Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 146 Journey to Hell (5)

Chapter 146 Journey to Hell ([-])

Lin Lin couldn't help looking at Xing Ajiu and asked, "But why did the underworld send you out alone, in case this monster..."

Xing Ah Jiu said with a wry smile: "Shangxian, there are some things that should not be said to outsiders like you. However, since you are an outsider, and you should not be a talkative person, I will tell you! "

Lin Lin looked at Xing Ah Jiu in puzzlement.

Xing Ajiu said: "In fact, the underworld and the world are the same. There are more and more officials, but fewer and fewer can do things..."

Lin Lin was stunned.

After a long time, Lin Lin said, "But what if you can't defeat this monster... what should we do?"

Xing Ajiu said helplessly: "Actually, I don't have to arrest this monster this time, I just go there. I can't let everyone else report it, and the police station doesn't take any action. Then something really happens. The matter was questioned by Hades, and we did nothing, so there must be trouble."

"But if I have done something, but I am not capable enough to arrest the monster, and then report this matter, then this matter has nothing to do with me, and I will not be held accountable when the time comes. However, With your help, I think it should be possible to arrest this monster."

Hearing this, Lin Lin could only smile helplessly.

When he didn't go to the underworld, he really thought that the place was a strict place, but now that he came down, he realized that it was nothing more than that.

Suddenly Lin Lin remembered a saying in the mortal world: "The king of hell is easy to see, but the little devil is hard to deal with."

Seeing that Lin Lin didn't speak, Xing Ajiu knew that Lin Lin, the newly appointed mountain god, was very disappointed in the underworld by his words, so he couldn't help saying: "Don't be disappointed, in fact, Lord Yan is really a very good person. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is also good. It’s just that Lord Yama is too talkative and busy with cultivation, so he handed over the management of the underworld to the little Hades. The little Hades is addicted to games and neglects to supervise his subordinates. That’s why this happened. "

"However, the development of the underworld over the past hundred years has really been too fast, and there have been serious collisions between the thoughts of many people in the world and the thoughts of the old people in the underworld, so there are so many things that have been waiting for more than a hundred years , Hades came out of seclusion, probably there will be no such thing.”

Lin Lin couldn't help but said: "Officer Xing, you don't need to say it. I don't have many chances to come to the underworld. Just know about the affairs of the underworld."

"By the way, besides Hades, are there other forces in the ghost world?" Lin Lin thought of something, and couldn't help looking at Xing Ajiu and asked.

You must know that there are many factions in the underworld in the legend.

Hearing this, Xing Ah Jiu made a "shh" motion, then looked around, and then remembered that they had already left Fengdu City, and said: "You must not ask this question in Fengdu City. However, after leaving Fengdu City, it doesn't matter if you ask this question."

Seeing Xing Ah Jiu like this, Lin Lin already had a judgment in his heart.

He couldn't help but said, "Is there really any other armed forces?"

Xing Ajiu said: "There are several ghost kings. On the surface, they submit to the underworld and obey the king of Hades. However, after hundreds of years, after the king of Hades avoided and handed over the affairs of the underworld to the little king of Hades, they are not so Obey the hell."

Lin Lin immediately asked, "Then where are they in the underworld?"

Xing Ah Jiu said: "They are near Fengdu City. You don't need to understand these things!"

Lin Lin knew that some things were inconvenient for Xing Ajiu to say, and it was not convenient for him to ask, so he said, "Since you are inconvenient to say, then I don't have to ask."

Xing Ajiu thought for a while, and then said: "Actually, no matter where you are, as long as your fist is strong enough, you are the most popular person. Now you are the mountain god who is sealed by the heavens. If you don't do anything too outrageous, you will be considered as one of them." When I see you, I will treat you courteously and will not embarrass you."

Lin Lin and Xing Ajiu chatted a lot about the underworld.

After all, Xing Ah Jiu is an old ghost with more than a thousand years old, and he really knows a lot of things.Lin Lin felt that he knew so many things, so he also took this opportunity to ask about Cheng Yuanheng.

"You mean, it's not a ghost, it's not a human, it's not a zombie?" Xing Ajiu couldn't help but say, "Oh my God, if such a monster grows up, it would be terrifying. Fortunately, she provokes the anger of the sky, otherwise it will grow up , then it may be a disaster. I have been working in the underworld for so many years, but this is the first time I have heard of such a monster."

Lin Lin said: "This is also the first time I have encountered such a monster."

The two of them were chatting, and they drove to Yinshan without knowing it.

"Yin Mountain has arrived."

After getting off the car, Lin Lin found that this Yinshan Mountain was different from the Yinshan Mountain he had imagined.The Yin Mountains in my imagination should be made up of dead bones, gloomy and cold, making people feel chills running down their spines.But the actual Yinshan is not like this.Its mountains are very large.It is even bigger than Longyin Ridge. From a distance, many peaks are still between the clouds and mist, and the mountains and rivers are beautiful.

