The legendary creator of the system

Chapter 115 Doctor, Hello <2 more>

Chapter 115 Doctor, Hello <Second Watch>

At this moment, Norman had a bad premonition in his mind.

He found that he was becoming more and more unable to see through this son who had never spoken a few words.

"Who the Green Goblin is, God knows, you know me, son, it's better not to explain too thoroughly!"

Ye Qiong smiled slightly, and glanced at Norman Osborn...


Norman sighed, he is not a fool, so he can naturally understand the meaning behind Ye Qiong's words.

Heaven knows, Earth knows, you know me, isn't he just saying in disguise that he knows the Green Goblin is him! ! !

"How did you know?"

Norman frowned, looked closely at Ye Qiong, and then asked, he really couldn't think of which aspect he had shown his feet.

"I'm afraid there is nothing in this world that I don't know!!!"

Ye Qiong smiled: "But speaking of it, I really admire my father's behavior. I can't get used to that shit and fart justice!!!"

Ye Qiong's tone was arrogant and unruly...

"I didn't expect that I have been in the mall for so many years, and there will be a day when I miss it!"

Regarding Ye Qiong's seemingly arrogant words, Norman couldn't help showing no sign of anger, on the contrary, he even laughed out loud...

"Crazy enough, proud enough... Hahaha, is this my Norman Osborn's son!!!"

Norman laughed loudly, and after laughing, he reached out and patted Ye Qiong's shoulder: "Forget it, father doesn't care how you know my identity, it's your secret, anyway, no matter what, as long as we father and son If we can be united and believe for our father, the world will definitely shake for our father and son!!!”

At this moment, Norman's ambition was revealed without any doubt.

Of course, for his son, he doesn't need to hide it either!

"Father said so!"

Ye Qiong still smiled lightly.

"Of course!"

Norman laughed loudly. He never took the initiative to talk to his son before because he felt that he was too cowardly, but now he didn't expect that his son was deliberately disguising himself before!
"Does this count as a father-son soldier?"

Ye Qiong thought suddenly.

"Of course!"

The voice of the system came suddenly, very sure, but it almost made Ye Qiong jump.


Time passed quickly, and three days passed by in a blink of an eye.

During these three days, Norman disappeared again.

Ye Qiong didn't have to guess, she must have gone to study her Green Goblin equipment again.

Electron and Sandman haven't come back yet, presumably it's Doctor Octopus who resisted!Otherwise, with such a short distance, let alone three days, you can get back in one day!

Ye Qiong is not afraid of Dr. Octopus escaping. In terms of speed, the Electro-Optical Man can definitely beat him. With the assistance of the Sandman from the side, it is only a matter of time before Dr. Octopus is brought back.

Most importantly, Electro and Sandman both carry person trackers!

If Dr. Octopus can run, can he run out of the sky?

Of course, Ye Qiong has not been idle these three days.

Doctor Octopus is just one of his thousands of targets. Besides the other party, he has another target, and he sent someone to do it a few days ago!
And today, the person he sent sent good news: the mission was successfully completed!

73rd Street, Utopia Avenue, Queens is the closest place to the slums in New York City. Here, things like robbery, rape, and theft happen all the time. However, the only difference is that there are no police officers here. .

Utopia Avenue is very chaotic, especially at night, except for matters of life and death, almost no one would choose to haunt at night.

But today is an exception.

On Utopia Avenue, in front of a dilapidated dilapidated house, a slender figure slowly walked up and knocked on the door.

"who is it?"

After a while, a slightly vicissitudes of voice came from inside...

"It's so late, of course it's a distinguished guest!"

"The old man doesn't have any distinguished guests, please go back!"

The voice inside was stunned for a moment, and then came out impatiently.

"Oh, don't you want to know where Karin is?"

The figure spoke unhurriedly, seemingly with endless confidence...


The next moment, just as the voice finished, the door was instantly opened, and an old man with a beard walked out.

Facing the dim light in the room, the face of the owner of the elongated figure was slowly revealed.

It was none other than Ye Qiong.

"Tell me, where exactly did you kidnap Kailin, and why did you kidnap her?"

The old man asked in a hurry.

"This kind of hospitality is too...not good!!!"

Ye Qiong frowned, as if she was not happy that the old man refused him.

"You are my enemy, why should I respect you!"

The old man looked angry: "Hand over Kailin quickly, or I won't be polite!!!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, doctor, it's better not to joke, others can say it, me? You can't beat it!!!"

Ye Qiong chuckled, and with the old man's desperate efforts to stop her, she easily pushed open the door and walked in.

"What doctor, you have found the wrong person!"

The old man stared closely at Ye Qiong, and a trace of unnaturalness suddenly flashed across his face.

"Oh... is it?"

Ye Qiong doubted, with a half-smile: "Dr. Abraham Erskine, don't pretend anymore, the reason why I came to look for you is that I have made sufficient preparations!"

"Dr. Abraham Erskine? No, no, no... I'm not him. He was a character during World War II. How many years has it been now? He's going to die!"

The old man hastily waved again and again.

"Still quibbling!"

Ye Qiong was a little impatient: "Since Captain America injects your superman serum to keep his face youthful and even live for hundreds of years in one fell swoop, then, as the developer, can you inject yourself and your beloved wife the same way?" Woolen cloth?"


The old man opened his mouth, his face was full of shock, and he didn't say a word...

"How did you know……"

After a long time, the old man spoke.

"This is beyond what the doctor can know!"

Ye Qiong smiled lightly, and slowly sat down on the sofa in the house, and in his hand was still holding a bottle of red wine that looked even older, "The red wine is very good, and the taste is very mellow, Doctor, would you like a glass? "

"That's a fine wine that I have treasured for many years, don't touch it!!!"

The old man, that is, Dr. Abraham Erskine, had a flash of anger in his eyes, "Is this my wine? Tell me, where is Karin? Who are you?"

"Doctor, don't get excited, we can talk slowly."

Ye Qiong suddenly put a hand on Dr. Abraham Erskine's shoulder, and put her wine glass near Dr. Abraham Erskine's mouth, "Doctor, after drinking this glass of wine, I will tell you... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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