Chapter 192 Showdown

"This devil fruit is useless to the teacher, you take it back!"

"Then how can I do it? Besides, the teacher taught the students so hard in the past, and now the students just repay the teacher a little bit!"

"It's still not right, if you accidentally let outsiders see it, so as not to make a joke..."

"Those who don't know, think that the teacher wants to covet your devil fruit!" Chen Mo said persistently.

Weak Lingqi heard the words, looked around for a week, and found that there were only six teachers and students nearby, so he asked Yongyi and the other four. "Are you insiders?"

"That's right, we all know about it!" Yong Yi and the others replied in unison.

"Look, teacher, there are insiders around, it is impossible for anyone to misunderstand you!" Weak Zero Seven still did not accept the Shao Shao Guo, and said to Chen Mo sincerely.

"Teacher, just accept it. This is all a little bit of care from the students. Teacher, you can take it back to make up for yourself!"

When Chen Mo heard the words, he subconsciously felt that Weak Lingqi's words were reasonable...

Since the last time he realized his own abilities in the holy land of Mary Joya, Chen Mo thought about it later, and realized that he had eaten two real devil fruits by mistake...

However, the strange thing is that the devil fruit seems to have no effect on his physique. His body just absorbed the energy contained in the devil fruit to strengthen his body!
In other words, Chen Mo's current physique can increase his physical fitness by eating fruits!
With this setting, Chen Mo inexplicably has a strange sense of déjà vu.

But after thinking for a while, Chen Mo still couldn't accept such a precious item...

Different from public use, it is for the whole world, not out of selfish desires, so no matter what precious materials are, Chen Mo has the confidence to accept and use them!

But like the current one, it is obviously for private use, and as a poor man with nothing to do, it is really difficult for Chen Mo to convince himself to accept the burning fruit worth several hundred million.

God knows how poor Chen Mo is. After all, even his own weapons are made of his own bones...

Therefore, Chen Mo's poverty and weakness can be summed up in one word: defenseless!

But no matter how poor Chen Mo was, he would always remember one sentence: A poor man cannot be short-sighted!
Thinking of this, Chen Mo handed back the Shao Shao fruit in his hand again, persuading him.

"The teacher knows that it must not be easy for you idiots to live outside, so the teacher doesn't want such valuables, as long as you have a heart!"

At this moment, Weak Zero Seven felt that he was the happiest man in the world!
I... have been cared so deeply by my teacher...


Weak Zero Seven was so excited that his eyes were spinning around like mosquito coils, he couldn't believe what he heard...

I... Is this a dream?
In an instant, Weak Zero Seven felt that even if he died immediately, he would have no regrets!

Thinking of this, the weak Lingqi who was so excited that he couldn't control himself gave way again and again, and when he got excited, he couldn't help but boast.

"Teacher, just accept it, this is just a gadget, devil fruit or something, I still have a big box at home!"

Chen Mo raised his eyebrows slightly, shocked by the wealth of his students...

You must know that the natural devil fruit is worth [-] million, or even [-] billion Bailey in the market!

And Weak Zero Seven has a large box hidden in his home...

In other words, it means that this showman who pretends to be pitiful in front of him every day is actually a tens of billionaire?
You have kept this teacher from yourself for so many years, and now you have a showdown by accident?

Immediately, Chen Mo's face became slightly ugly...

After all, I am still a pauper, the kind of poor and white, and even Chen Mo often has a headache because of the problem of how to support Sister Robin!
And this student of mine, a hidden tens of billionaires, has been watching his teacher live frugally for many years, but he doesn't move at all!

Wicked! !
Chen Mo put away the Shao Shao fruit in his hand with a frosty face, and said lightly.

"Then the teacher accepted this gift. I happened to think of something. Burning fruits still have some uses!"

"Huh? Oh~"

Weak Zero Seven looked at Chen Mo's changes in confusion, wondering why his teacher seemed unhappy for some reason!

"What are you still doing here?"

Chen Mo paused, looked at the weak Lingling who stood motionless, and said.

"The task given to you by the organization has been completed? So you have time to be lazy here?"

"Or do you still need me to personally send you a billionaire?"

"Don't dare...don't dare..." Weak Lingqi smiled coyly and waved his hands again and again.

Although I don't know why my teacher became inexplicably irritable, but Weak Zero Seven only thinks that it is my teacher, and there may be a few days every month like this...

So I didn't pay too much attention to it...

After all now...

Weak Zero Seven...

He is a man surrounded by his mistress. Compared with other students in style and height, he is no longer in the same class!
After thinking about it, the weak Lingqi didn't know what to do, and instantly turned into a plump, tall and fat Lieutenant General Nicholas, and then he stepped on the void and left quickly.

After Weak Zero Seven left, Chen Mo glanced at the four warriors called "Ten Braves" in front of him, and couldn't help asking.

"Is there anything valuable in your house?"

Immediately, Yong Yi and the other four looked at each other...

My teacher won't accept the bribes from Weak Zero Seven, now it's their turn, right?

However, the teacher's order cannot be violated, and the four of them had to take turns to report their respective situations.

Yong Yi: "All the expenses of the guards are actually borne by me personally. In addition, people from all walks of life and classmates often donate. Now the students themselves probably have more than ten or two billion yuan left!"


Chen Mo.

These donations should all be donated to me, right?Why did it get in your pocket?

Yong Er: "As the Minister of Supervision, because the task of ransacking homes and exterminating clans is often carried out, and according to the rules, 5.00% of them will be included in the students' private property as spoils of war, so the students really haven't counted how much money there is..."

? ?
Chen Mo.

I think I am also capable of ransacking families and exterminating clans. Is your Ministry of Supervision still short of people?
Yong San: "The duel of swordsmen is sacred. All property of the defeated party will belong to the winner. Now I have 130 nine battles and 130 nine victories!"

After a pause, Yong San didn't forget to add something. "Of course, as the price for getting all the property, I also need to take care of the loser's wife and children!"


Chen Mo.

Yongsan, I think we can have a duel, for the sake of the teacher-student relationship, I will be extra merciful and promise to beat you and keep you alive...

Yong Si: "After the country perished, there was still a large amount of wealth left, so the students didn't count how much money there was..."

"However, according to my housekeeper, according to the prodigal speed of a student like me, it can only support twenty generations and then it will be gone!"

? ? ? ?
Chen Mo.

No wonder you bastard girl brought up the subjugation of the country without any unhappiness at all, dare you to be the biggest beneficiary!

(End of this chapter)

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