The legendary creator of the system

Chapter 322 The Battle of Troy (2)

Chapter 322 The Battle of Troy ([-])
The Trojan War, an epic war, is about to sound the horn.

Countless heroes fell to the ground, and countless heroes stepped forward to create a new legend.

Troy is not too far away from Ye Qiong's Silphie Empire. Of course, if it is said to be close, it is absolutely impossible to count.

In 1193 of the Greek calendar, the Trojan War officially broke out.

After ten years, it didn't come to an end until 84.

Agrus, the strongest warrior in Greece, was killed in battle, Hector, the strongest warrior in Troy, was killed in battle, and there were countless unknown little people shrouded in horse leather.

This is a war that is enough to be recorded in the annals of history, and it is a contest between the gods.

Intense wisdom and courage went into the ten years of war.

Hector, the Trojan hero, is the leader of Troy. Under the heroic resistance of King Priam, Queen Hecuba, Prince Paris and the people of Troy, he repelled the attacks of the Greek legion time and time again. The Greeks held down on the shores of Mycia. The 9-year war cultivated the heroic and fearless spirit of the Trojans. Apollo, the sun god, personally took action, and let the first Greek warrior fall into the sand!

For such a war, for a militant like Ye Qiong, he would naturally not stand by.

After these years of development, his Silphie Empire has grown stronger and stronger, and it is no longer what it used to be. It even has a vague tendency to become the number one power in the Aegean Sea.

Not only is the Silphie Empire the largest in the entire Aegean Sea Islands, it controls nearly three-fifths of the pure land area of ​​the entire Aegean Sea Islands, and it also has the largest number of soldiers in the entire Aegean Sea!
During the conquest of Troy, the entire Greek group of countries put together [-] to [-] soldiers, which is only equivalent to one-third of the Silphia Empire.

When the Greek countries conquered Troy this time, the Greek countries also specially sent people to ask Ye Qiong's opinion and whether they could give some support.

This can't allow them to be careless, because the power Ye Qiong possesses is too huge, so huge that even they feel frightened even if they hold hands.

Regarding the requests from the Greek countries, Ye Qiong expressed great generosity, and with a wave of her hand, she took out a full [-] soldiers.

Adding the original 13 soldiers, when they reached the gate of the city wall of Troy, the total number of soldiers led by Achilles once reached [-], which was absolutely unprecedented for the population at that time.


"Prince, in the Greek coalition this time, the overlord of the Aegean Sea, the Sylphie Empire, seems to have also sent troops to support it!"

The main palace of the city-state of Troy.

In the huge conference room, a group of generals in armor formed a circle, and they didn't know what they were discussing.

"This Sylphie Empire is really..."

The absolute ruler of the city-state of Troy, King Priam of Troy frowned and snorted coldly.

"Father, the most urgent task now is probably not to accuse the Silphie Empire, but to discuss how to repel the attack of the Greek coalition!!!"

Hector, the number one warrior of Troy, pondered.

"The boy is right!"

Priam nodded.

"My child thinks that although the Greek coalition forces are coming aggressively this time, it is not impossible to defeat them!"

Hector folded his arms and said slowly.

"According to the easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack terrain of our Troy, it is definitely not an easy task for the Greek coalition forces to take us down!"

"It's just that what makes me feel difficult is the general leading the army this time, the number one warrior in Greece, Achilles!!!"

"He is so powerful that he is only one person, and he can still withstand the attack of our group of Trojan warriors!!!"

Paris, the second prince of Troy, was a little disdainful.

Beside him is Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world.

"What my brother said is also reasonable, but it is rare to have a man with a great reputation, and this Achilles is definitely not an idler. fate!"

Hector frowned.

He had just had a brief contact with Achilles on the city wall. Based on his first impression, he believed that Achilles must not be underestimated! ! !
This is an intuition unique to the strong.

"From now on, the whole city is on alert!"

The Hector series has given its final order!

In Troy, although he is not a king, no one will question his words in terms of commanding the military power!
This is a kind of absolute authority, and it is a kind of blind faith in Hector!
Outside the walls of Troy.

At this time, the sun had already set, and the sky had begun to gradually darken, and it seemed that it was going to be completely dark.

The Greek army led by Achilles has already set up camp, and after all the days of traveling, they need to take a good rest.

10,000+ people did their work, and countless gray tents appeared in front of the city-state of Troy before it officially got dark.

All around, there are several pairs of soldiers with swords constantly patrolling.

The night was silent, and the chirping of insects and beasts could be faintly heard.

Some of the Greek soldiers had already fallen asleep. In the tent, snoring was everywhere, like hysterical...

"Whoosh whoosh..."


at this time.

In the midair, there were countless sounds of breaking through the air suddenly.

The dense rain of arrows shot towards the direction of the Greek army like beans...

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Arrows rained one after another, shimmering with a long chill, which was extremely ear-piercing in the silent night.

"Enemy attack!!!"

The camp of the Greek army was instantly smashed by the rain of arrows all over the sky.

"Hide quickly, it's a Trojan night attack!"

In the panic, someone kept shouting.


"Warriors, take up your arms and don't mess yourself up!"

at this time.

A slightly thick voice suddenly sounded.

next moment.

Achilles hurried out with a long sword in one hand and a black-gold Ares shield in the other.

"Greece must win, the warriors are invincible!"

Achilles raised his arms and shouted.

"Greece must win, the warriors are invincible!"

Led by Achilles, the number one warrior in Greece, the Greek coalition forces that had been fleeing in all directions calmed down instantly.

Moreover, high-spirited fighting spirit even reappeared on everyone's face, even if the arrow rain fell in front of them, it didn't make any fluctuations on their faces.

This is Achilles, the invincible warrior. As long as he is still there, the Greek coalition forces will never be defeated.

As long as he is still there, the Greek coalition is a real team of lions.

Even in the face of any enemy, there are warriors and strength to fight.

"Warriors, strike back!"

Achilles suddenly pulled out the long sword in his hand and shouted angrily.



Countless Greek warriors were shouting, and the entire Troy plain was filled with killing intent that was so thick that it could not be contained...

(End of this chapter)

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