Chapter 100

Hearing what the children said, Lin Lin immediately handed the two balloons to the two children.The two children who got the balloon became restless and clamored to come down to play.

Lin Lin also let go, and let his child sit on the grass under the shade of a tree.These two children always have a special way of communicating with children.

Lin Lin and his wife were also sitting on the side, cuddling each other and watching the crowds of people coming and going in the park.

Just as the two of them were chatting without saying a word, they suddenly heard the sound of a child crying next to them.

"Wow..." Lin Lin and his wife turned around and saw their daughter crying.At first glance, the two children were actually fighting.

"Brother, brother bullied me..." Lin Lin and his wife hurried over, the daughter held his wife's hand and pointed at his son unhappyly.

"I am my brother..." said the son.

"You are brother..."

"elder brother!"

"younger brother……"

Seeing these two little guys arguing about who is the older and who is the younger, Lin Lin couldn't help laughing. After laughing for some reason, Lin Lin felt as if he had seen this scene somewhere before.

"Husband, our son doesn't want to be a younger brother and is arguing with his older sister!" The wife said with a smile as she snuggled into Lin Lin's arms.Her smile is so sweet...

"Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai..." Lin Lin murmured, why did such two common names pop up in his mind?
Blue sky, white clouds, grass, banyan trees...

On the chessboard, there are two cute little foxes sitting on the left and right sides of the chessboard, one black and one white, they are playing with pieces...

This picture is very familiar, as if it is engraved in my mind, it takes root and sprouts, and the two of them will quarrel, they will quarrel over whether to win or lose Go, they will quarrel over who is the elder brother and who is the elder sister...

All the memories seemed to have returned to Lin Lin's mind the moment Lin Lin became suspicious.

"This is a dream?!" Lin Lin suddenly came to such a conclusion.

The pair of cute and clever children around me are fake, and the wife who nestled on my chest is also fake, all of this is fake... all the happy lives in these days are fake... here is Dreams are unreal, do not exist, and are all false.

No, no, why is such a happy life fake?
Lin Lin actually started to resist his sudden memory in his heart. What kind of fairy, what kind of little black and white, these are not important, the important thing is that he is happy here, happy life...

But just when Lin Lin was resisting this memory, deep in his heart he felt nostalgia for some reason, a nostalgia for his previous life, his mind was full of Xiao Hei's rebellious and indifferent appearance, There is also Xiaobai's lively and lovely smile... These make him nostalgic, he is very reluctant...

Not only that, but he misses his parents... misses the smell of the food cooked by his mother, misses his father taking him to go fishing, misses school, misses teachers...

Lin Lin's heart was struggling and colliding.

"Husband..." At this moment, Lin Lin's wife grabbed Lin Lin's hand, looked at Lin Lin affectionately and said, "Don't leave me, okay?"

And at this time, a pair of sons and daughters who were arguing also came over, they also pulled Lin Lin's clothes, and looked at Lin Lin with a look of reluctance.

"Dad, don't leave us, okay?"

"Dad, we won't argue anymore..."

Put it in front of yourself and let yourself choose?

Should I completely deny all this, deny the happiness these days, and return to my own real world?Or continue to stay here and enjoy the happiness here?A gentle wife, well-behaved children, a car and a house, a blue sky and white clouds...

Here there is no war, no defeat, no sorrow...

"Stay?! Stay..." There seemed to be a voice in Lin Lin's mind saying to Lin Lin.

No, can't stay here, it's fake.All this is false.Nankeyimeng, all this is Nankeyimeng, not the real world.

In another world, I still have friends, parents, and things to do.

Maybe, in that real world, I will encounter many difficulties and obstacles, but they are all real.You can overcome yourself, you can overcome all sufferings... you cannot escape, you cannot fall into the trap of tenderness, everything here is not like a flower in a mirror, a moon in the water, and it is not real.

"I'm sorry!" Lin Lin looked at his wife and children next to him and said, "I've decided, I'm going! Thank you for giving me this happy and happy time. I will use my actual actions to create It belongs to my own happiness, my own happiness. Thank you!"

Lin Lin's voice fell, and the whole world changed.

He returned to the Nightmare Palace.In that vast temple, the succubus who always sits at the top looked at Lin Lin so indifferently.

"You are such a cruel person! You are willing to let go of such a gentle wife and such lovely children." Said the aloof succubus.

