Chapter 1 Introduction
During the Ming Dynasty, a dilapidated Taoist temple in the northwest border of Guizhou.

A lunatic Taoist is leaning on the bluestone board in front of the Taoist temple to drink. He is in tatters, but the wine gourd in his hand is always empty, but his face is flushed, as if he is about to get drunk .

Several children gathered around, yelling for the crazy Taoist to talk about his great achievements in subduing demons and demons.

This Taoist, I don't know when he came to this Taoist temple. Apart from drinking, he sleeps every day.But I really like talking to children.Moreover, the stories he told were very scary and very interesting, so that many children would go to the gate of the Taoist temple to look for him to listen to the stories in the evening.

"The story I want to tell you today is related to this pendant." The Taoist said, taking a pendant from his neck and showing it to the children.

After seeing this pendant, a child in the school shouted loudly: "Isn't this pendant a string of two chess pieces? One black and one white, it is the same as the Go chess on my husband's Go board. Black and white! These two are Go pieces."

The Taoist took a sip of his wine and said with a smile, "That's right. These two are Go pieces. Hehe, but my two pieces are completely different from your husband's pieces."

"My story happened during the Jin Dynasty, more than 1000 years ago..."


The pale moonlight shone on the earth, and the wind still smelled of the sunlight left by the sun during the day.This is a tomb.There is no tombstone in the tomb, and it looks like an old tomb that has been abandoned for many years.The tomb bag has also been worn down by the age of the year. If you don't look carefully, you may think it is just a small round mound.

And beside this small mound, there was a young man standing, holding a shovel in his hand, and looking around from time to time.Obviously, he was on the lookout.Another of his companions has already dug the tomb and entered the tomb to find the treasure.

According to his companion, a senior official of the Han Dynasty should be buried in this tomb.

Those who are high-ranking officials, no matter which dynasty they belong to, should be rich people, so this time they should be able to find good things and have money to spend.

After a while, light came out from the tomb.

A lighted torch came out of the tomb, and next, a man crawled out of the tomb.The man wiped the sweat from his forehead and said cursingly, "I thought it was a fat sheep, but who knew it was a poor ghost."

Hearing the man's cursing, the young man couldn't help but said: "Brother, didn't you say that this is the tomb of a high official of the Han Dynasty? How could there be nothing there?"

"It's the grave of a former high official, but it's really poor. There's nothing of value." The man said helplessly.

"Then what did we do for nothing?" Hearing this, the young man couldn't help but said, "This thief won't go empty-handed, you have at least one thing."

"Hey, this, if you want it, I'll give it to you!" The man took out a pendant from his pocket and threw it to the young man.The young man took the pendant and looked at it. It was two stones, one black and one white, strung together with a red string.

The young man looked at the pendant and couldn't help but said in his heart: "What is this thing? It's not made of jade. It's not made of bones either. It looks like two stones. What is this thing worth?"

"So, we're basically wasting our time. Let's go, it's almost dawn, and if people see it, they may pull us to the government." The man said helplessly.

The crow croaked from the tree, and the two black and white stones were put back into the pocket by the young man.He didn't know that when he put the two stones back into his pocket, a faint blue light flashed on the two stones.


People came and went, and the young man carried a load of firewood and put it in the corner of the market, waiting for buyers.And what hangs around his neck is the pendant made of strings of black and white stones.

"Young man, how much is this load of firewood?" A benevolent old man asked, judging by his bright clothes, he should be the housekeeper of a rich family!

"20 Wen." The young man said.

"Come with me," said the old man.

The young man carried the firewood and followed the old man for an unknown amount of time. He came to the back door of a big family. After the old man opened the door, he said to the young man, "Go in!"

After setting the firewood, he took out the money and handed it to the young man, saying, "Your wages."

After receiving the money bag, the young man counted it and found that there were many more. He couldn't help but said, "Housekeeper, I only need 20 copper coins. You gave me too much."

"Hehe, the remaining one tael of silver is my life money for you." The butler said cheerfully looking at the young man.

Hearing this, the young man's face suddenly changed.

The butler's face changed in an instant, the originally rosy face became shriveled, and the benevolent face also became vicious, looking like an evil ghost.

See the butler change in horror.The young man's feet were trembling, and between his buttocks, a stream of yellow liquid flowed out.

His mind immediately flashed through these days near the mass grave, there were sucked dry corpses everywhere, and his face suddenly became ugly.At this moment, he didn't even have the strength to escape, and he collapsed on the ground.

"Hey, young man, don't be afraid! Soon! You will be like me." The evil spirit said, and rushed towards the young man who was limp on the ground.


It's a pity that the ghost's hand hadn't caught the young man's body yet. On the young man's body, two black and white lights turned into a shadow of Tai Chi, which flashed out and instantly bounced the evil ghost away. The evil ghost was bounced to three feet. Besides, it fell to the ground, and in an instant, it turned into a stream of blood.

It took a long time for the young man to get up from the ground. After he woke up, he found that the originally magnificent house of a big family had turned into a dilapidated haunted house, and there were spider webs everywhere, outside the yard. , It was a stream of blood.

He stroked his chest and said with a sigh of relief: "I was scared to death."

At this moment, his hand touched the pendant made of black and white round stones hanging around his neck, and he remembered that the taiji light just now was emitted by this pendant.

"It turns out that this thing turned out to be a good thing. Good guy, if I didn't have it, I would definitely be eaten by evil spirits today."

The young man knew that the Taoist priests in the Taoist temple were all capable people, so he went to the Taoist temple with the pendant to find the old Taoist priest, and told the Taoist priest exactly what happened to him.

He asked, "Master Daoist, do you recognize this pendant?"

"Although I don't know the origin of this pendant, but this pendant is a thing to ward off evil spirits. These two round objects, one black and one white, are two chess pieces. Two chess pieces on the Go board." Daochang twisted his beard and said , "Go contains the way of yin and yang. These two chess pieces must contain the way of Tai Chi. It is a pity that only those with great opportunities can unlock the mystery. Immeasurable celestial beings, poor Taoists can't solve it." Open. These two chess pieces are returned to you, the benefactor."

Hearing this, the young man immediately carried the two black and white chess pieces by his side like treasures, hoping only to have the opportunity to unlock the secret.

At this point in the story of the Taoist priest, he took another sip of wine.And the children next to them, looking at the black and white pendant in the Taoist's hand, all showed curious expressions, and some even wanted to ask the priest for this pendant.

"Daoist, Daoist, do you know the secret of this pendant?" A child asked.

The madman shook his head, and then said: "How would I know such a secret? Hehe, all I know is that this pendant is surrounded by evil spirits, and no ghosts can get close to it."

"Daoist, Daoist, sell me this pendant! I will come to my house and bring you good wine..."

"Master Dao, give me this pendant, and I'll bring you delicious food when I get home..."

(End of this chapter)

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