The legendary creator of the system

Chapter 381 The Crime of Grindelwald

Chapter 381 The Crime of Grindelwald
"So, what is my identity now?"

On the sofa made of leather, the corners of Su Qiong's mouth raised slightly.

Every time he comes to a brand new world, he will also have a brand new identity, this identity may be big or small, but it always arouses his interest.

Through the spotless mirror surface that was wiped by the table, Su Qiong finally saw herself clearly at this moment.

A head of slightly curly yellow short hair, a suit completely made of silk, a typical medieval costume, and a pair of leather boots that seem to be made of some kind of leather on the feet. Elegant and exquisite, white marble pillars stand at the four corners of the room, and the surrounding walls are all carved with white stone bricks. Orchids carved with gold bloom coquettishly among the white stones. Don't go away.

Famous oil paintings or exquisite tapestries are hung on the walls, and gilded and carved furniture from the 17th and 18th centuries are displayed around. The hall displays precious artworks, golden clocks and large chandeliers, just like a museum.

no doubt.

There is no need to guess that Su Qiong also knows that his identity is definitely a stable aristocratic class.

Compared to the down-and-out fisherman in Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons, he still prefers his current identity.

The period when Fantastic Beasts took place was not considered an actor. Before World War I, around 1926, it was only a hundred years away from the world he lived in.

However, the history of Europe is deeply influenced by the Middle Ages. Therefore, even if it is considered modern, the buildings here are still "urban" buildings in the Middle Ages.

"Master Amo, there are guests looking for you outside!"

at this time.

Behind Su Qiong, Wu's voice suddenly sounded slightly hoarse.

"Mordoran Steward!"

Ye Qiong's voice sounded, she turned slightly, and looked towards the source of the sound behind her.

It is an old man, about five or sixty years old by appearance.

He was wearing a straight black tuxedo, which was quite slim on his tall and straight body.

The old man is none other than the housekeeper of Ye Qiong's current family.

Modoran Gunter.

He has served the Gunter family for more than 30 years. He has grown from a low-level domestic slave to a housekeeper with less than one person and more than [-] people today. He was also bestowed by the current head of the Gunter family a year ago. Gained the surname Gaunt.

Gunter family.

One of the 28 most famous pure-blood families in the Harry Potter world.

In the wizarding world, the top twenty pure-blood families mainly include Albert, Avery, Black, Bulstrode, Bock, Carrow, Brown, Weasley, Crouch, Foley, Flint , Gunter, Greengrass, Lesterchurch, Longbottom, McMillan, Malfoy, Knott, Ollivander, Parkinson, Prewett, Selwyn, Shaker, Slugher Well, Travers, Alex, Prince, and later the Potter family of Harry Potter, the savior of the wizarding world.

When watching the Harry Potter movie, Ye Qiong mistakenly thought that Harry was a descendant of mixed blood. It wasn't until later that he learned that Harry Potter was not only a descendant of a pure-blood family, but also a descendant of a pure-blood family. stand out.

James and Harry were successively able to inherit the invisibility cloak, one of the Deathly Hallows, and their ancestors were wizards.

The Malfoy family, the Slytherin family, the Black family, and the Weasley family are all pure-blood families mentioned in the book.

The heads of the Lestrange family, the Crabbe family, the Gore family, the Nott family, the Parkinson family, and the Greengrass family are basically Death Eaters, plus Draco and Crabbe, Gore, Theo Do, Pansy, and Daphne get mixed up.

The Gaunt family is descended from the Slytherin family.

Speaking of the Gunter family, perhaps not too many people are familiar with it, but if it comes to a character who was born in the Gunter family later, everyone definitely knows it.

Voldemort Tom Marvolo Riddle, the super dark wizard who later stirred up the magic world was born here after 26 years.

Voldemort's mother, Merope Gunter, was a witch. Together with her brother Morfin Gunter and her father Marvolo Gunter, she was the last descendant of the Gunter family and a pure blood of Salazar Slytherin. descendants.The Gunter family is used to inbreeding, so some of their traits are more obvious from generation to generation--temper, restlessness, and love of violence.

Generations before Marvolo, the Gaunt fortune had been squandered.

Voldemort's father, Tom Riddle Sr., was a squire of Little Hangleton.Merope makes old Tom Riddle fall in love with him with a love potion.A year after their elopement, Merope stopped using the love potion on old Tom Riddle because she didn't want to live this fake life anymore.Old Tom Riddle abandoned Merope after waking up, and Merope was lonely and miserable in London.On New Year's Eve in 1926, Merope gave birth to Voldemort in front of an orphanage, and died after saying "Tom Riddle" after his father.Tom Riddle grew up in an orphanage.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Little Tom later became a frenzied "Voldemort".

"Modoran, who is looking for me outside?"

Ye Qiong frowned slightly, as if he was a little puzzled.

In his memory, the Gaunt family has been squandered up to now, and those friends from the past have long since disappeared.

No one will pay attention to a family that has gone into decline, and no one will pay a visit to a family that has lost its glory.

Even if the family is pure blood.

"Looks like Percival Graves, Minister of Magic"

The old butler opened his mouth softly, and there seemed to be a little solemnity in his tone.

"Percival Graves, what did he want from me?"

Hearing this, Ye Qiong's eyes could not help but narrow slightly.

Others don't know, but he knows very well in his heart who the real identity of the current minister of the Ministry of Magic is.

Gellert Grindelwald.

One of the most powerful Dark wizards of all time, second only to Tom Marvolo Riddle who would later become Lord Voldemort.

Grindelwald studied at Durmstrang Academy, but was later expelled from the school for conducting too evil black arts experiments.He later met Albus Dumbledore and became friends with him.

Grindelwald is a complex character, very idealistic and talented at the same time, and will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.He instituted reforms outside the law and committed numerous crimes, including several murders, along with his followers.His acts of violence spread across the United States and Europe, and he eventually established himself as a power base in a fortress called Nurmengard in the middle of the continent.

In 1945, Grindelwald was already at the height of his power.Dumbledore stepped up to fight him in a legendary duel, and finally defeated him.Grindelwald was then imprisoned in the fortress he built.Decades later, in 1998, Voldemort came to Nurmengard to find the whereabouts of the Elder Wand.Grindelwald refused to give him information and was eventually killed by Voldemort.

(End of this chapter)

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