Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 10 The Truth Reappears (1)

Chapter 10 The Truth Reappears ([-])

I watched a lot of detective movies since I was a kid.Lin Lin still had a longing in his bones.I hope that with my own ability, I can figure this out.For this reason, he decided to go to the scene of the crime to understand the situation.

When Lin Lin came to the edge of the crime scene that day on his bicycle and looked over from the non-motorized vehicle lane, he could still see faint blood stains left on the road, especially black blood stains. Because of being hit by a car, it was bent and bent, and even a corner of the flower bed beside the motorway was knocked off. It can be seen that the impact that day was really severe.

Lin Lin looked up and looked around. It was not far from the scene of the car accident, and there were restaurants or shops on both sides of the road.The restaurant's business hours at night should be closed at ten o'clock. Of course, the barbecue stall will be much later.As for the shops, the closing time is earlier, it should be closed at 09:30.

Lin Lin looked around, and then said to himself: "It seems that I need to come here again at the same time at night, maybe I can ask something."

At this moment, Lin Lin's stomach made a "cuckoo" cry, he couldn't help touching his stomach, and said, "Um, you're so hungry that you're on time."

Going home now, it is probably too late for lunch, and I have to go to class in the afternoon.

Lin Lin looked around, and in a relatively small store not far away was a place to buy friends fans.He rode over there.

"Boss, here's a bowl of old friend noodles." Lin Lin said to the boss who was sitting listlessly in the shop.

Because it was already past the meal time, and this small store has relatively few stores, naturally there are not many customers.This shop is too small, and the tables where customers eat are placed outside the shop, on the sidewalk.

When Lin Lin came to the shop, he saw that there was not a single customer in the shop.The boss is a middle-aged uncle in his 40s, looking listless.

The boss heard Lin Lin's words and said, "Wait a minute."

He quickly turned on the fire and cooked the powder.

Lin Lin was sitting at the table, watching the boss cook the noodles.For a while, he pretended to be bored, and couldn't help asking: "Boss, do you know about the car accident? It was just a few days ago, the car accident happened at night."

The traffic accident that happened at midnight on April [-]th is now the seventh.Beipu County is not too big, so almost everyone in Beipu County knows about this matter.Lin Lin felt that since this place is not far from the place where the car accident happened, he should know something.

"A car accident? You mean a few days ago, a van collided with a Dongfeng truck?" the boss asked.

Lin Lin nodded and said, "Yes. Do you know?"

"Of course I know. It is said that the driver of the van was killed on the spot. That scene... don't talk about it, you won't be able to eat after talking about it." After the boss cooked the noodles, he brought them up and handed them to Lin Lin. .

After hearing this, Lin Lin immediately said: "You should have closed the store that day! It seems that it happened at twelve o'clock at night. At that time, you should not have opened the store. How do you know so clearly? It seems that you saw it with your own eyes. .”

"Didn't I see it with my own eyes?" The boss immediately said, "I saw this incident with my own eyes. The traffic police even asked me to record it!"

As soon as Lin Lin heard it, he immediately said, "How is it possible? Your shop? It's still open after twelve o'clock at night?"

"I didn't open the shop that night. But I ate barbecue here." Seeing Lin Lin's distrustful eyes, the boss immediately said, "I just sat here and ate barbecue. , the process of the incident."

Lin Lin looked at the boss and said, "Eating barbecue? Isn't this a noodle shop?"

The boss smiled and said: "Little brother, you don't know how expensive the rent here is. Although my store is small, it is a rent ghost. If I rent it alone to sell fans, I will definitely lose money." .My shop is shared by two people. During the day, I sell boiled noodles, and at night, my brother cooks barbecue."

"No wonder!" Lin Lin nodded involuntarily and said, "Boss, you and your brother are really smart!"

"Where, where, everything is expensive these days, if you're not smart, you'd starve to death." The boss couldn't help being happy when he heard someone praise him for being smart, and said with a smug smile.Even if the other party is just a teenager who looks like a student, he is also happy.

This boss is a master who likes to be praised by others. When others praise him a few times, he is so proud that he can say anything.At this moment, he felt that the young man in front of him was really a good person, he was his bosom friend.

"By the way, what happened that night? I heard that the driver of the van had never drunk at all, and he wasn't driving drunk. How could he drive in the wrong lane? Do you know? " Lin Lin said immediately.At this moment, he is like a kid who likes to gossip.

"Actually, I also find it strange." The boss said in a low voice, "I also know the person who was killed. He came to my place to eat noodles a few times before, and he even went to my brother's barbecue stand to eat. Had a few barbecues. He is a good old man. This man is very cautious, and I don’t believe that he is drunk and driving.”

