Pirate's reading will become stronger

Chapter 139 Jump? (Chapter 4)

Chapter 139 Jump? (fourth more)

For a while, Chen Mo fell into the siege of four people again.

At this moment, Chen Mo, who is in the "liver explosion mode", has been looking for an opportunity to kill one of them completely...

However, the four people in front of them seemed to know very well that when they faced Chen Mo alone, they would definitely not be Chen Mo's opponent!
Even if Chen Moshe was able to exchange their injuries for their lives, they might lose their ability to fight in a short period of time, or they might die directly!

So when they faced Chen Mo, they would always be restrained by several people at the same time, firmly suppressing Chen Mo in place.

In addition, the place of the battle was too close to the slaves. In order to avoid accidentally injuring the slaves, Chen Mo could not use his best sword energy...

Only with the bone knife in the right hand and the dagger in the left hand, relying on the strength, speed, and reaction ability to steadily suppress the opponent!

According to Chen Mo's prediction, with his continuous fighting ability in liver burst mode, he can fight like this for at most six hours before falling into the predicament of energy depletion!
In fact, it wasn't just Chen Mo who was struggling to hold on, even the four people who besieged Chen Mo were gritting their teeth to hold on!

The bald head of CP0 has been hit on the head by Chen Mo many times. Although he seems to be safe on the surface, his head has always been slightly dizzy...

In addition, Chen Mo's weapons will be accompanied by a weak willpower impact, causing the bald CP0 chief to feel a tingling pain in his brain every time he confronts Chen Mo!

Steel Bone Kong is in the state of returning life, and his injuries are almost unstoppable!
It was the first time that he was thrown to the ground from a distance by Chen Mo, and then he was punched through the chest by Chen Mo, and he was almost disembowelled by Chen Mo's bone knife just now...

However, after receiving injuries enough to be regarded as serious injuries many times, no matter how proficient in Cyborg Kong's life return, there will still be a limit!
The most important thing is that Cyborg Kong feels that his blood loss has exceeded 20%. If he continues to fight like this, even if he can win in the end, Cyborg Kong will definitely suffer a serious illness!
As for the blond-haired Wu Laoxing, since he was missing an arm, his combat power had already been reduced a little, but during the siege of Chen Mo, this small defect was made up for by the continuous attacks of his companions.

In fact, not everyone is Chen Mo. After breaking an arm, he can regenerate it every minute...

Therefore, among the four people present, the one who suffered the most serious loss was the blond Wu Laoxing. The price of permanent disability is really not light.

Among the four, the skinny Wu Laoxing was in the best condition, and as a great swordsman standing at the pinnacle of the sword...

His attack is also the fiercest and the most feared by Chen Mo, especially his first-generation ghost accompanied by a strange blood-red thunder and lightning, which makes Chen Mo faintly feel a sense of crisis.

So at this moment, among the four, the main attack is handed over to the skinny five old stars...

However, as the oldest existence among the five old stars, the skinny five old stars, after all, their physical strength is not as good as when they were in their prime...

In addition, the first generation of Yaodao Guiche needs to use a lot of blood to suppress the ghost and monster energy, which leads to the skinny Wulaoxing's continuous fighting ability far lower than others!

"Everyone, be sure to persevere! This masked man most likely used a life-consuming desperate move. As long as we delay for a while, we must win!"

The blond Wu Laoxing, who had the greatest hatred for Chen Mo, couldn't help shouting loudly when he saw Chen Mo's naked upper body getting redder.

"That's right!"

"hold onto!"

"A mere lunatic will surely die!"

In addition, the three who gritted their teeth, heard the words, and the offensive suddenly became fierce again, and they all shouted.

And listening to the exchange of the four people in front of him, Chen Mo couldn't help being startled, and his face turned ugly again!

Because what they said, as the saying goes, reached Chen Mo's heart.

Every time Chen Mo uses the "Liver Burst Mode", Chen Mo needs to spend several days eating and recovering. Invisibly, it is equivalent to wasting several days of life!

So for Chen Mo, it's not wrong to call the "explosive liver mode" a forbidden move that consumes life!
Moreover, Chen Mo's current state really can't last long, and the maximum limit of "explosive liver mode" is six hours...

"Damn it, they saw through it!"

Chen Mo became slightly irritable, feeling that the four people in front of him were indeed experienced adults...

When I used the "Burst Liver Mode" by myself, but the displayed skin would have some abnormalities, I didn't expect all the disadvantages to be guessed out!

And the four people who besieged Chen Mo, seeing Chen Mo's gradually impetuous behavior, couldn't help feeling certain in their hearts, feeling like they had a chance to win!
For a moment, the four people who were imperceptibly encouraged moved and cooperated more and more fiercely, not giving Chen Mo the slightest chance to breathe.


While the five were fighting endlessly, many slaves around looked at their benefactor Chen Mo...

Because they were taken as hostages invisibly, they were forced to fall into siege...

For a time, many slaves felt mixed feelings in their hearts!

Especially watching Chen Mo gradually lose the upper hand, being firmly suppressed in place and unable to move...

Coupled with Chen Mo's gradually reddened skin, there was even smoke coming out of his naked upper body...

This is obviously in order to save them, Chen Mo used some moves that overdraw his body, and even deplete his life and potential!

The fierce Beihai hero couldn't help but roar in grief and indignation, venting his inner aggrieved feeling!

"I'm really a damn good-for-nothing. I've lived like a dog under the feet of the world government for so many years. I finally escaped from the cage, but I can only hurt my own benefactor!"


"I'd rather die than be such a waste that hurts my benefactor!!!"

As for the hearts of the many other slaves who were suffering deeply at this moment, hearing the roar from the heart of the Beihai hero, they felt that their hearts were undergoing severe torture at this moment.

"I can't take it anymore!"

"My life is cheap, I don't deserve to hurt my benefactor!"

Another man with a hammer in his hand rushed straight towards the battlefield where Chen Mo was fighting with a loud roar, intending to create some opportunities for his benefactor to fight back at the cost of his own life!

However, this man, who was only a little stronger than ordinary soldiers in physical fitness, was only within one kilometer of the battle center of Chen Mo's five people, and his internal organs were already shattered by the aftermath.

"The gap is too big!"

The deep unwillingness not only rose in Tiger's heart, but at the moment all the slaves felt a sense of powerlessness.

And just as many slaves looked at their benefactors in great pain because they were in trouble, they themselves were helpless, even unable to escape.

Suddenly, an erratic word came faintly in the wind...


"jump down……"


"jump down……"

(End of this chapter)

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