Chapter 92 Solution
"There are 370 and six corpses inside, and it's hard work for you to clean them up."

"If you can find your family members, by the way, see if their entire family is a villain. If they are indeed committing all kinds of crimes, let them reunite together on Huangquan Road..."

"Those who can't find their family members don't need to toss too much, let's set it on fire..."

"In addition, since they were a gang during their lifetime, their ashes should be mixed together after death. On Huangquan Road, the brothers should have a companion when they confess together."

"Yes! Teacher!" With a simple and honest personality like Yongyi, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching when he heard Chen Mo say such destructive words in a compassionate tone.

"Oh, by the way..." Chen Mo seemed to think of something, and mentioned it again.

"Teacher, please tell me."

"Don't throw those ashes around, so as not to pollute the environment. The beautiful islands of the Chambord Islands cannot let these human traffickers bring pollution after death..."

"Forget it all in the sea, I hope the vast and boundless sea can tolerate their crimes!"

Chen Mo thought for a moment, then suggested to Yong Yi. "Of course, this is just my suggestion. If you have a better method, Yong Yi, you can also suggest it."

"No, no, there is no more ruthless than this... Ahem, there is a more perfect method than this!" Yong said repeatedly, who was almost choked.

"Hey...go get busy, those poor slaves inside, if they have the ability to go home by themselves, give them some clothes, food, and Bailey, and let them go home by themselves." Chen, who was still a little depressed Mo waved his hand and said.

"If they are homeless, you, Yong Yi, report to the higher authorities to see if they can be taken in."

"Yes!" Yong Yi bent down and said respectfully.

After Chen Mo explained everything, he really didn't want to stay in this sad place, and after casually grabbing some food brought by Yong, Chen Mo simply controlled the wheelchair and walked slowly in the direction of Jinping.

After Chen Mo disappeared from sight, Yong Yi methodically followed Chen Mo's instructions and ordered many guards to deal with the building that was already similar to a slaughterhouse.

But at this time, the handsome guard who had handed Chen Mo a handkerchief on the boat, walked to Yong Yi's side with a pale face, and said as if he had been greatly frightened.

"Brother Yi, is this the real face of that lord? Okay..."

"What a cruel and ruthless method. More than 300 people died at his hands without even a chance to resist!"

"Shut up!" Yong Yi said angrily when he heard the words. "Teacher, are you the one who can talk so rudely?"

The Qingxiu guard was yelled at by Yong Yi, his face turned pale again, and he couldn't speak.

Looking at the delicate and pitiful appearance of the Qingxiu guard, Yong Yi softened his heart a little, and said in a slightly lowered tone. "Killing is not necessarily wrong, and massacre is not necessarily evil. Your sister's hands are only much more bloody than the teacher's. Do you think your sister is cruel and ruthless?"

"Then how can it be compared? My sister's actions were all to save those innocent civilians, and she raised her sword against those corrupt nobles." Qingxiu's guard retorted loudly as if she had been touched by something.

"Besides, I have been with my sister for so many years. Her character is so gentle and kind. I know very well that the reason why she kills is to sacrifice herself to save more innocent people!"

"She is the most gentle, kind and great person!"

The corner of Yongyi's mouth twitched. Her sister, as the most murderous person among the "Ten Braves", it was hard for Yongyi to imagine a gentle and kind side.

However, Qingxiu's guard's answer also coincided with part of Yongyi's point of view, so Yongyi simply followed Qingxiu's guard's words.

"Then it's actually the same thing. You'll be a teacher for a day and a father for life. In the eyes of your sister and me, the status of a teacher is comparable to your own father, and we can't understand the character of our teacher very well!"

"Teacher, fact, he couldn't be more gentle and kind!"

"Obviously possesses earth-shattering strength, but is willing to calm down and study knowledge, and teach us ignorant students not to be greedy for beauty, wealth, power, and fame!"

"This is the one and only teacher - Nicole Chen Mo."

"And the teacher often leads to oolongs due to misunderstanding of common sense, really..." Yongyi wanted to use "cute" to describe it, but felt a little disrespectful, so he didn't say any more.

"Ahem!" Yong Yi patted his face and said seriously. "I also licensed you to join the guards because of your sister's face, and because you have some special talents."

"If I hear you talking about the teacher privately later, don't blame me for driving you back." Speaking of this, Yong Yi's expression was extremely serious, leaving no room for negotiation with the Qingxiu guards.

"I'm sorry!" Qingxiu's guard knew that he had said the wrong thing after recovering now.

This was also the first time that Qingxiu's bodyguard had seen such a bloody scene, which caused him to lose his mind, so he couldn't help but question that young man with a high status in the revolutionary army.

Without him, the image of this young man in the revolutionary army is really too perfect.

Seeing these slaughterhouse-like scenes, Qingxiu's guard inevitably felt that his previous cognition had been deceived, which was why he was so extreme.

"Go to work!" Yong Yi bowed casually, and threw the Qingxiu guards into the building to clean up the corpses.

Looking at the thin figure of Qingxiu's guard leaving, Yong Yi understood somewhat. "It's still too young. In the final analysis, I have never experienced the real hell on earth. I have been protected by her sister since I was a child, otherwise I wouldn't have such naive thoughts!"

"Our revolutionary army wants to create a better future for the civilians, and the road must be poured with blood!"

After his thoughts diverged for a while, Yong Yi looked around, jumped to the trunk of the Alchimanmangrove with dense leaves to hide, and carefully pulled out a special phone bug from his stomach. Report the relevant itinerary to the dragon who is far away on the island of white soil.

After a while, Yongyi hung up the phone bug, put it back into the pocket transformed by his fruit ability, and jumped back to the ground.

As Chen Mo said, if Yongyi wants to accept and deal with most of these slaves who have almost lost their personality, he really has to report to Long.

And Long's attitude was almost the same as Chen Mo's. He tried his best to help accept these slaves within his ability.

Of course, the cautious dragon did not intend to let these slaves join the revolutionary army, but through the relevant channels of the revolutionary army, these slaves were resettled in a unified way so that they could return to a peaceful life.

 Let me tell you guys, this book will be on the shelves tomorrow. It’s really bu (bu) xi (ren) ke (zhi) congratulations (shi). The initial small goals are all set to 100. I hope you will give me your support and advice. ,Thank you.

  (PS: A new author like me, struggled for a long time, but still didn't have the courage to write a single chapter and write a testimonial~~~)

(End of this chapter)

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