Chapter 73 Xia Qi
"Just kidding!" Xia Qi, who was full of maturity, blinked playfully and said. "Don't be so serious, Robin sauce. For the sake of being so cute, I'll give you the information about this person."

"Really?" Robin's cold expression moved slightly, and he asked with a little surprise.

"Anyway, I also know that you are out of money, don't you?" Xia Qi said leisurely as she held a cigarette between her index and middle fingers, exhaled a puff of smoke.

Jinbe and Robin couldn't help but froze, and suddenly felt like they were being ripped off and were still helping to count the money.

"Nicole Chen Mo." Xia Qi recalled and said. "This surname is really rare on the sea. It seems to be one of the surnames of the once-destroyed O'Hara Island scholar family. It has the same surname as Robin Sauce."

"When I saw the news this morning, I thought the name was a bit strange, so I checked the relevant information. Since Robin-chan is also curious, I will tell you by the way!"

"Thank you, Aunt Xia Qi!" Robin said seriously.

"Call me sister!" Xia Qi corrected by tapping Robin's head with her index finger.

"Prince Peterhead, who claims to be aliased as 'Nicole Chen Mo', is said to be fond of archeology, and out of his longing for Robin Sauce, the last archaeologist in the world, so he came up with such a weird idea. name!"

"However, what's interesting is that I checked the past experience of this prince, and he has never had any actual research or studied archeology. His only hobby is to collect beautiful girls, and then... there is no need to say more?"

Hearing this, Robin clearly felt something was wrong. He was a scumbag prince who had nothing to do with O'Hara, but he gave himself such a surname. The most unreasonable thing was that this prince even forcibly made up I like archeology.

"So, I deduced that this prince is very likely..."

Jinbe and Robin on the side could not help but listen more attentively following Xia Qi's tone of appetite.

"It's very possible that because I want to collect cute Robin sauce, I'm attracting Robin sauce's attention!!!" At the end, Xia Qi couldn't help laughing.

"Sister Xia Qi, can you be more serious?" Robin said angrily.

"Okay, okay!" Xia Qi said, holding back her smile, rubbing her twitching belly.

"Actually, there are only two possibilities. Either the prince was impersonated by someone else, which is why the previous and subsequent preferences changed so suddenly; or the prince was controlled by a certain powerful force, who regarded him as the shadow of a certain important person. The presence of species to disturb the line of sight."

"As for why Nicole's surname happened to be so coincidental, maybe it's just a coincidence!" Xia Qi said casually with a cigarette in her mouth.

For Xia Qi, who used to be a crew member of One Piece, she has seen too many coincidences or conspiracies in the sea. Things like controlling a prince are really rare and common.

What can surprise Xia Qi is at least the level of the demolition of Marineford, the naval headquarters, or the destruction of the holy land of Marie Gioia.

"Well, thank you!" Robin still frowned, thanking Xia Qi coldly.

Xia Qi may misunderstand that the name "Nicole Chen Mo" is a pure coincidence, but for Robin, this name has a very special meaning, whether it is a surname or a first name, the possibility of a complete coincidence is really great Too low too low.

Especially the name "Chen Mo", which is deeply engraved in the depths of Robin's soul, is so coincidentally combined with his own surname.

This gave Robin the illusion that this was a "brother behavior".

Yes, Robin's intuition told himself that such a messy way of naming is really in line with the behavior that his little brother Chen Mo can do.

"Okay, Robin Sauce, the foreplay is done, let's get down to business!" Xia Qi said as she put the piece of paper on the table.

Robin, whose thoughts were interrupted, came back to his senses, handed the Bailey he had prepared to Xia Qi, and carefully opened the note.

Jinbei on the side also stretched his head over, and looked at it with Little Robin.

I saw the note read: Seven days later, from 27:29 am to [-]:[-] pm, District [-]-[-].

"Thank you!" Robin and Jinping both said solemnly to Xia Qi.

"It's just a deal!" Xia Qi said nonchalantly. "But I still want to remind you two, be careful, don't accidentally draw the general out, the Navy Headquarters is not far from here."

Both Robin and Jinbei nodded, turned and left the hotel.

After a while, a slightly old voice sounded from behind the bar. "Is it really appropriate to sell this kind of information to them?"

Xia Qi took a deep breath and said. "I'm just an information dealer. How about the client is not within my scope of worry."

"Besides, with Robin's ability, even if I don't tell her, she will definitely be able to find out after that person appears."

"Instead of acting recklessly when the time comes, it's better to inform them in advance so that they can somehow prepare."

"Hard mouth and soft heart!" Rayleigh, who was wearing round-frame glasses, slowly sat on the edge of the bar, poured himself a glass of wine, and said.

"Chenghui [-] Baileys!" Xia Qi said, casting a glance at Lei Li.

The wine glass that Rayleigh had put to his mouth couldn't help but froze, and said poorly. "Hey, isn't this too heartless? The cost of your bottle of wine is only [-] Baileys, why do you care that your husband wants [-] Baileys?"

"Yes, the cost price of [-] Baileys, and let the crew of One Piece clean it up for you, isn't it worth a mere [-] Baileys?" Xia Qi asked rhetorically.

"I'm still the vice-captain of One Piece!" Raleigh muttered.

"One hundred thousand Baileys, if you can't take it out, you won't have to go home for the next week." Xia Qi said with a smile on her face.

"I'll clean up the wine bottles and glasses, okay?" Lei Li, who had been tricked so many times, didn't struggle too much, and said straight to the point.

"It's okay, I'll leave the 'Pluto' Lord Leili to take care of the hygiene of the whole shop this week!" Xia Qi said with a smile, quite satisfied.

"Huh!" Lei Li drank the wine in the glass, cleaned it up skillfully, and kept muttering to himself.

"I was really blind back then, how did I marry such a woman..."

Xia Qi on the side listened, but she was not angry. After pouring herself a glass of her own special rum, she took a sip, feeling the hotness of the rum called "Pirate Blood" across her throat. Feeling, as if returning to the years when we crossed the sea.

"Tianlong people!!!" Xia Qi said to herself. "The captain seemed to be doing it for someone back then, and he was so overreaching."

(End of this chapter)

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