Lin Lin looked up at the succubus and said, "Thank you for giving me this sweet dream."

"You don't have to thank me." The Dream Demon said, "I just wanted to trap you in the land of tenderness, to bind you with family affection, love, and tenderness. Unexpectedly, you refused. You wake up very quickly. !"

"Hehe..." Lin Lin smiled helplessly.In fact, I also don't want to part with that happy life, I don't want to leave my gentle and gentle wife, I don't want to leave my children, but those are all fake, although I don't want to part with it, but I have to give it up.

In this world, there are always too many temptations, once you can't hold it, you will fall into the trap.

There are some traps, you know they are traps, and you want to jump until you die, and you are unwilling to admit that this is a gentle trap.

"Do you still want to continue dreaming?" the succubus asked.

"No. I'm tired and want to go out."

After leaving the Dream Demon Palace, Lin Lin was directly teleported back to the real world.

His people are still at the bottom of the Dragon's Saliva Pool, meditating at the bottom of the pool to absorb spiritual energy, and after running for a week, put them into the Tai Chi ball.He crawled out of the pool.

The water in the pool is very cold.

But outside it was sunny and hot.

Summer is summer and the weather is just that hot.In the dream, although I felt very happy, I didn't feel the cold or heat... After all, the dream is a dream, and the feeling is so unreal.

Lin Lin took out the dragon tooth from the Sumeru Ring, stroked the dragon tooth, and felt the faint flowing aura hidden in the dragon tooth.This dragon tooth has a key, and I must refine it to be able to read the key from it.

Thinking of this, Lin Lin cheered up and forced himself not to think about the things in the dream anymore, let it all become a dream!Anyway, this is just a dream, there is no need for me to miss anything.

Grasp the present, this is the key.

Thinking of this, Lin Lin dived back to the bottom of the water, meditated, and refined the dragon tooth with his own spiritual power.

At this moment, Lin Lin's spiritual power has exceeded three thousand. With such a powerful spiritual power, Lin Lin believes that he will be able to refine this dragon tooth and read the key from it.

Sure enough, with the support of huge spiritual strength, Lin Lin found that the resistance to refining dragon teeth was much less, but it was still very difficult.When he refined the dragon tooth to the first level and read the key from it, Lin Lin's face was full of exhaustion.

When he jumped out of Longsaliva Pool, he found that the sky had turned grayish white.

It should be after five o'clock in the morning.

I don't know how long I've been in Longshuitan, but I don't have to worry, because Zizhu didn't have any distress messages, which means that Zizhu can handle her parents well.

Lin Lin said to Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai in the Sea of ​​Consciousness with a tired face: "Okay, I refined the dragon tooth to the first stage, and read the key from it. But I found the key, But the door was not found, do you know where the door is?"

"Of course I know." Xiaobai said, "It's at the gate of the Taoist temple, which is the side door of the Immortal Mansion. It is also the place where the magic power of the Immortal Mansion is weakest."

Hearing Xiaobai's words, Lin Lin didn't care to think about anything else. He took the dragon tooth and ran towards the Taoist temple.

When Lin Lin walked halfway, he suddenly heard someone's voice.

"It's so early, someone went up the mountain?"

Immediately, Lin Lin jumped onto the trunk next to him and waited on the tree.I don't know who it is, but he dared to go up the mountain before dawn.

After a while, I saw four men and a woman coming up the mountain with a big travel bag on their backs.Looking at the attire of these people, Lin Lin immediately understood that these people should be donkey friends.

"Do these five people want to die? They went up the mountain before dawn. Haven't they heard the legend on this mountain?"

Lin Lin hesitated for a moment, but decided to remind the five donkey friends who came up the mountain.

He jumped off the tree trunk and landed straight in front of these people.

Frightening the five people who were chattering just now, they all stared blankly at Lin Lin. After a while, they saw clearly that the person in front of them was just a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy, and they couldn't help but relax. tone.

"Why did you five go up the mountain?" Lin Lin asked.

The five people glanced at each other and knew that the child in front of them was probably from the village at the foot of the mountain.It is estimated that the villagers at the foot of the mountain sent people here to intercept them.

You know, since they went up the mountain after dark three days ago, they went down the mountain safely, shattering the legend that they couldn't go up the mountain after dark, and the old people at the bottom of the mountain began to scold them for fooling around. When people went up the mountain, they were scolded by the old people in the village.

(End of this chapter)

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