Chapter 135 Methods
Hearing Li Bufan's answer, the two police officers looked at each other, and Li Bufan's final answer was the same as everyone else's.No one knows who, or what, saved them.

And those onlookers who wanted to put out the fire said that a blue light sent these people out, and they all said the same thing, no one could say clearly what it was?
"Our questions are over. Thank you for your cooperation. If there is anything we need, we will ask you again."

After the police officers left, Li Bufan couldn't help closing his eyes. As soon as he closed his eyes, he seemed to smell a pungent gasoline smell, a woman, a beautifully dressed woman, a lighter on the ground, a raging fire, interlaced light and shadow The world of the woman, the back of the woman, the chain in the hand of the woman, the red high-heeled shoes worn by the woman...

All these elements flashed through Li Bufan's mind quickly.

But Li Bufan's mind was muddled, and his head was aching again.

Damn it, why can't I remember, there should be things that I can't remember, who is this woman, how did she appear in my home?

Just when Li Bufan was questioned by the police, Lin Lin was talking with the two old people who met yesterday morning in Heti Park.

"What? You don't want to?" the old man in long gown looked at Lin Lin in surprise and said.

Lin Lin nodded, and then said: "I'm sorry. Although I like Go, I never thought of making it a career. Please forgive me, two seniors."

Lin Lin felt that her main task was to cultivate and enjoy life.I like Go, but there are many things I like.

Mr. Zhao immediately said: "I said, Lin Lin, think again. This game of Go can exercise people's thinking ability."

"There is nothing to think about. Go is when I am upset, I play two games with friends I know, play a bit, and organize my thoughts. If I want to make it my career and fight for it, I really have no way to do it. Please forgive me." Lin Lin looked at the old man in long gown and Zhao Lao and said.

The old man in the long gown showed a disappointed expression, and then said, "What a pity."

"I'm sorry! I failed the love of the two of you." Lin Lin wanted to leave after speaking.

But Elder Zhao grabbed his hand and said, "Wait a minute..."

"What else can Uncle Zhao do?" Lin Lin looked at Mr. Zhao and asked.

Mr. Zhao grabbed Lin Lin's hand and said, "You can't go. If you go, my family's Xiaoxiao will have no suitable opponent. Young man, do you know that Go itself is not about winning or losing, but about winning or losing?" Looking for like-minded friends to reach the level of magic together.”

"A person can never go far on the road of Go. There must be an opponent. This opponent is not an enemy, but a confidant. Do you understand?" Elder Zhao looked at Lin Lin and said.

Lin Lin looked at Mr. Zhao with a look of astonishment.

He knows all this, he knew it when he was playing Go.When watching Xiaobai and Xiaohei play Go, he had such a strong feeling.

Elder Zhao looked at Lin Lin and said, "Promise me, Xiaoxiao will never lack an opponent. You are about the same age as her, and you are just right to be her opponent."

The old man in the long gown also looked at Lin Lin, and then showed a piercing gaze, as if he was also eager to draw Lin Lin into the world of Go.

Lin Lin thought for a while and said: "Uncle Zhao, if sister Xiaoxiao wants to play chess with me, I will definitely accompany you if I am free. However, I am going to go to college. I don't think I will have too many I spent more of my time in the world of Go. Please forgive Uncle Zhao.”

"You child." Elder Zhao couldn't help but said, "Hey..."

"Mr. Zhang, Uncle Zhao, thank you for your kindness. However, I have already planned my life path. I don't want to change, thank you. Goodbye."

Seeing Lin Lin trot away all the way, the two old men couldn't help feeling regretful.

"It seems that Chinese Go is really not very attractive. Hey..." said the old man in long gown, "Forget it, if he really has a destiny with Go, I think I should be able to meet him."

"Mr. Zhang, this kid is really good. I should have told you. After playing a game with you yesterday, he also played a game with my granddaughter Xiaoxiao, see, I will play this Let me show you the game, and you will know why I think he will be an opponent of my family Xiaoxiao."

When Veteran Zhao laid out the Go game played by Lin Lin and Zhao Xiaoxiao that he saw yesterday, even Teacher Zhang gasped, and said, "This game is really between Xiaoxiao and this man named Lin Lin. Did Lin's boy come out?"

"Yes. If Xiaoxiao hadn't told me the sequence of moves, I wouldn't have seen how they played this game like this."

Teacher Zhang stared at the chess game, and the more he looked at it, his brows became tighter, and he said after a while: "No, this young man, I must bring him into the Go world, otherwise it would be a pity."

