Chapter 24 Two Solutions
And when many scholars of the Tree of Omniscience were arguing, the ward where Chen Mo was lying was also noisy.

Under Chen Mo's inexplicable situation, little Robin was crying and laughing in the room for a long time, making Chen Mo frantic to comfort him, and promised a lot of things without knowing what to say, little Robin Only then did I sleep peacefully from exhaustion.

Seeing Little Robin's peaceful sleeping face, Chen Mo had the time to take a good look at how much he had promised Little Robin just now.

"I can't remember it at all!" Chen Mo slapped his head and sighed with a headache. "Forget it, don't think about it, just do what Sister Robin says later."

Chen Mo decided not to worry about this kind of thing anymore. It wasn't because Chen Mo didn't take what he said to heart, but because little Robin was sobbing and speaking vaguely, and Chen Mo himself understood it half-understood , due to the situation, I agreed first, but what did I specifically agree to?
Chen Mo said that he could only remain silent...

So, why is Sister Robin like the menopausal women mentioned in the book, and suddenly she is inexplicably rambunctious, completely different from the usual style of painting, if it is not for the same smell on her body, Chen Mo suspects it is not the same person.

Chen Mo curled his lips helplessly, stroked the little Robin's hair, and adjusted his posture a little, so that the little Robin who was sleeping beside him could be more comfortable.

"Oh... this injury is really serious!" Chen Mo glanced at the ceiling and sighed. "They are just two ordinary perverted men, yet they know so many seemingly powerful skills."

"According to the normal pyramid principle, the trained naval soldiers should be better than those two ordinary perverted men. Above the ordinary soldiers are sergeants, above the sergeants are second lieutenants, lieutenants, captains, etc., and above them are sergeants. Major, lieutenant colonel, and colonel, and on top of that are brigadier generals, major generals, lieutenant generals, and the legendary three admirals with the highest combat power in the navy, plus the highest ranking admiral."

"Even with such a powerful navy, it is only a subordinate organization of the world government, and the terrifying world government can't suppress the pirates. Thinking carefully, the water in this world is too deep!!!"

Thinking of this, Chen Mo's faith was almost shaken.

In such a terrifying world, and I am just a weak teenager who once suffered from brain cancer and now has disabled legs, I guess it will be very difficult to survive, right?Do you still want to change this era?

"Can't afford to provoke, can't afford to provoke!" Chen Mo felt ashamed of his previous arrogance.

Maybe I am really only suitable for reading books, and learn the swordsmanship of the predecessors in my spare time. When I grow up, I will focus on cultivating future generations, hoping that a talented storm figure will emerge from among the future generations to replace myself and realize my dreams. Feasible.

"Alas~" Thinking of this, Chen Mo couldn't help sighing again, and peeled off the bandage tied on the palm of his right hand, only to see that most of the day had passed, it was just a little flesh injury, and it hasn't healed completely yet...

There are still some scars left that haven't faded away.

"Even the recovery ability is so low. If it was a battle between the strong, with such recovery ability, I guess I would have been tortured and killed thousands of times." Chen Mo thought in a low voice. "It seems that my natural aptitude is not very good. I have heard that even if the strong people in the ancient times cannot achieve the highest level of rebirth from a drop of blood, they still have the most basic ability to regenerate severed limbs in the blink of an eye."

"As for me, I had a small flesh injury, not even a bone injury. I had surgery, bandages, and nutrient solution. After half a day, there were still scars."

"The innate quality is not good!" Chen Mo felt helpless because of his failure to live up to expectations.

"It seems that the only way I can go is to walk step by step on the way of the swordsman and practice swords!!!" Chen Mo is not depressed after thinking up to this point, no matter how poor his talent is, it is not a reason to give up on himself , Only by working a thousand times harder and facing difficulties, even if you can't become a peerless strong man in the end, at least you have to become an ordinary strong man and set an example for the younger generations.

Let them understand that even if their talents are as poor as their ancestor Chen Mo, and they suffer from brain cancer and their legs are disabled, they still study hard, make progress every day, never give up their dream of changing the world, and finally become an ordinary person step by step. Ordinary powerhouse.

"Now that I think about it carefully, in addition to my poor physique and poor recovery ability, I also seem to have problems with my endurance. I used a big move, and the whole person stopped eating..." Chen Mo has a hard-working heart, but serious After a comparison, I found that I really have problems all over my body.

"Sure enough, the world is unfair. After giving me a very high appearance, memory and wisdom, the price I pay is the loss of my legs, weak recovery ability, poor durability and other problems."

"If my dream is simply to be a quiet handsome man, then I've ticked all the boxes."

"However, my dream is to change the world. Especially for science students like me, I need to use kendo and other means to convince those ignorant people. Endurance is the most important thing. After all, there are so many ignorant people. I put a How can you change the world after one or two tricks?"

"No!" Chen Mo gritted his teeth and thought. "It doesn't matter if the recovery ability is weak. At worst, I try not to get injured, or carry some cloth strips, bandages, etc. to speed up my recovery speed, but the endurance ability must be improved."

"Think calmly, think calmly, think calmly, the sage once said that there must be more solutions than difficulties!" Chen Mo hit his head violently, took a pen in his hand, and began to draw directly on the "Principles of Mechanics" book in his hand .

"Now, I am like a car with defective parts. Although I can barely run, the biggest problem is that the fuel consumption is too high. I didn't step on the accelerator a few times, and the fuel tank ran out of gas!" Chen Mo I just saw a car on "Principles of Mechanics", and I immediately felt that this metaphor was very suitable for me.

"Then the solution is nothing more than two. Either replace the engine with one with low fuel consumption, preferably one that can run hundreds of kilometers with a bottle of Coke. Or find a way to expand the fuel tank or add Auxiliary fuel tank." Chen Mo flipped through the "Principles of Mechanics" again, referring to the plan for improving the performance of the car.

"Accordingly, the most perfect solution is to change the engine. Change to one with higher technical content, larger displacement, and less energy consumption. I just read that book before, and the engine that uses Coca-Cola as energy. Relevant records will fundamentally solve this problem.”

"But I'm a human being, how do I change the engine? Could it be the heart? Or the brain? No matter how I think about it, it's impossible to realize." Chen Mo put a big cross on the plan on the paper.

"Then it seems that the relatively achievable solution is to start from the top of the fuel tank."

(End of this chapter)

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