Pirate's reading will become stronger

Chapter 122 Six Types of Mysteries: Six Rounds of Spears

Chapter 122 Six Types of Mysteries: Six Round Guns

"Your Excellency, since you are willing to help me, why don't you come out and help me open the way?" Tiger shouted loudly after crushing a government agent who rushed to him again.

However, after waiting for a few seconds, Tiger still did not notice the reappearance of that figure.


Tiger gritted his teeth fiercely. This was the third time Tiger shouted at the mysterious man, asking for his help.

Obviously the situation has reached a critical juncture, but this mysterious person is unable to live or die, and is only willing to prevent a sneak attack targeting him at a critical juncture!

Otherwise, with the power he just demonstrated, Tiger believes that with his full help, he will be able to fight a bloody road and lead more slaves to escape.

However, fighting all the way, this mysterious man would only kill the opponent in an instant when he encountered an unexpected sneak attack, and then disappeared again.

The whole process is so fast that almost no shadow will be left behind.

If it wasn't for being too close to Tiger, and this situation happened several times in a row, even Tiger would not be aware of the existence of such a person.

"Never mind!" Tiger clenched his fists, knowing that now is not the time for him to be entangled in these things...

Nearly [-] slaves were making breakthroughs in the direction of Taige. As long as Taige paused for a moment, more slaves would fall in despair forever in this dirty holy land of Mariejoia.


With a violent roar, Tiger's huge body exploded with incomparably powerful strength under the impetus of endless responsibilities and consciousness, and fearlessly led more slaves behind him to rush towards the government agents blocking in front.

"I want to break through, break through, break through..."

"There is that mysterious person behind me to help me block the attack!"

"My goal is ahead, to bring more people back to the sea!!!"

During the killings again and again, Tiger's belief became more and more firm, and his red eyes stared at the enemy in front of him...

Breaking through his own limit again and again, Tiger's blood seemed to be sublimated at this moment, bursting out with endless power!
At this moment, Tiger, under the support of his strong belief, clearly had the breath of life comparable to that of a vice-admiral, but he burst out with enough power to crush the CP0 agent.

The skills of those CP0 agents were far superior to that of Tiger who was a murloc, but they couldn't even stop this man at this moment when their physical fitness was not much different.

The enemy of unity!
With just one staggered move, the veteran agent in the CP0 organization was shot dead by Tiger on the spot, and the whole person was directly folded together by Tiger and smashed forward like a cannonball.

Immediately, under Tiger's berserk aura, the other three CP0 members who were blocking Tiger couldn't help taking a few steps back.

"This man!!!" A tall CP0 member murmured in horror.

"How can it be so strong?"

"Obviously judging from the power value, he is on the same level as us, why can't he even stop him now!"

"It's faith!" Another gray-haired CP0 member said out loud.

"Little devil! This is the belief of a man!"

"Faith?" The tall CP0 member took a few deep breaths, suppressed all the fear in his heart, and asked questioningly.

"Yes! This is the power of faith!" The gray-haired CP0 member said while waiting for the opportunity to find Tiger's flaws, while teaching these usually rebellious juniors.

"When a man is implementing his beliefs and will, he will explode with power far beyond imagination!"

"At that moment, unless someone whose strength is far beyond his level by several levels intervenes to stop him, other people at the same level will not be his all-in-one enemy at all!"

"This man indeed has the courage and will to be called a hero!"

"Amazing!" The gray-haired CP0 member couldn't help admiring even though he was hostile.

"Obviously we also have the belief in safeguarding the world government, why is there such a big gap?" The tall CP0 member said unwillingly.

The gray-haired CP0 member shook his head, but he didn't say the following words again.

Because the so-called belief in maintaining the world government is really my original dream and original belief?
Looking around the entire CP0 organization, including myself, the gray-haired CP0 members are very clear that their so-called belief in maintaining the world government is only forcibly instilled in it!

Even that belief is not born from the heart, so how can it burst out the power beyond the limit?

"But that man is different!"

The gray-haired CP0 member's eyes were not cloudy at all, they were as sharp as eagle eyes staring at Tiger, thinking secretly.

"This man! He is really fighting to the death for his beliefs, and he is really willing to die for his dreams!"

However, the tall CP0 member didn't know this and just asked anxiously. "Is there really no way to stop him?"

"If this continues, the hastily arranged defense line will be broken by him!"

"Hehe~" the gray-haired CP0 member said confidently while staring at Tiger's back.

"Little ghost, today I will teach you one more common sense!"


"My mortal enemy is the backstab!!!"

At the same time as the words were spoken, the thin body of the gray-haired CPO member suddenly swelled several times!

"Six Types of Profound Meaning·Return of Life"

"The energy I accumulated when I was young is to let you brats understand that the seniors in this sea are not something you can underestimate!"

As soon as the words fell, the gray-haired CP0 member went straight to Tiger's back at a speed far beyond normal...

What's more strange is that this white-haired CP0 member is so fast that he can blow up a gust of wind, but under the control of his exquisite muscles, he even moves all the air in front of him to the sides... …

But in the blink of an eye, the white-haired CP0 member had already quietly pounced on Tiger's back!
At this time, Tiger didn't realize it at all.

The gray-haired CP0 member's mouth hidden under the mask showed a trace of disdain and pride, and at the same time, his index finger suddenly popped out of his fist, covering it with an extremely black armed domineering look!
"Six Types of Mysteries, Six Round Guns"

Immediately, the index finger, which had been honed by the gray-haired CP0 member for decades, contained six different skills, and it exploded with force enough to split mountains and rocks, and poked towards the back of Tiger's head.

(End of this chapter)

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