Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 149 Ye Kai's Trouble

Chapter 149 Ye Kai's Trouble

Lin Lin sat on the bed and sorted out his thoughts, secretly surprised: "I didn't expect to stay in the underworld for more than two months, and it's already the middle of August. Fortunately, I left a clone at home Otherwise, the parents will definitely worry."

During Lin Lin's absence for two months, many things did happen.

First of all, Zizhu went back to Longyin Ridge as Lin Lin to live for a month, took care of grandma, and did a lot of things for grandma. After seeing Longyin Ridge, because of the last mountain god apparition event, it brought a huge traffic. Now Grandma's home has become a place where tourists stop.

The lonely grandma is also happy because she has something to do, and the wrinkles on her face are much less.

The second thing was that Lin Lin's admission letter was delivered, it was Huada's admission letter.The school's principal and class teacher personally sent the admission notice, and at the same time sent a stipend of 3 yuan.

The third thing is that Zhao Xiangfei, who was saved by Lin Lin, sent someone to send 10 yuan, saying that it was the tuition and living expenses of Lin Lin's first school year, and he also left a message, if Lin Lin is willing, Zhao Xiangfei They will send someone to take Lin Lin to school directly, instead of taking the train so hard.

However, when the second and third incidents happened, Zi Zhu was not at home, but went to grandma's house.

The fourth thing is that after Zizhu came back from Longyin Ridge, her cold father came to her door. Zizhu didn't know exactly what they talked about, but since that time, her parents always unconsciously expressed coldness in their words This name also made Zizhu go out more to play, ask girls and so on.

The fifth thing is why Zi Zhu asked Lin Lin to come back.It was Ye Qianqian's father who called to find Lin Lin and asked Lin Lin to rush to Binhai City as soon as possible. It was about Ye Qianqian's disappearance.

The sixth thing, since Zizhu came back from the countryside, every time he goes out, he always feels that someone is following him. Zizhu is Lin Lin's clone. Although he has no mana and no emotion, he has inherited Lin Lin's intelligence. It was a man in shabby clothes, in his 30s, who looked like a homeless man.Every time Zizhu went out, he had to get rid of his stalking, but he was able to catch up soon, which made Zizhu very tired of this homeless man.


After Lin Lin accepted these memories, he tidied up a little bit, and told Zizhu to stay at home instead of himself, while he left here in a stream of light, heading towards Binhai.

When he arrived at Binhai, Lin Lin called Ye Qianqian's father Ye Kai with his mobile phone.

"Hello, Mr. Ye, I'm in Binhai now." After the call was connected, Lin Lin said.

After Ye Kai heard Lin Lin's voice, he immediately said, "Master Daoist, where are you? I'll send someone to rescue you right away."

"No, just tell me the address, I'll be there soon." Lin Lin said.

After Ye Kai reported the address, he hung up after hearing Lin Lin say "I'll be right there", without even asking in detail.You need to know where you live, but it's far away from the urban area, and it's located in a group of apartments near the sea. Can he find it?

Ye Kai couldn't help being a little worried, but soon he felt that his worry was unnecessary.If you know that the other party is not an ordinary person, how can you speculate with the ability of an ordinary person!
Hey, no matter who the other party is?At this moment, I can only trust him.

Ye Kai pinched his eyebrows with two fingers and rubbed them. In the past two months, he had spent a lot of effort to find his daughter, but in the end what he found was only her daughter's body, which made him very sad. frustrated.

He didn't know what to say. The last time his daughter came back from the dead, he had already experienced a loss and found it. This time, his daughter turned into an unconscious body again, and he was very entangled in his heart.

"Xiaoqian, are you going to abandon me and leave me like your mother?" Ye Kai said very sadly.He is now sitting by his daughter's bed, looking at his daughter lying on the bed. Her face is pale, and her closed eyes are like a cold body.

At this moment, Ye Kai's cell phone rang again.After connecting, a familiar voice came.

"Mr. Ye, here I come. Come down and open the door for me!"

When Ye Kai heard this, he was secretly surprised: "So fast?" But thinking that the other party is a fairy-like figure, it is normal to be able to get here in an instant.

Ye Kai didn't bother to call the servants to open the door at the moment, and ran directly from his daughter's room on the second floor, because he was too nervous, so he didn't even wear shoes.

When I opened the door on the first floor, I saw a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old. This boy was still smiling like last time. He wore a short-sleeved white shirt and jeans, and he looked like an ordinary young man.

Seeing Ye Kai looking at him in surprise, Lin Lin worried that the other party would not remember him, so he couldn't help asking, "Does Mr. Ye still recognize me?"

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Please sit inside."

