Chapter 17
"You mean, it was Xiaomo who killed this man?"

Little Robin pointed at the tall man in a suit lying on the ground with trembling fingers, and asked Chen Mo in disbelief.

"Yes, Sister Robin is not feeling well, so I will act for you and kill him without permission. You won't be angry, will you?" Chen Mo's heart sank at this moment, and he asked in a flattering tone.

According to the description in related books, when the legendary one comes, girls will become moody and unreasonable.

So you must speak according to her temperament, otherwise the girl's anger will attack her heart, which will lead to disastrous consequences.

Upon hearing this, little Robin panted a few times and asked in disbelief. "Little Mo, how did you do it?"

"Eh? Is it just an ordinary perverted man? Why are you so surprised, Sister Robin?"

Chen Mo subconsciously wanted to raise his right hand and scratch his head, only to remember that the bones in the palm of his right hand were exposed, so he put down his hand embarrassingly, and said.

"Your hand?" Little Robin quickly grabbed Chen Mo's wrist and asked with heartache.

"It's just a little flesh injury, no bone injury, and it will be healed soon." Chen Mo felt that the pain in the palm was unbearable, so he temporarily cut off the pain-sensing nerve in his right hand to avoid getting in the way.

Sure enough, after Chen Mo cut off his pain nerve, Chen Mo felt that the injury on his right hand had almost no effect on himself.

In order to appease little Robin, Chen Mo also tentatively raised his two palms, and smoothly rotated his hands a few times.

At the same time, he was also learning the supporting speech skills that suddenly and inexplicably appeared in his mind, blinked his left eye at Little Robin, and said. "Don't love me, there is no result, unless the flower hand shakes me."

Little Robin looked at Chen Mo holding his palm above his head and turning his hands with many bones exposed, and felt that his heart was about to stop.

He hurriedly pressed Chen Mo's hand, and while tearing off a strip of cloth from his dress to help Chen Mo wrap it up, he said repeatedly. "I believe it, I believe it, Xiao Mo, don't shake it, my little heart will be frightened by you."

"It's really okay, it's just a small injury. It's not like my leg, where half of the bones are missing. Skin and flesh are like renewable resources, and they will always grow back." Chen Mo looked at little Robin With a look of fuss, he said speechlessly.

However, considering that little Robin was in a special period, Chen Mo could only let little Robin bandage his palm.

However, when Chen Mo saw that little Robin wrapped his right hand into a rice dumpling and tied a bow on top.

It has to be said that Chen Mo regretted it, and his brows could not help but frown.

Because it's so sissy!
"I understand!!!" In the distance, the long-haired man in a suit who was silently observing Chen Mo suddenly shouted, with an expression of holding Zhizhu.

"Little devil, you're just putting on airs. Just now you killed my colleague with a sneak attack..."

"Sneak attack? Obviously I was attacked by surprise, right?" Chen Mo was a little confused.

"Actually, you've exhausted all your energy, haven't you?"

"Exhausted? I'm just a thin child. Have I ever had physical strength or something? It's just that I'm a little hungry now?" Chen Mo was completely stunned. What was this man talking about?
"So, you were seriously injured just now, so you don't even have the strength to bandage yourself?" Having said this, the man in the long-haired suit was almost convinced of his judgment.

"Serious injury? Could it be that in the eyes of these perverts with abnormal brains, this kind of injury is considered a serious injury?" Chen Mo fell into deep doubts, only feeling that the world of adults is so complicated, and the spiritual world of perverted adults is even more complicated. It is difficult to infer with common sense.

"Do you think you can hide it from me by letting your partner act like a play just now, and then hastily bandaging you?"

"As everyone knows, after you were bandaged just now, the frown that you frowned because of the unbearable pain has completely betrayed you." The man in the long-haired suit slowly launched the devil fruit, and his figure swelled slightly.

Sharp teeth protruded horizontally, the skin became rough and thick, and a long tail extended from the spine, making it look like a large lizard standing up.

Looking at this unbelievable scene, Chen Mo and Little Robin couldn't help opening their mouths slightly. They looked at each other, and they both read the same meaning from each other's eyes.

"It turned out that the animal-type devil fruit ability transformation described in the book turned out to be like this!"

And the animal-like long-haired man in a suit shook the palm that turned into sharp claws, and looked at the speechless "panic" expressions of Chen Mo and Little Robin, almost confirming his guess like ironclad evidence. "Hmph, the kid's acting skills are just bad!"

"Although it's very strange that you killed my partner unexpectedly by virtue of some strange ability."

"But it doesn't matter now. No matter who you are, if you are seriously injured or physically exhausted, you are not as good as a chicken. I will use your dead body to verify all doubts!" ​​Long-haired man in a suit lying on his back On the ground, the ability of mimicry and invisibility was activated again, and slowly disappeared in front of Chen Mo and Little Robin.

"Sure enough, you still don't want to let me and Sister Robin go!" Chen Mo said with serious eyes again.

"Let it go? It's ridiculous!" Hearing Chen Mo's panicked words, the man in a long-haired suit felt extremely ashamed that he was almost scared by Chen Mo just now.

Immediately, the man in the long-haired suit burst into anger, laughed wildly, and said. "When I chew up your little girlfriend in front of you and swallow it in my stomach, you will understand what existence you are facing."

"Damn it, you villains, it doesn't matter if you hurt me. For a disabled and thin person like me, he is destined to suffer a lot of pain." Chen Mo said.

"However, you dare to threaten my sister Robin. It's a heinous crime. You want to kill even a girl???"

"It is conceivable that you are not only extremely perverted on the surface, but also extremely vicious and cruel in your heart. Even if you are let off at this moment, maybe you will secretly spy on you again and again in the future, always Seize the opportunity to attack the lovely Miss Robin."

"There is only the truth of being a thief for a thousand days. There is no such thing as a thief for a thousand days. No matter how powerful Sister Robin is, facing the endless harassment from a pervert like you will definitely destroy her good mood and destroy Sister Robin's life." If we are in a good mood, neither Sister Robin nor I can read and study well."

In the end, it may lead to the reduction of the ideological consciousness of Sister Robin and I, and the inability to fully inherit the will of the ancestors of the swordsmen for future generations. Even thinking about it, the worst consequences may cause my descendants to be unable to end this unbalanced situation. world. "Chen Mo's serious expression, at the end, even showed a rare bit of fierceness.

"So, even if I risk my life, I will never let a villain like you go."

Little Robin opened his mouth, wanting to correct Chen Mo's words.

However, if you think about it carefully, there are problems everywhere in Chen Mo's words, let alone correcting them. From Little Robin's point of view, there is no way to find one or two things that make sense.

"Hmph? Still putting on airs? Do you think you can bluff me? You go to the sea to inquire, our CP..."

After the man in the long-haired suit disappeared, his voice dimly pierced into the ears of Chen Mo and little Robin from all directions, but at the end of his speech, his voice stopped abruptly as if he violated some taboo.

"CP? Character pairing relationship? Couple? Husband and wife?" Little Robin thought about the meaning of the word "CP" and said speculatively.

"Could it be that you and that pervert lying on the ground are lovers???"

Immediately, both Chen Mo and Little Robin couldn't help feeling chills.

"Heh, don't make so many wild guesses, little brats, just die obediently and be a good boy on Huangquan Road!" The long-haired man in a suit appeared on Chen Mo's back with his figure hidden, and smiled grimly. , A claw hit Chen Mo's Tianling cover.

(End of this chapter)

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