiously.

Abao said: "Master, Xiaoqian knows it's a dream, but she refuses to wake up. No matter how we persuade her, she refuses to wake up."

"What are you talking about, she won't wake up?" Hearing this, Lin Lin was stunned for a moment, and then said to himself, "Is this dream so wonderful?"

A Bao glanced at Xiao Xie, Xiao Xie hesitated for a moment, and then said: "In the dream, Xiaoqian lived a really happy life."

When Ye Kai heard this, he couldn't help crying, his eyes were red, his nose was sore, and he murmured: "Yes, in the dream, she should be happier than in reality!"

"What's going on here?" Lin Lin looked at A Bao and asked.

Abao said: "In the dream, Xiaoqian has both parents, and her parents love her very much and hold her in their hands. She enjoys the feeling of being with her parents...and...and she has a girl who loves her very much. boyfriend..." Ah Bao spoke in a low voice when he said the last words, looking at Lin Lin while talking.

What does A Bao's action mean? Why doesn't Lin Lin understand it?
"It's my fault, it's my fault, if it wasn't for me, how could she have lost her mother since childhood!" Ye Kai murmured, "It's all my fault."

When he said this, he kept hitting himself on the head with his hands, resenting what he did back then.

(End of this chapter)

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