The legendary creator of the system

Chapter 390 Why Didn't Graves Come

Chapter 390 Why Didn't Graves Come

New York City.

Before it became the famous Times Square in later generations, it used to be a bustling and slightly noisy city trail.

At the end of this trail is the famous Woolworth Building.

An ornately carved skyscraper soaring into the sky - it even became a local icon at one point.


In front of the Woolworth Building.

Newt and Tina hurried in, down Broadway.

Tina walked in the front, while Newt followed at the back. If it wasn't for pulling his coat sleeves, it is estimated that Newt would even use the Apparatus spell to leave here.

Well known.

What he hates the most is this kind of place!

So is the UK, and so is the US!
"Come on."

Tina, who was walking in the front, was a little impatient.

"Er—sorry, I have work to do, it's true."

Newt says honestly that he's trying to get rid of Tina again, knowing it's hopeless.

"Then I think you have to rearrange!"

Tina's tone was very tough. He forced Newt to walk through the traffic, "What are you doing in New York?"

"Come shopping." Newt said casually.

"Can't you buy it in London?"

Tina's face was very anxious, she stared at Newt, for fear that he would run away.

"No, there's only one breeder of Appaloosa puffers in the world, and he happens to live in London, so no..." Newt said.

During the conversation, they had come to the steps outside the Woolworth Building, and the staff came and went through a revolving door.

This classical-style quartz building was the tallest one Newt had ever seen, and he could only see the vague top when he looked up.It looks like it is wearing a snow-white coat, which looks very special in the dark buildings around it.

Tina guides Newt to a side door next to the revolving door, guarded by a man in a cloaked uniform, who seems to be the only guard here.

"Someone violated the first paragraph of the third paragraph." Tina said to the guard, who immediately opened the door.

"Hey! By the way, we shut that guy down a year ago. Magical creatures aren't allowed in New York." Tina beckons Newt to come in.

At the same time, he whispered into Newt's ear.

Mixed with a gleam, Tina's face suddenly glowed with a feminine light in Newt's eyes.

Newt's eyes couldn't help but stare blankly.

Even though he was reluctant in his heart, his feet walked in involuntarily.

This was originally an ordinary office building, where people lingered and chatted, but under the influence of magic, a new space seemed to be created, and the entire foyer changed from the Woolworth Building to the Magical Congress of the United States of America.

"Where are we going now?" Newt said, looking around in surprise.

"Just follow me," Tina said, and they walked up a wide staircase into the main hall of the Magical Congress of America—a vast, imposing space with an impossibly high vaulted ceiling, under the sky.

The most eye-catching thing at first sight is a huge turntable on a high place in front of you, just like a huge clock, but there are many gears and disks on its surface, and a large line of words is engraved on the disk: Magic Exposure Threat grade.The needle of the dial is heavily skewed: unexplained activity.

Behind the carousel hangs a forbidding portrait of a witch of extraordinary poise: Serafina Pickrey, president of the Magical Congress of America.

Over the hall.

The owl messengers are constantly flying and circling, and some of them are constantly going to perform official duties.Wizards and wizards walked in the hall, constantly coming and going, and they were busy working in contemporary Western-style dresses.This is slightly different from those officials of the British Ministry of Magic.

Tina led the awed Newt through the bustling crowd.Passing down one aisle, I found several wizards sitting in line, waiting for a house-elf to help them polish their wands, next to an intricate contraption.

"That's interesting," Newt said softly.

"What did you say?" Tina turned to look at him.

"Oh nothing"

Tina took Newt up the luxurious gold-plated staircase to the elevator in the middle of the hall leading to the other floors of the Parliament. magic.

The elevator just stopped at their floor, the door opened, and the wizard who came out hurried away.There is also a little goblin inside, he is Red, the waiter in charge of the elevator.

"Hey, Goldstein." Reid greeted.

"Hey, Red," Tina said, smiling, pushing Newt into the elevator.

"We're going to the Major Crimes Division," Tina said to Red.

Red looked from Newt to Tina. "I thought you'd—"

"Go to the Serious Cases Investigation Division." Tina repeated, her tone a little tough, "Someone violated Article [-], Paragraph [-], and I can't sit idly by."

Red nodded and poked the elevator button above his head with a long clawed stick, and the elevator began to descend.

Newt and Tina stood awkwardly in the elevator, Newt sneaking a distracted glance at the newspaper in Red's hand.

The newspaper was called the New York Ghost, and when Newt heard the name, he felt that the newspaper should report some strange things in the wizarding world.

His eyes struggled down to see the smaller main text, and he couldn't see clearly between the lines, but it seemed to say that the Muggle world had been attacked many times by an unknown force.

"Hey, don't talk casually when you meet people later." Tina said, tugging at his skirt.

"Oh, yes."

Newt nodded quickly.

The elevator doors opened, and Tina went out first, followed by Newt.There are not many people in the Serious Case Investigation Division, and it looks much deserted than the hall.Maybe the department only deals with major incidents, and he's in trouble, Newt thought.

They turned down a corridor and came to a stately door, the contours of which were different from all ordinary doors before, proving that the place behind it must also be unusual.

Tina pushed open the door, and inside was a large and spacious room. On the second floor of the duplex, a group of Aurors of the highest rank in the Magic Congress stood. They gathered at a table to discuss some very serious issues.

"The International Federation of Wizards has threatened to send a delegation. They believe this incident is related to Grindelwald's attack in Europe."

In the spacious venue, came the deep and resonant voice of Serafina Pickering, the president of the American Association of Magic.

"The number one member, Lestrange, is still on the run. Maybe it's the one who attacked New York—she's Grindelwald's right-hand man, and she's quite dangerous. We need to step up efforts to arrest that woman." An Auror said .

"By the way, why hasn't the Minister of Security, Graves, arrived yet?"

Seraphina Piccoli said suddenly after looking around.

(End of this chapter)

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