The legendary creator of the system

Chapter 331 The Tyrant of the Previous Civilization

Chapter 331 The Tyrant of the Previous Civilization
Dorrance looked very indifferent.

The master's supernatural powers, he can't tell others clearly.

Even he himself doesn't understand, his master, where the limit is! ! !

Just relying on a clone can make the sun god Apollo, one of the twelve main gods of Mount Olympus, extremely depressed.

If the real body came, wouldn't it be...

Dorrance suddenly didn't dare to think about it. This was a kind of awe of unknown power deep in his heart, even for him.

The more unknown, the more disturbing.


In this battle, the fate of Apollo, the sun god, is unknown. In this battle, the number of deaths of the Greek coalition forces is unknown. The entire Troy plain was turned into a piece of scorched earth, and there were charred black corpses everywhere.

This is still light, and the serious ones have already turned into a pile of ashes.

The Greek allied forces suffered heavy losses before they fought a truly large-scale battle with the Trojan soldiers.

The power of the gods does not allow any mortal to dare to blaspheme, especially this god is also the twelve main gods who rule the world.

When the commoner is angry, he bleeds for five steps; when the king is angry, he bleeds for thousands of miles and lays down millions of corpses.

When the gods are angry, the sky will collapse.

A total of more than 20 Greek coalition forces lost a total of [-] to [-] in this battle.

Coupled with the previous war with the Trojan soldiers, there is no one in ten of the 20 troops.

For the Greek coalition forces coming from afar, this can definitely be called a complete nightmare.

On the contrary, the soldiers of Troy cheered happily. With the protection of Zeus, the king of the gods, and Athena, the goddess of wisdom, this ancient city-state that has stood on the plain of Troy for hundreds of years is still majestic today.


In Greek mythology, Mount Olympus is the origin of all civilizations.

This sacred and mysterious peak is majestic and majestic, standing majestically among the mountains of Greece.

The Greek gods chose this place to build their palaces and rule the world there.

Above the sea of ​​clouds on Mount Olympus, there are long colonnades. In front of the colonnades are gardens with exotic flowers and plants. They arrange everything here, ruling the world as if they are high above. In their eyes, although the world is There are wars, disasters, diseases, and deaths everywhere... But there is the source of their power of will. Only with the prayers of hundreds of millions of people can their strength be improved to a higher level.

Although human beings were created by the gods, they formed a brand-new life form at the moment of creation, and were no longer directly ruled by the gods.

This is a secret and vague rule in the world, and the gods can't resist, so they can only obey silently.

The gods arranged everything and competed secretly, but they didn't know that even they were just captive animals of a certain god.

Zeus, the ruler and creator of the age of the twelve gods.

All intelligent beings in the world are collectively referred to as the Emperor of Heaven, the Father of All-knowing and Almighty, the God of Law, the God of Order, the Strongest God, and the King of Gods.

According to legend.

Zeus, who was still in his infancy, was sent to Crete by his mother in order to escape the tyranny of his father Cronus.When Zeus grew up, knowing his life experience, he resolutely went to the dark Olympus and decided to overthrow the rule of Cronus. Zeus and his brothers defeated the brutal rule of Cronus and created the Twelve God's new age.

But after officially taking charge of Mount Olympus, Zeus became as brutal as his father Cronus, even worse.

Zeus forbade humans to use fire. One of the gods of the Titans, Prometheus, the son of Themis and Iapetos, helped humans steal fire from Olympus, which offended Zeus.

In order to punish him, Zeus locked him on the cliff of Caucasus Mountain, sent an eagle to eat his liver every day, and made his liver grow back every day.Thousands of years later, Hercules came to the cliff to find the golden apple, shot the eagle to death, and replaced Prometheus with the centaur Chiron.But he must always wear an iron ring inlaid with a stone from the Caucasus Mountains.

In order to realize the plan of human self-destruction, Zeus ordered Hephaestus to create a human woman.This woman wants to be cute, smart and beautiful, and can bring disaster to mankind.Zeus gave this woman named Pandora to Epimetheus, the younger brother of Prometheus. Epimetheus had already forgotten Prometheus' warning and fell in love with this woman named Pandora. Completely plunged into endless disaster.

Deucalion, the son of Prometheus, got his father's warning in advance and built a big ship, so he took his wife Pyrrha to leave by boat, and later created a new human being that had been destroyed. The time to pray to the gods.

And Zeus has changed even more, becoming the object of common prayer of gods and mortals.


Mount Olympus, the highest peak.

Here is the pinnacle of all gods' power to rule.

Here, from the emergence of each generation of god civilization to its demise, only one god can and will always live here.

Since the demise of the Titan God civilization, another god has been replaced here.

So far, he has ruled here for tens of millions of years.

Compared with tens of millions of years ago, his demeanor is still the same, and his figure is still incomparably tall, like a green pine.

His face, which had never experienced emotional fluctuations, was even colder than ice.

It seemed that nothing in the world could cause him even a slight fluctuation.

But right now, his eternal face was full of shock.

His own son, the sun god Apollo, one of the twelve main gods of Mount Olympus, was beaten to death by a strange man in black.

If it wasn't for Apollo having one of his artifact body protection at the end, I'm afraid he would have fallen long ago.

This was such a big event that even the king of the gods felt a little bit of fear.

He can predict everything in the world, but he has no sign of it alone.

Moreover, what frightened him the most was that in the end, the other party's main body didn't even appear, but relying on a clone, he almost killed his most outstanding son.

This kind of ability is comparable to what he has.

"The other party is definitely not a mortal!"

Zeus frowned and sat on the golden throne of the god king on Mount Olympus.

"Could it be a descendant of Cronus?"

Zeus's eyes shrank slightly, and there was a flash of lightning inside.

He suddenly thought of a great consequence.

It is very likely that Cronus left other descendants in the mortal world, and even secretly left his divine power and memory to him, and resurrected with the help of his descendants' bodies.

This is one of the scariest things.

The great tyrant of the previous generation of civilization did not fall completely, but was hiding in the dark, waiting for the right time, and came back again. Thinking about it made him shudder.

(End of this chapter)

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