Lin Lin continued to go to the library to read books about Go, until he couldn't find any Go books worth reading in the library, then he looked up at the wall clock on the wall, it was already past eleven forty.

The library was about to close, and it was time for me to leave.

"Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells, I'm sitting in the carriage..." A melodious bell rang, and Lin Lin couldn't help but follow the sound when he heard the melodious sound.

I found that under the shade of the tree in front of me, there was a group of junior high school students returning home from school, and this group of junior high school students was walking in front of me.They looked like little girls who had just entered junior high school, they were all cute, especially their sailor-style school uniforms, which set them off extraordinarily pure and beautiful.

This pleasant ringtone is the ringtone of a cute little loli among the group of junior high school students.

"Mom, I'm on my way home. Well, well, soon, I know..." After the little loli hung up the phone, she said angrily: "My mother is worried that I will go to Manga King again." Borrowing comics, call me to go home quickly. I'll go first."

"No way, your mother is too BT, she even has to take care of this!" Another little girl next to her couldn't help but said.

"You don't know, my academic performance has dropped too much this time, and my mother is like this. Forget it, let's talk about it next time! I'm going home first. 88!"

"88!" Another little loli also said.

At this moment, the little loli turned around and ran into Lin Lin who was walking towards her.

Who is Lin Lin?That is a fairy-like character, because he was thinking about how to prevent Xiaobai and Xiaohei from being trapped on the Go board, so he was bumped by this little lolita unexpectedly.

As a result, little loli fell to the ground, but Lin Lin was fine.

"Ah!" Little Loli yelled, touching her head.

Lin Lin recovered and glanced at the little loli, then asked, "Are you alright?"

Little Lolita knew that she bumped into someone because she was walking too fast and didn't look at the road, so she touched her head, stood up and said, "It's okay."

"Your book fell." Lin Lin pointed to a comic book that fell on the ground and said.

"Thank you." Little Loli quickly picked up the book and said.

"King of Chess Soul?" Seeing the name of the comic book, Lin Lin couldn't help but read it out. He asked, "It's such an old comic book, is it good?"

Little Lolita immediately said: "Of course it looks good! I like Zuo Wei in it the most, have you seen it?"

Lin Lin shook his head.

"Then you should read it. Well, if you go to Manga King now, there should be manga." Little Lolita looked at Lin Lin and said, "However, I heard from my friend that there is an anime of this manga on the Internet. It’s better than manga. You can read it online. Well, without further ado, I’m leaving first.”

After the little Lolita finished speaking, she turned and left with her copy of "The King of Chess Soul".

Lin Lin watched the little loli turn and leave, and couldn't help laughing.This little girl is really a warm person.After talking so much with a stranger like himself, isn't he worried that he is a bad person?

"The King of Chess Soul" has a Go board painted on it. It is a comic about the story of Go.If so, maybe you should check it out yourself.Anyway, I'm idle, go and see for yourself.

Lin Lin’s family doesn’t have a computer. Firstly, the family really doesn’t have much money, and secondly, his parents feel that if they buy a computer for Lin Lin, it will delay Lin Lin’s study. Therefore, in the age of the Internet, Lin Lin doesn’t have one. his own computer.If he wants to surf the Internet, he can only go to an Internet cafe.

After paying the money and asking for a machine, Lin Lin typed in the name of "The King of Chess Soul", and sure enough, he found this cartoon about Go very quickly.

Seeing a ghost in "The King of Chess Soul" lingering in the world for thousands of years because of his persistent pursuit of the supernatural realm in Go, Lin Lin was deeply moved.

After watching the whole "The King of Chess Soul", Lin Lin fell into deep thought.

Xiaohei and Xiaobai said that because people's love for Go is not as strong as before, they don't have enough spiritual power, so they have to sleep on the Go board.

If I can increase people's love for Go, and make more young people like Go, or even fall in love with Go, then maybe there will be more power of divine sense.If the power of divine sense is enough, then Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai will be able to come out.After careful consideration, I can learn like Xiaoguang, register an account on the Internet, and play Go exclusively.

Yes, this method works!Just do it!

The more Lin Lin thought about it, the more he felt that this method was feasible.Inadvertently looked up out of the window and found that the street lights on the street had been turned on.

It's getting late.

Oh, it's too bad, I left the hospital today, went directly to Jiangbin Park to meet the two seniors, and didn't go home, my parents must be in a hurry.The worst thing is that I didn't bring my mobile phone with me, but left it at home.They can't find themselves, and they don't know if they will...

(End of this chapter)

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