Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 130 The Beauty in the Library

Chapter 130 The Beauty in the Library
Beipu is a small county, so the library is not big.And since it's not a weekend, there are very few readers in the library.

Librarians sit at their computers playing little games like Plants vs. Zombies.

Maybe because Lin Lin was a frequent visitor to the library, he didn't react too much after seeing Lin Lin coming, but let Lin Lin take the partition and let Lin Lin go into the library to look for books.

Lin Lin knew that all the books about Go were stored in Library No. [-] of the library, because this library had the longest collection of books and was also the least interested.

Lin Lin entered the No. [-] library, and accidentally glanced at it, and saw a girl leaning against a bookshelf reading a book.

The long white dress was worn on her body, making her figure very slender and very delicate. When she looked down at the book, the wisdom and tranquility on her eyebrows blended into the sea of ​​books.

She tied her long black hair neatly at the back of her head, reading a book quietly like this, time seemed to stop moving forward on her body.

Although Lin Lin often came to the library to borrow books, he had never seen this girl in front of him before.

However, Lin Lin can be sure that the other party is a very smart person, because she exudes more literary and aura than anyone Lin Lin has seen. If Lin Lin's realm has not improved, knowing the other party is People, must doubt what kind of elf the other party is.

The temperament of this girl is different from that of many girls that Lin Lin has seen.

The cold beauty is proud and cold, quite like a queen.She thinks that everything in the world should revolve around her, and she must get what she wants.

And Ye Qianqian's beauty is soft, passionate, unrestrained, she is the kind of love is love, hate is hate, love and hate are distinct, and she is bold and proactive.Although it looks innocent, in fact, there are other calculations in the heart.

As for Xiao Xie, she has experienced too many things, which makes her whole mood different from others. Although her love and hate are distinct, she hates all evil things in the world. She is very kind-hearted and likes to help others. A girl who looks strong but is fragile inside.

Po should be a soul born for revenge, her heart is full of resentment, resentment for her injustice, she will even sacrifice everything for revenge.is a sad soul.

Lin Lin couldn't help shaking his head, what happened to him?How could you compare such a strange girl with those you know!

It seems that he is indeed a pervert, and he can't move his eyes when he sees a beautiful woman.

Lin Lin found that the book she was holding was a book about Go.I didn't expect this girl to like such a book, it's really surprising.

Lin Lin walked over and looked at the first bookshelf where Go was stored.

Every time he picks up a book, he will read it from the place related to Go records. The reading speed is very fast. He keeps flipping through a book page after page. The book was finished by him.

After Lin Lin flipped through about three books in this way, he stopped.

Because these books are not of much use to him.His perception of watching Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai playing chess is deeper than what is stated in these books.

Finally, Lin Lin's gaze settled on the Go book in the girl's hand.

"The author of "Go? Ghost Hand? Wonderful Hand? Magic Hand" is Wu Qingyuan." Lin Lin easily saw the name of the Go book in the girl's hand and the author who wrote it.

Lin Lin still understood who Wu Qingyuan was.You must know that Mr. Wu is the Taishan Beidou in the Chinese Go world.

Lin Lin had never seen the old gentleman's books.

Lin Lin looked at the books on the bookshelf, and found that there was no second "Go? Ghost Hand? Wonderful Hand? Magic Hand" on the bookshelf. It seems that there is only one "Go? Ghost Hand? Wonderful Hand? Magic Hand" in the library. Now it is in the hands of this girl.

After thinking for a while, Lin Lin decided to look through other books for the time being, and then borrow them by herself after the girl finished reading the book and put it back on the shelf.

When Lin Lin went to another bookshelf and took out the four books "Wangyou Qingyue Ji", "Shou Sanzi Pu", "Four Zi Pu" and "Peach Blossom Spring Game Pu", he wanted to sit next to him. While reading a book, he realized that the girl just now was walking towards the library with the "Go? Ghost Hand? Wonderful Hand? Magic Hand". Lin Lin hurried over.

Seeing Lin Lin who suddenly appeared in front of her, the girl frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

"This... this elder sister." Lin Lin didn't know how to address the girl in front of him for a while, but she should be a little older than himself, and finally Lin Lin called her elder sister. It was a little nervous to talk to such a beautiful strange girl.

"Can you lend me your book for 10 minutes?" Lin Lin hesitated, then said, "Just 10 minutes!"