"What's going on? If you're not drunk and driving, how could the car suddenly go out? Hit the Dongfeng truck driving in front? This...you don't understand, do you?" Lin Lin looked at the boss and said.

The boss said: "At that time, I was eating barbecue here... I only heard the sound of a sudden brake, and then I heard a 'bang' sound. When I looked up, I saw the car was hit..."

"As for how it was hit... I really don't know, you don't know, the flower beds on both sides of the motorway are so densely packed with peanuts, I can't see clearly!" The boss said a little embarrassedly.

"Heard the sound of brakes?" Lin Lin said, "And the sound of cars colliding?"

"Yes. There was the sound of brakes, and then the sound of the car being knocked into the air." The boss said affirmatively.

Lin Lin nodded, with doubts in his mind.

It seems that we really have to visit the scene of the crime again tonight to see if we can find witnesses who really saw the car accident clearly.If this matter is not clear, how can I feel at ease?
After eating the boiled noodles, Lin Lin paid the bill and went back to school seeing that it was getting late.

After putting away the bicycle, Lin Lin's stomach felt very uncomfortable.He clutched his stomach, and couldn't help cursing in his heart: "What kind of bullshit boiled noodles, no wonder the business is so slow, you only eat one bowl, and you have diarrhea..."

Lin Lin's stomach is very fragile, as long as he eats something unclean, he will have a stomachache. At this moment, he is holding his stomach, feeling very uncomfortable. After locking the car, he immediately rushed to the toilet on the first floor.

After closing the door of the toilet, he let out a sound of "cracking, crackling" or something, and he was relieved. Just as he was about to wipe his butt and leave, he heard someone else's voice in the toilet.

Because he didn't go home today, he came to school earlier.Moreover, this toilet is on the first floor. There are no classrooms on the first floor of the school. The toilets on this floor are for the convenience of students during physical education classes.Before class, there is basically no one here.

At this time, someone actually came here.

Listen to the voice, as if it is someone you know.Lin Lin didn't go out right now, but held his breath, listening to their quarrel outside.

"Young Master Ma, take it easy, take it easy, it hurts..."

"Gao Wenwu, didn't you say that a lesson will be enough? Why did you kill someone?" The voice sounded very familiar, it was Ma Xiaoming's.

"I just want someone to teach him a lesson. But I didn't expect that..." The voice should belong to Gao Wenwu, that short, frustrating, and fat short winter melon.

"Do you know, he's dead." Ma Xiaoming said in a slightly angry voice.

When Lin Lin in the toilet heard this, his heart almost jumped out of his inner cavity.Did they say dead?This Ma Xiaoming and Gao Wenwu actually killed people?What the hell did these two do?
Lin Lin knew that it was impossible for him to go out now, so he could only obediently stay in the toilet, listen to what they had to say, and wait for them to leave before he could leave.

"Shh, Young Master Ma, keep your voice down." Gao Wenwu's voice was obviously frightened.

"I've said it before, it can't kill people." Ma Xiaoming said, "If my dad hadn't greeted the traffic police detachment, we would have been found out."

"I know. But no one wants this." Gao Wenwu said, "Didn't your father settle this matter?"

"Do you know that the person who died was not that Lin Lin, but He Xiaoyan's father. It was He Bang." Ma Xiaoming said angrily, "You know very well that I like He Xiaoyan, but now..."

"Young Master Ma, Young Master Ma...don't be angry. He Xiaoyan doesn't know that this matter has something to do with you. This matter will not affect your relationship with her." Hearing this, Gao Wenwu said immediately.

Ma Xiaoming said angrily: "I don't know, she doesn't know now, what if she finds out one day?"

Gao Wenwu and Ma Shao said: "Let's find a way to keep her from knowing, isn't that all right?"

"Hmph, you did this thing, let me tell you, if He Xiaoyan knows that it has something to do with me, you know what the consequences will be. You must be dead." Ma Xiaoming stared at Gao Wenwu angrily Said, "I tell you, those people you have found, let him go away quickly, and don't let me see them again."

"Young Master Ma, I'll tell them to leave without your order. They won't tell the story about it. If they tell, they're dead," Gao Wenwu said.

Gao Wenwu said a little strangely: "Tell me, this incident is really strange, obviously we saw that Lin Lin's family was in that car, why did He Xiaoyan's father be in it all of a sudden. And Lin Lin, is there nothing wrong with that?"

"You ask me, who should I ask?" Ma Xiaoming immediately glared at Gao Wenwu and said.

(End of this chapter)

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