Huangquan Road was blocked here, and the wide avenue was cut off immediately, followed by a winding and rugged mountain road.

"How do we find such a huge mountain range?" Xiao Xie was the first to speak. Looking up at the huge mountain range, she said somewhat at a loss.Like Lin Lin, she thought that Yinshan Mountain was just an ordinary mountain range. Now that she saw that Yinshan Mountain was so huge, she was naturally helpless.

A Bao stared blankly at the Yin mountain, not saying much.

"I think we should go find each other separately!" Lin Lin said to Xing Ah Jiu.

Xing Ah Jiu said: "No need. I have a detector here."

In an instant, something similar to a tablet computer appeared in Xing Ajiu's hand, but all the scanning lines appeared on it, which looked like radar scanning lines, and on the zigzag scanning lines, there were many different lights. point.

"These four dots, the one in the center here is the four of us. You see, this red dot represents me, and this reddish dot should be the young lady Xie in palace attire , and this tiny red spot of light is this girl Abao who doesn't like to talk. And this blue spot of light should be you, Shangxian." Xing Ajiu said.He couldn't help muttering in his heart, is this mountain god really that powerful?He shielded his mana so well that even the detectors couldn't detect it?

You must know that the blue light spot is really weak, just like the spiritual power fluctuations from a living person or a ghost who has not been dead for a long time.

Hearing Xing Ajiu's introduction, Lin Lin couldn't help but look at the other sparse light blue dots on the scanned image and said, "Then these should be ordinary ghosts?"

"Yes, they are all ghosts who died not long ago, and their lifespan is not yet exhausted. Only such ghosts can have blue light." Xing Ajiu said.

"The red light, I mean this..." Lin Lin pointed to some other light red dots on the screen and asked, "Are these ghosts that have been dead for a long time?"

Xing Ah Jiu said: "Yes."

"The brighter the color, and the redder it is, the stronger and more terrifying the mana fluctuations are." Xing Ajiu said.

Lin Lin understood.

"Strange, there are no red dots that fluctuate greatly on this monitor." Xiao Xie also understood, she looked at the monitor and said.

After hearing Xiao Xie's words, Xing Ah Jiu couldn't help saying: "Wait a minute, I will expand the scope of detection."

But Xing Ajiu expanded the scope of the search to the entire Yinshan Mountain, and it was still the same, there was no red dot with too much mana fluctuation.

"It seems that this monster can restrain its own mana." Xing Ajiu frowned and said, "This task is really tricky."

For some reason, Lin Lin had a feeling that the monsters here seemed to have some kind of strange relationship with the dragon tooth of his Sumeru ring, because after coming here, the dragon tooth of Sumeru ring was ready to move.

And my own Tai Chi actually has a surging feeling, it seems to be anticipation, it seems to be joy...

"Let's look for them separately!" Lin Lin said.

"Would it be too dangerous to look for them separately?" Xing Ajiu asked.A monster that can hide itself is no longer a low-level monster, at least it has the realm of a fairy among human monks.

Xiao Xie also said: "Master, let's look for it together!"

"It's okay." Lin Lin looked at them and said, "Let's search separately. If we find this monster, it shouldn't be in any danger."

Lin Lin glanced at A Bao and said, "A Bao, your cultivation is too low. You should stay here and wait for us to come back! Don't wander around."

Ah Bao knew that her cultivation was not good enough, and it was normal to stay here to watch the car, so she couldn't help but nodded.

"Xiao Xie, you and the criminal police officer will be in a team, and I will be in a team with myself." Lin Lin looked at Xiao Xie and said.

Xiao Xie didn't think too much about it, and couldn't help but nodded and said, "Okay."

Xing Ajiu said: "I'll be in a group alone. Miss Xie is your ghost servant, so it's more appropriate to follow you."

If you want such a delicate little girl to follow you, if you really encounter this monster, you have to distract yourself from protecting her, which is not worthwhile.

"That's fine." Lin Lin nodded and said.

"Then let's search at the north and south ends. No matter whether we find it or not, we must come back before dark, how about it?" asked the criminal police officer.

Lin Lin nodded and said, "Okay."

Now that it was agreed, Xing Ah Jiu and Lin Lin separated.Xing Ajiu drove the black cloud to the south to search, while Lin Lin took Xiao Xie to the north with the white cloud.

"Master, I think this police officer Xing is also a philistine." Xiao Xie couldn't help but said, "If he finds the monster, he will probably run away immediately, and he won't do anything desperately. He doesn't want to take me with him. I was worried that I would drag him down when he escaped."

Lin Lin said, "I know that."

Xiao Xie asked puzzledly: "Then master, you still want to help him?"

(End of this chapter)

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