Pirate's reading will become stronger

Chapter 79 A Gorgeous Misunderstanding

Chapter 79 A Gorgeous Misunderstanding

The conflict of domineering and domineering is actually just a change in the blink of an eye.

In Chen Mo's feeling, it was that he was oppressed, and then his head was slightly stabbed by something, and then an invisible thing gushed out of his body.

In the end, under Chen Mo's collapsed eyes, his bodyguards fell to the ground one by one, unconscious! ! !

The fast-moving ship also lost power as the guards in the cockpit fainted on the spot, and slowly came to a standstill.

"What happened???"

Chen Mo was innocent, but also irritable and asked. "Why are the others unconscious? Who will drive the boat?"

"Old...teacher..." Yong Yi, who was holding on to the guardrail and seemed to be fished out of the water, shook his dizzy head and said.

"They were all stunned by your overbearing arrogance, teacher!"

"Domineering look?" Chen Mo asked, pointing at himself.

Seeing Yong Yi nodding his head affirmatively, Chen Mo suddenly felt like he dug a hole and buried himself.

"So, my guards were all killed by me in an instant?"

The more Chen Mo talked, the more angry he became, and finally he couldn't help but said angrily to Yong Yi. "Give them extra training immediately when you go back. Since you haven't passed out, Yong Yi, then follow the way I trained you before!"

Hearing this, Yong Yi felt dizzy and dizzy all at once, and the miserable years at that time came back to his mind again.

Even the nightmare years of those years have survived, and the impact of a mere domineering arrogance is nothing compared to it.

Chen Mo looked at the guards lying all over the deck and felt a headache for a while.

Chen Mo, who has read related books on the introduction of domineering, knows very well what domineering domineering is all about.

It is even more clear that people like this who have passed out due to the impact of the domineering look, even if you use a saw to cut off his limbs, they will not feel the slightest, let alone wake up.

The only way to regain consciousness is to awaken their natural selves.

And this time will take at least one day and one night!
"I'm going to be delayed for a day and a night like this?" Chen Mo wanted to beat himself up.

When is it not good to awaken domineering color?He just woke up above the sea.

And he woke up when he was about to rush to the Chambord Islands.

Just delaying for a day like this, maybe after I arrived at the Chambord Islands, Sister Robin would have already left!
Suddenly, Chen Mo remembered the moment before he awakened the domineering look, the eyes that appeared vaguely in his consciousness.

Suddenly, Chen Mo suddenly realized, turned around, looked directly at Shanks, and said angrily. "Get out, you attacked me unexpectedly, and caused all my guards to pass out. Today I will fight with you forever!"

This straw hat uncle attacked himself with domineering aura...

Induced the awakening of his domineering look...

As a result, he killed all his guards in an instant...

The end result is that I can't find Sister Robin smoothly...

In other words, the man in the straw hat prevented him from looking for Sister Robin.

Chen Mo, who had clearly understood the logic before and after, felt the anger in his heart like a volcanic eruption. He directly pulled out his fruit knife, and the domineering aura that had just awakened burst out wave after wave, like a surging wave. The waves beat towards the red-haired pirates.

The red-haired pirates have Shanks in the front to block all the surging domineering domineering, and the other members of the red-haired pirates have hardly been affected much.

On the contrary, Yong Yi who was standing behind Chen Mo was gritting his teeth desperately, not daring to relax in the slightest, and even less daring to pass out of dizziness like relief.

The bodyguards who had fainted, their doomed miserable lives after waking up, were like alarm bells ringing in Yong Yi's ears non-stop.

Even if Yong Yi died, he was unwilling to go through that hell again.

So, definitely hold on! ! !
The belief in Yongyi's heart burned fiercely, and he even gradually revealed his bone-penetrating kangaroo characteristics uncontrollably.

While Shanks looked at Chen Mo's hostile expression and easily blocked the domineering look on his face, he was inexplicably wary of the fruit knife in Chen Mo's hand.

It was as if the fruit knife could be cut on his body in minutes, so Shanks quickly asked suspiciously.

"Young man, what are you doing? I just awakened your domineering look for you. Why do you feel like I'm bullying you? Is there some misunderstanding?"

But Chen Mo said angrily with an expression of deep hatred and hatred. "What else is there to say?"

"Sneak attack me first, causing my bodyguards to fall into a coma, and delay my trip to the Chambord Islands. I, Chen Mo, are at odds with you!"

"Uh!" Shanks suddenly felt a little embarrassed, others walked around him showing weakness, but he passed by with a domineering look without saying a word.

Although I didn't have any malicious intentions, I just wanted to see this young man for fun, and wanted to test his courage, but I never thought that I would induce the domineering aura of others, and instead accidentally hurt my own people.

Beckman on the side heard Chen Mo's self-proclaimed, his heart moved, and he faintly felt as if he had seen this name somewhere not long ago.

When Beckman casually flipped through the newspaper that was thrown on the ground, he suddenly realized that he walked to Shanks' side, pointed to the news on it, and said.

"We seem to have really offended this young man!"

And Shanks carefully read the news in the newspaper, took off the straw hat, and scratched his head in embarrassment. "It seems to be the case!"

Shanks instantly understood why Chen Mo had clearly awakened his domineering look and domineering aura, which was something to be happy about, but he still looked like he had a deep hatred.

It turned out that he was the prince of the Peterhead Kingdom. Civil strife broke out in the country, and the whole family was killed. Only he fled alone with a team of guards.

Presumably this young man is rushing to the World Government for help as the newspaper said, hoping that the soldiers will quickly lead the reinforcements back to restore the country before the rebellious prime minister completely takes control of the whole country.

But now, being so disturbed by himself, he was afraid that his schedule would be delayed. In the past, there was the factor of family wealth and wealth, and in the end, there was the hopelessness of restoring the country, which caused him to hate him so much, right?
Thinking of this, both Beckman and Shanks couldn't help but look at Chen Mo with a trace of pity.

Even Chen Mo holding a kitchen knife, and the fierce look of domineering and domineering burst out of the impact, in Shanks's view, is a helpless whine after despair has reached the extreme.

Even knowing that as a disabled boy, he is no match for the famous red-haired Shanks, he still chooses to draw his sword against Shanks, who is a top powerhouse...

Still a fruit knife! ! !

This can't help but make Shanks appreciate Chen Mo more than pity him.

After all, no matter what era it is, the story of a rich family and revenge alone is always easy to arouse the pity of others, even the red-haired Shanks who is used to ups and downs is no exception.

(End of this chapter)

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