When the girl heard this, she couldn't help laughing, and then said: "This book has more than 200 pages, 10 minutes, can you finish it?" Is this guy joking?Or is he deliberately using this method to make trouble, wanting to get close to himself?
If this is the case, it is really too idiotic, there are too many men who want to strike up a conversation with him.However, judging from his young age, he still blushed a little when he spoke, so he shouldn't be the kind of old wolf who mainly deceives innocent girls.It looks quite pleasing to the eye.

"Yes. If you lend me the book for 10 minutes, I can definitely finish it." Lin Lin said with certainty. 10 minutes is very short for others, but it is enough for him.He is not a mortal.

Seeing the boy answer so positively, the girl couldn't help laughing again.She handed the book to Lin Lin and said, "Okay, just 10 minutes."

"Thank you!" Lin Lin was overjoyed after receiving the book, and immediately ran to the next table to sit down and read it carefully.

The girl sat by the side and watched Lin Lin read.

The boy read really fast, staying on each page for no more than ten seconds before turning to the next.

Can he really read the content of every page of the book with such a fast reading?Many of the chess records in this book had to be read carefully before he knew the real mysteries. With his reading speed of ten seconds, could he really understand the mysteries?
The girl looked puzzled.However, no matter how much she was puzzled, she also discovered a problem, that is, the boy's gaze was always on the book from the beginning to the end, and none of it was on her body.

In this way, what the boy said about borrowing a book was not an excuse to strike up a conversation, but that he really wanted to read the book he was holding in his hand.

10 minutes is too short for ordinary people. Before the girl came to her senses, 10 minutes passed.

And Lin Lin closed the book, solemnly handed it back to the girl and said, "Thank you, this book has helped me a lot."

The girl came back to her senses. After she took the book, she couldn't help saying, "In 10 minutes, have you really finished reading this book? You didn't use this book to strike up a conversation with me, did you?"

Lin Lin's face turned red when he heard this, and he said, "No."

"That's good. In order to verify the truth of your words, you come with me. I will take you to a place to verify." The girl suddenly smiled and said to Lin Lin.

Lin Lin was stunned for a moment, but since the other party proposed it like this, he had no reason to refuse, not to mention that the other party was such a classic beauty.

"Alright!" Lin Lin said.He picked up the other four books that were on the table, and then walked away with the girl.

After the two registered to borrow books, the girl said to Lin Lin, "Come on, I'll take you to a place where we can verify whether you really read this book."

"Peach Blossom Land Go Club?"

After Lin Lin followed the girl for about three streets, the girl took Lin Lin to an ordinary small building. When she saw such a signboard standing at the door of a room on the second floor, Lin Lin couldn't help being stunned.

I really never knew there was such an activity room as the Go Club in Beipu.

"Go in!" The girl said with a smile.

Lin Lin followed the girl in.

When I went in, I found that the huge activity room was very empty and cold. There were not too many people in it, only a dozen or so elderly people.

These people are all about forty or fifty years old, or even better.There are basically no shadows of young people.

"Grandpa, I'm back." The girl said.

At this time, an old man at the counter said, "Girl, you're back? Hey, why is it you?" Obviously, the old man's last gaze fell on Lin Lin.

Lin Lin was stunned for a moment, isn't this old man the old Zhao he saw playing chess with the elder in long robe this morning?How is he here?
Could it be that he opened this Go club?

"Grandpa, leave him alone," the girl said.

"Come with me." The girl looked at Lin Lin and said.She brought Lin Lin straight to the Go room in the innermost part of the Go club, then pulled out the chair on the table, and said to Lin Lin, "Sit down!"

Lin Lin sat down.She came to Lin Lin and sat down, and then said: "Well, please put it out now..." She opened the book in her hand as she spoke, and finally found a suitable chessboard and said, "The 124-page That chess game."

Lin Lin was stunned, and asked himself to come here for a long time, just to put up a game record according to the book.

Although Lin Lin felt that this girl's behavior was a bit funny, she didn't say much. After taking the black and white pieces, she set up the chess record with both hands.

It was the first time to see someone setting a chess game with both hands, so the girl couldn't help but opened her eyes curiously and watched every process of Lin Lin's chess game. After about 3 minutes, a game record was completed.

(End of this chapter)

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