The legendary creator of the system

Chapter 43 Ancient 1 Emperor

Chapter 43

Xianyang Palace.

The vast hall is covered with a red carpet, and the carpet gradually extends upwards with the steps up, and after passing through countless steps, it finally extends to a huge monster.If you look carefully, you will find real dragons of different shapes and vivid images painted on this huge monster.

It is naturally the unique golden dragon chair in the world.And on the dragon chair, was sitting a majestic young king.He has a handsome face, a pair of eyes like swords like knives, exuding a strong and terrifying light, fully revealing the domineering aura of the king.

"Report to Your Majesty, the Prime Minister is asking to see you." A servant came to report.


The middle-aged man moved his eyes slightly, as if he didn't want to move too much...


"Master Xuan Xiangguo, come to see me!"

The Qingxiu eunuch walked to the gate of the palace and shouted from afar.

And just as the delicate eunuch's voice finished, three figures hurriedly walked up from the outermost side of the palace...

It was Ye Qiong, Li Si and Zhao Gao!
"As expected of Xianyang Palace!!!"

Ye Qiong walked behind the two of them, her eyes kept looking around. In the distance, there were many tall buildings and thousands of pavilions, and she couldn't see the edge at a glance...

Farther away, there are thousands of gates, towers and pavilions in the palace, and there are many houses.

This was built by Qin Shihuang in imitation of the architectural styles of the six kingdoms, and there are records in historical texts that in this Xianyang Palace, there lived "concubines and concubines" from various vassal states, and they were so beautiful! ! !

Amber wine, jasper cups, gold-footed bottles, emerald dishes, the food is picturesque, the wine is like a spring, the guqin is running, and the bells are tinkling.Many palaces are surrounded by upside-down bell-like flowers, the calyx is pure white, translucent like bone china, and the top of the petals is a circle of lavender in different shades, as if dyed by nature.

"The biggest palace ahead is the main palace of Xianyang..."

From the side, Li Si's voice came over!
"The main hall of Xianyang!"

Ye Qiong murmured softly and nodded.

Looking at it, there is a black gold-threaded nanmu plaque hanging on the top of the red vermilion lacquer gate, with three big characters "Xianyang Palace" written on it.

The palace is simply too huge, it seems to be rising from the sky, and the top cannot be seen at a glance...

"Master Xiangguo, please come in!"

At the gate of the palace, the handsome eunuch was waiting.

"I'm sorry to trouble you, father-in-law..."

Li Si nodded and smiled.

"Master Xiangguo is really polite!"

As soon as Li Si opened his mouth, the delicate eunuch immediately returned it.

joke?Li Si is the prime minister of the Great Qin Dynasty, he is the one who can decide his life or death with one word!
"Mr. Ye, please come in!"

Li Si waved at Ye Qiong behind him.

Ye Qiong nodded lightly, then walked in...


At some point, the sky suddenly became pitch black...

Dark clouds overwhelm the city, slowly approaching...

"I'm afraid it's going to rain again!"

The delicate eunuch glanced at the sky, and whispered to himself.

"In the past few days, Xianyang has been raining for some reason, endlessly, making our family really upset..."


"Qizou Your Majesty, Mr. Ye will bring it here."

In the palace, Li Si bowed respectfully to the young figure on the throne.

Ye Qiong entered the Xianyang Palace together with Li Si, and saw Qin Wang Yingzheng on the high throne at a glance, and couldn't help admiring in his heart.If ordinary people met him, they would be so frightened that their legs would go weak and their spirits would collapse.The majesty accumulated in a high position all the year round is really not something ordinary people can bear.


On the throne, after hearing Li Si's words, the middle-aged man slowly opened his eyes, glanced at Ye Qiong, with a slight surprise on his face: "It's really unexpected that a person who can completely defeat Bai Feng would be such a Young man!"

"Returning to Your Majesty, I didn't expect Mr. Ye to be so young!"

Li Si explained: "Just now, after Mr. Ye defeated Sheng Qi, the head of Zhao Gao's six sword slaves, with less than three times, I dare not believe it..."

"From this point of view, Mr. Ye is really different from ordinary people!"

The middle-aged man waved his hand: "Come here, give a seat to Mr. Xiangguo and Mr. Ye!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you." Ye Qiong bowed his hands.

"You're welcome!"

"Your Majesty, Mr. Ye's martial arts are world-class, and he is willing to serve the Great Qin Empire. I don't know, Your Majesty, look..."

Lis said.

"So best!"

The middle-aged man nodded, and suddenly looked at Ye Qiong: "I have a question that I want to discuss with Mr. Ye. I don't know what Mr. Ye thinks about my Xianyang..."

The young man asked very suddenly, and Ye Qiong was stunned for a moment, but under the bombardment of so many ancient poems in China, she answered after a while...

"Xianyang palace is dense and towering, and the towers and towers of the six kingdoms are gorgeous. Since the emperor was drunk at that time, it has nothing to do with Qin. There are mountains and rivers, the purple pavilion is connected to the south, and the blue sky is blue. Looking at Xianyang from the cliff, the palace is surrounded by the North Pole, and thousands of wells are shocked. Drawn, the nine roads are straight like a string, the Weishui is clear and the Milky Way flows endlessly across the sky."

Ye Qiong opened her mouth slowly, her aura continued to grow, and the listeners felt as if they could vividly remember it, as if they were actually there...

"Then I don't know how you think of this king?"

The middle-aged man smiled slightly and asked again.

"The emperor of Qin sweeps Liuhe, and the tiger looks at He Xiongzai. The flying sword breaks the floating clouds, and the princes come to the west. The clear judgment comes from the apocalypse, and the general plan drives the talents!!!"

This time Ye Qiong blurted out without even thinking about it...

"Hahaha, very good, very good..."

The young man clapped his hands lightly, and laughed loudly: "Unexpectedly, my master's martial arts skills are world-class, and even this literary talent is one of the best..."

"Immediately pass the decree that Mr. Feng Ye is the guest minister of the empire, and he is better than the prime minister of the empire, and the notice to all the counties must not be wrong."

The middle-aged man made a promise and immediately settled down.

"The minister leads the order."

Li Si was a little hesitant, but after seeing Ying Zheng's eyes, he still forcibly endured it...

This bounty is really too high! ! !

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Ye Qiong and Li Si answered one after another.


I don't know when, suddenly there was a roar of thunder and lightning outside the palace...

The sky steps are as cool as water at night, red candles are flickering inside the hall, and the drizzle is slanting outside the hall.

The drizzle was drizzling, and it didn't stop.The sky is getting dark and hazy, the raindrops are invisible and innumerable, and the drizzle is densely woven obliquely and intertwined quietly.The rain fell into the yarn gently, falling one after another without making a sound.

The palace in the distance, covered with clouds and fog, looks like a well-crafted ink landscape painting; the nearby tree, covered in water droplets, looks like a pure and beautiful girl...

Farther away, there are official ships slowly moving along the narrow and long river in the palace.The winter jasmine is planted near the water, with slender flower branches hanging gracefully, and the goose-yellow petals are shyly blooming all over the branches. With the breeze blowing across the water, it is like a girl taking a self-portrait in a mirror, and she is ashamed to speak.

This is the Xianyang Palace, luxurious and unparalleled in the world! ! !
Ye Qiong sighed...

If you don't be there, you can't imagine how magnificent the Xianyang Palace is! ! !

This is beyond words! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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