The legendary creator of the system

Chapter 393 The Beginning of Chaos (3)

Chapter 393 The Beginning of Chaos ([-])

They continued to approach the castle slowly, its massive shadow looming over them, their terror redoubled despite the light bestowed by their wands.

The Aurors looked around vigilantly. At the edge of the square, some terrifying humanoid statues lined up in shadows caught their attention.Their faces were ferocious and their expressions were distorted, as if they had been tortured like purgatory, and sometimes they seemed to be laughing madly.

"What are those?" came the slightly trembling voice of the Auror to the left of the head Auror.

"Devil's Cemetery." The leader Auror said coldly, gritted his teeth, caught a glimpse of him gasping, "Don't worry, it's just a statue."

That Auror stared at the leader Auror with wide eyes, as if he wanted to say something else.The degree of danger of the arrest operation has greatly exceeded the limit he expected.

But the leading Auror ignored him, he concentrated on looking at everything around him, feeling the evil breath.No one noticed that his tall back was drenched with continuous sweat.

Step by step, every step is heavy for everyone.It is impossible to predict what will happen to them next.

He suddenly noticed something, a strange feeling quickly spread throughout the leader Auror's body like an electric shock, making him stop like a stone sculpture, and an ominous thought flashed - he felt an extremely powerful force magical energy.

"No, it's too quiet." With his heart in his throat, he subconsciously held his wand tightly.

The image of that magical power lingered in his mind, and he realized that it was suffocating and frightening--black magic!
His companions seemed to be still approaching the gloomy castle, and at this moment, their wands whizzed out of light, and darkness really fell.The surrounding hungering fog quickly surrounded them layer by layer at double speed, devouring them like a hurricane in a desert area.

Everything came too fast.

One of his companions turned his head to open his mouth to say something.

Suddenly, an unstoppable burst of magical energy rushed towards them, drowning the words in the gray tide in an instant.

The leading Auror raised his wand at the last moment. The extinguished light of the wand burned like a volcanic flame in an instant. The dazzling white light blocked the magic energy. After a short violent collision, the magic dissipated, leaving only A heavy crack in the ground.

The bodies of the Aurors lay motionless at the entrance to the open lawn on both sides of the large square. They seemed to have been blown away, but their bodies were unscathed, not even a scratch on their clothes.

But the leading Auror is not dead, and he is not sitting still.

Despite being severely injured by the blow just now, the leading Auror reached into the dark layer of his suit jacket with difficulty, and tightly grasped a dim, transparent small thing in his hand. He put his elbows on the ground and struggled to crawl over and pick up his wand.

Just as his hand was about to touch his wand, a foot that appeared out of nowhere, without the slightest notice, stomped heavily on his arm, and he cried out in pain.

Grindelwald's pale face appeared in the mist drifting past. This face was as lifeless as an old house covered with cobwebs and dust, but it wore a terrifying smile that mixed arrogance, coldness and sarcasm.

"It's such a pity, the famous Auror Jill Watson." Grindelwald said lightly, unable to hide his contemptuous tone, his voice seemed to freeze the surrounding air, and suddenly dropped dozens of degrees , "I'm about to die here."

As soon as he finished speaking, the leader of the Auror swung his right hand vigorously, and the thing in his hand gave off a grayish-white turbid light and threw it at Grindelwald violently. The ball hit him, but It's just that Grindelwald took a few steps backwards.He seemed unscathed, with that creepy smirk still hanging from the corner of his mouth.

The leading Auror took advantage of this opportunity to firmly hold the wand in his hand, and pointed the wand at Grindelwald at an extremely fast speed, and then a fleeting dazzling flash shot out from the wand, followed by dark blue streamlines Shaped lightning intertwined and intertwined and shot out instantly, carrying a thunderous momentum, approaching Grindelwald.

Grindelwald's hand moved, and the dark shadows around seemed to obey the master's call, and in an instant formed a death shield composed of an invisible barrier, expelling the future one by one.

The sharp lightning continued to strike, but there was no progress. Before the lightning touched the air exhaled by Grindelwald, it bounced to both sides. The stones on the ground were ruthlessly crushed and scattered all around.

Grindelwald began to move forward step by step, and the barrier moved accordingly.

The leading Auror's magic didn't seem to put much pressure on him, the pull distance was constantly shortening, and it was about to reach him.

But the body of the leading Auror seemed to be frozen, and the hand manipulating the wand was becoming more and more difficult, as if he had been threatened by an invisible threat.

"It's really interesting. An Auror who knows the Thousand Lightning Curse may pose a great threat to me if he strikes with all his strength, but after being hit by my Magic Devouring Curse, his mana has already collapsed and there is not much left." Grindel Wo said contemptuously.

Grindelwald erupted with an unstoppable magical shock, and the leading Auror was knocked down heavily to the ground, but the wand was still clenched tightly in his hand, "You gang of Ministry of Magic lackeys always want to come and catch I," Grindelwald looked at the remains of the Aurors around him, and sighed helplessly, "I finally sent a good one, but it's a pity that I have to come here to die."

He took out a very special wand from his clothes. It was longer than ordinary wands, and the color was a dark brown that was terrifyingly deep. There were five bulging ring-shaped protrusions on the body of the wand, the second from the handle. One is as big as half a pear, and the others become smaller towards the tip of the stick, and the one on the top is only bigger than a rubber.

He began to shoot dark black spells at the leading Auror. The leading Auror blocked two and tried to counterattack. A series of white lights shot at Grindelwald, but they were easily blocked.

Grindelwald dodged to the side like a phantom, and shot the third spell. The leading Auror was already weak from Grindelwald's spell. At this time, he was hit on the wrist by surprise, and his wand was shot down.

Grindelwald walked up to the leader Auror slowly, looked at his collar and pulled him up. The leader Auror struggled painfully, but it was useless.His wrists have been eroded by black magic, and they have become unrecognizable and unconscious.

"Who will they send next time? Fighting heroes? Do you think they can threaten me? They're all pretentious scum."

Grindelwald laughed wildly, talking to himself.

A flash of thunder flashed.

Reflecting Grindelwald's cheeks, they are still so pale, but at this moment it seems to be a little unusual.

On his left and right cheeks, it seemed... covered with large and small lumps... It seemed as if he had been punched hard by someone! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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