After he invited Lin Lin in, he said to the servant in the kitchen, "Serve the guest a cup of tea!"

"No need, let me see Xiaoqian first!" Lin Lin looked at Ye Kai and said.Lin Lin hadn't eaten anything since entering the underworld, and he had almost forgotten what the food tasted like.

Ye Kai said gratefully: "Please come upstairs."

After going up to the second floor, Ye Kai led Lin Lin directly to his daughter's room.After Lin Lin entered the room, he frowned when he saw Ye Qianqian lying on the bed.

Seeing Lin Lin frowning, Ye Kai asked nervously, "What's wrong with my daughter?"

"Her soul was sealed in the sea of ​​consciousness." Lin Lin could tell at a glance that Ye Qianqian's soul was sealed in the sea of ​​consciousness, and she fell into an unrestricted deep sleep , unless someone can enter her sea of ​​consciousness to wake her up, she will remain in a dream until she dies of old age, and she will not wake up.

Upon hearing this, Ye Kai immediately asked, "What is the sea of ​​consciousness? Where is the sea?"

"The sea of ​​consciousness is not the sea. It is quite a world of one's fantasy." Lin Lin said to Ye Kai, "I can't explain it clearly. In short, it is something like a dream."

"You mean, my daughter is trapped in a dream?" Ye Kai looked at Lin Lin nervously and said.

"Yes." Lin Lin said.

When Ye Kai heard Lin Lin's words, he couldn't help asking anxiously: "Then how can she wake up? No matter how I call her or move her, she can't wake up. What should I do? Daoist, You tell me, what should I do? How should I wake up my daughter."

Lin Lin said: "The only way is to let someone enter her sea of ​​consciousness and wake her up. Make her realize that this is a dream, and then she will naturally wake up."

"I'll go!" Ye Kai said immediately, as long as he could wake up his daughter, no matter what he was asked to do, he would definitely do it.

Lin Lin frowned and said, "No, once you enter the dream, I'm afraid you will be deeply trapped in the dream, and you won't be able to extricate yourself."

Ye Kai asked: "Then what should we do?"

Lin Lin said, "Let my servant sleep and pull her out."

Lin Lin immediately released Xiao Xie and A Bao.Ye Kai looked at the two extra women who appeared out of thin air, and almost fell to the ground in fright, especially when she saw that one of the women was wearing a palace dress, and the other woman looked familiar to him, but he couldn't remember it for a while. who is it.

However, those who could appear suddenly must not be human beings, probably... For a moment, Ye Kai looked at Lin Lin with a pale face and asked, "Master Dao, who are these two girls?"

"They are my servants. The last time your daughter was able to meet me and was saved by me was because your daughter met them." Lin Lin looked at Ye Kai and said, "So, please don't be afraid they."

When Ye Kai heard this, although his face was still so pale, he seemed to be beginning to accept it, and he said, "Thank you two girls!"

A Bao and Xiao Xie glanced at each other, and then couldn't help laughing.

"Don't thank us too much. In fact, we didn't do anything. It was the kind-hearted master who saved Xiaoqian." Xiao Xie said hastily.

"Master, why did you call me and Xiao Xie out?" A Bao asked Lin Lin strangely.

Lin Lin looked at Abao and Xiaoxie and said, "I give you a mission to let you both fall asleep at the same time and wake Xiaoqian from her dream."

Xiao Xie said: "Is it to enter the other party's dream and pull the other party out?"

Lin Lin shook his head and said: "No. You can't use strong means to pull the other party out, but let the other party understand that the other party is in a dream, not in reality. Remember, you can't use force, no I can directly pull her soul out, otherwise she will be shocked out of her wits. You can only wake her up, let her understand that she is in a dream, and let her come out by herself, that's all. Remember."

"Oh." Xiao Xie seemed to understand a little bit.

But Ah Bao still asked a little unclearly: "Master, can you only wake her up?"

"Yes, it can only wake her up." Lin Lin said affirmatively.

"Then let's go in and tell her that she is dreaming, is that okay?" A Bao asked again.

Lin Lin said: "Yes. However, I think even if you tell her that she is dreaming, she probably won't wake up."

"Why?" Ah Bao looked at Lin Lin in puzzlement and asked.

At this time, even Ye Kai looked at Lin Lin not quite understanding.

"Some dreams make people not want to leave." Lin Lin looked at Ye Kai and the three of them and said, "The person who sealed Xiaoqian into the sea of ​​consciousness probably gave Xiaoqian a good dream that Xiaoqian couldn't refuse Otherwise, with Xiaoqian's concentration, she would have seen through the dream long ago and walked out by herself."

Ah Bao seemed to understand a little bit, she said: "I understand."

(End of this chapter)

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