The legendary creator of the system

Chapter 192 Mi Emperor's Demise (1 more)

Chapter 192 Midi's Demise (Part [-])
The laser weapons of the Mi Army also fired one after another, and the dense beams appeared and disappeared in the lingering smoke and dust, forcefully biting the steel coat of the machine.The entire battlefield between humans and Chitauri is more like a war of light and heat at this time. The scorching air flow is tumbling and pierced by the flashing laser light. The sky above the battlefield flickers and changes like an aurora. Cracked limbs were flying around, as if the whole world had dumped all the haze on the Shura field where humans and machines were finally fighting. He hid his body in the fortifications, avoiding the dense laser rays like fishing nets above his head.

Gradually, the balance of victory on the battlefield began to tip to the human side. Small machines fell to the ground under the attack of shock bombs, EMP bombs and laser strafing, and most of the large machines were burned by particle beam cannons.

The last remnant of the setting sun dyed the entire battlefield red, as if the machine was also bleeding blood, and the heavy limbs supported by hydraulic pressure twitched feebly with the sound of electric arcs. The Chitauri army was repelled, and the victory belonged to humans.

All the soldiers are cheering. For them, what they need most is the encouragement of a war victory.

But is this really the case?

Will the Chitauri army, with the help of Sentinel robots, really fail?
The answer is obviously impossible.

somewhere in the shadows.

Ye Qiong's figure slowly appeared.

"Master, why did you suddenly withdraw your troops?"

On Ye Qiong's body, the Dianguang man was a little puzzled.

"Don't you know that it is the most painful thing for people to experience great sorrow after great joy?"

Ye Qiong smiled slightly and said slowly.

"Master is wise!"

Max flattered him without a trace!
"Okay, they are happy and happy enough, let the real Chitauri army and sentinel robots attack!"

Ye Qiong gave the last order in a cold voice.

Electro-man Max's body couldn't help trembling slightly, and then he nodded immediately.


next moment.

Dense Chitauri people riding in aircraft rushed from all directions, and behind the Chitauri army, there were sentinel robots three to four meters high.

Their blood-red eyes kept turning, full of desire to kill.

The U.S. soldiers who were in Hecai just now were completely stunned. The Chitauri army and sentinel robots rushed in front of them without reacting at all.

What is this ghost?

Didn't they clearly defeat each other?You have already won the victory, why in the blink of an eye, another enemy with more people and better weapons than before appeared!

The soldiers completely collapsed, so capricious that they instantly lost the desire to continue fighting.

All the people were yelling and shouting, they didn't want the weapons in their hands, and fled to the surroundings one after another...

What was originally a war has completely turned into a one-sided massacre at this moment.

Rivers of blood flowed at the scene, and corpses littered the field!

Under the fierce attack of Qi Rui's army and sentinel robots, for a moment, on the battlefield, the eyes could not see any standing Midi soldiers!
This is war.

It's never been as good as it's been sung about.

There is no such thing as injustice or justice in war, it is just a synonym for it imposed by people.

It all depends on the mentality of the fighter.

A war is a war, and those who win can naturally say that they are just, and those who lose must be unjust.

Don't say that Ye Qiong is cold-blooded and ruthless, his cold-blooded and ruthless is only for the people!

Ye Qiong is not alone, there are a group of younger brothers behind him.

No one in the US army of 50 was spared!
Rao Ye Qiong's calm mind like water also fluctuates slightly. This is not an ant who is trampled to death. 50 lives died because of him. Ye Qiong couldn't help but feel a little confused. He didn't know what he was doing was right or wrong. .

Originally, he was just an ordinary person who would not even dare to kill a chicken, but now he commanded a large army to kill nearly hundreds of thousands of people.

Because of the system, all the dark desires buried deep in Ye Qiong's heart burst out.

It was desire that controlled him!
Power, money, destruction...

But so what?
Ye Qiong instantly figured it out, he was not controlled by desire, but because he is the real him at this moment, the real him.

Whoever has no desires, he just magnifies these desires infinitely!

Heh, I really am a violent otaku! ! !
Ye Qiong smiled self-deprecatingly, and stopped paying attention to the battlefield.

At this time, the battlefield is coming to an end. Under the real attack of the Sentinel robot and the Chitauri army, the Midi army is completely wiped out!
Except for those soldiers who were killed in the trenches!

Ye Qiong didn't bother to take care of them, and left here directly after giving orders.

Behind them, there are tens of thousands of Chitauri army and sentinel robots!
The United States, the presidential palace!
Office of the President.

After hearing the telegram from ahead, the President of the United States staggered and fell to the ground!
That's a full 50 troops. The entire elite of the US imperial government will be wiped out in one day.

The United States has never suffered such a big loss since the founding of the country!
Not to mention his peaceful resignation as a president, I am afraid that he will be drowned by the spitting stars of the American imperialists when he goes out!
"Damn Harry Osborn, it's all because of you!"

The President of the United States said fiercely, his face livid.

But in a blink of an eye, he was relieved, so what if he hated it?
I am no match for others at all. At that time, I am afraid that the whole Midi will be destroyed!

"Mr. President, the Chitauri army has already attacked, run away!"

At this moment, a security guard ran in and shouted loudly.


The body of the President of the United States trembled instantly, and his eyes were as big as cowbells...

Harry Osborn is calling?

"Mr. President, run quickly, if you don't run, it will be too late."

The security guard looked in a hurry and didn't care about other things. He directly grabbed the dazed American president with one hand, pushed open the door of the office with the other, and ran out in a hurry...

However, just as they ran to the gate of the Presidential Palace, a miniature missile suddenly shot straight into it...


With a loud bang, the entire presidential palace was instantly reduced to ruins...

The raging flames continue to burn, like the end of the world...


In the first year of Meiman Time, the giant Meidi that once stood tall in the west of the world collapsed in just one week!

The entire Midi was devastated, and the current president of the U.S. was blown to pieces by a miniature bomb on the way to escape...

(End of this chapter)

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