The legendary creator of the system

Chapter 163 Casserole Big Fist

Chapter 163 Casserole Big Fist
And just when he came over, police cars suddenly appeared at the intersection and surrounded him. The policemen raised their guns and fired, and the muzzles of the guns emitted the smell of gunpowder smoke.

The bullets shot at his body did not cause any damage, but it also angered him.

"You inferior creatures, get out of here!"

Dr. Lizard grabbed a car at that time and slammed it into those desperate policemen.

The police panicked and scattered.With an explosion, a police car was scrapped directly.

Although Dr. Lizard can ignore the bullets, but helplessly the police always aim at Dr. Lizard's eyes or head, which makes Dr. Lizard so annoying that he can't move well at all!
In a fit of anger, Dr. Lizard tore several of the most vicious beatings alive, and frightened the surviving policemen.

Those ordinary bullets couldn't pierce his scales at all.

"Go up if you want!"

Nodding, Ye Qiong sat down again.

Dr. Lizard was right, even if the shield in Steve's hand was too impressive, it was still just a slightly bigger ants to him.

"Master, just look at it!"

Dr. Lizard clenched his fists fiercely and sneered.

"Captain America, Steve? Today is your memorial day next year!"

Dr. Lizard grinned at his big canine-toothed mouth, showing disdain beyond words.

"Hmph, it's not certain who wins and loses!"

Steve touched the shield in his hand, not to be outdone.

After finishing speaking, Steve rushed over directly with his help... Dr. Lizard was full of anger. When he saw someone approaching him, he punched him: "Go away, you inferior creature!"

Captain America erected his shield, and there was a roar. The next moment, the ground under his feet split like a spider web...

Captain America was terrified, knowing that he couldn't fight this monster head-on.So quickly retreat.

Dr. Lizard was about to chase after him, but he instinctively sensed a crisis, and immediately closed his eyes.As soon as I closed my eyes, my eyelids hurt.Then a bullet fell to the ground.

Dr. Lizard roared: "Annoying flies!"

Hawkeye shot in the distance and waved his hand: "Captain, I'll cover you."

Captain America breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Hawkeye appearing. If Natasha was covering him, he would have fought much easier.

"You are all going to die!"

Dr. Lizard is fierce and rampant!

It looks fierce, but it has no rules at all.

Seeing this opportunity, Captain America flicked his shield and slammed it hard on Dr. Lizard's head, attracting his attention: "Stinky lizard, look here."

Captain America learned smart this time, caught his own shield, and flexibly rolled between Dr. Lizard's fists and tails, without being touched by Dr. Lizard.Even if it is really impossible to hide, all attacks can be resolved as long as the shield is erected.

Hawkeye shoots Dr. Lizard in the eye every time he has to make a heavy hand, which annoys Dr. Lizard.

So a painful situation emerged, Dr. Lizard could not cause damage to Captain America, and Captain America hit Dr. Lizard as if it was tickling.

Dr. Lizard roared and threw Captain America into the air: "Damn fly, I will deal with you first!" Dr. Lizard could see that as long as the sharpshooter was around, he would not be able to deal with the guy in the rice character costume.

Dr. Lizard took three steps and made two steps, and rushed directly to Hawkeye.

Hawkeye's heart tightened, he quickly aimed at his eyes, and then quickly pulled the trigger.


The bullet instantly rushed out in a streamlined direction.

Dr. Lizard learned so well, he closed his eyes directly, and quickly ran over by his own perception.

Dr. Lizard's speed was too fast, and Hawkeye couldn't dodge it at all. He could only put up a defensive posture and try his best to protect himself.Captain America in the distance wanted to rescue him, so he had to throw his shield out, but he just missed Dr. Lizard's path slightly.


Without any suspense, Hawkeye was knocked into the air. Fortunately, Captain America missed Dr. Lizard's path, and it just flew away.

In the air, Hawkeye was sore all over.

But Dr. Lizard opened his eyes and showed a cruel smile.

Hawkeye's breath was stagnant, and he wanted to raise his hand to shoot, but the sore wrist just shot the bullet at Dr. Lizard's shoulder.

Dr. Lizard laughed wildly: "Go to hell, inferior creature!"

The thick arm hit Hawkeye, and the evil wind roared.

The shadow of death enveloped Hawkeye's heart, and Hawkeye closed his eyes in despair.

At this moment, a roar rang in my ears, and the evil wind that was rushing towards me dissipated...

It was a dark green fist that saved him!

The fist is big, like the washbasin used by ordinary people.

"court death!"

Lizard Bo roared and jumped off the crushed car.

After looking at his swollen and sore arm, and then at the gigantic creature in front of him that was nearly ten meters tall, Dr. Lizard couldn't help opening his mouth fiercely: "Are you a mutant? We are all higher creatures , why fight. Wouldn’t it be nice for us to eliminate these inferior creatures and purify this imperfect world.”

In the face of mutants, Dr. Lizard still has a good impression. Isn't the powerful mutation ability a good progress on the road of evolution?

"No, no, I'm not interested in the rule you said, I just want to kill you, or be killed by you."

The person who came came gave Dr. Lizard a middle finger!
Dr. Lizard's eyes turned cold: "So, you want to prevent the great me from purifying this imperfect human species..."

"Without further ado!"

Someone interrupted Dr. Lizard directly.

"Whoever blocks me, die!"

Dr. Lizard's face suddenly turned red and turned green, roaring and rushing towards the person who came, like a wild beast...

"You're full of flaws, your feet are flimsy, and you can't gather strength. I'm afraid you are the species of garbage."

The visitors commented disdainfully.

"Don't insult me, die!" The other party's words completely angered Dr. Lizard. Dr. Lizard's goal is to evolve into a more advanced species, but the other party's words were like slapping Dr. Lizard in the face.

Facing Dr. Lizard's heavy punch, the visitor did not dodge or evade, and stood quietly in place.

"This kind of attack is like scratching an itch for me in the most powerful form!"

The visitor sneered, raised his fist at the same time, and headed back head-on...

For a moment, the surrounding air stagnates, only one fist is slowly touching Dr. Lizard's arm.

The two fists collided, and there was a loud noise, and the ground between the man and the lizard exploded.

Dr. Lizard screamed and flew backwards, crashing into many cars, and finally crashing into the wall on the side of the street.

"A fist as big as a casserole asks if you are afraid."

(End of this chapter)

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