Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 256 One-on-one?

Chapter 256 One-on-one?
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Shenyue blue jellyfish is a very beautiful sea spirit beast, especially when it glows.

"The soul skills of this kind of soul beast are also very suitable for Chen Guang, maybe we can take Chen Guang with us when the time comes." Dai Mubai touched his chin and said.

It's a pity that there are no slimes on Douluo Continent. Although slimes are weak, they are very compatible with Zhuang Chenguang's martial soul.

What's more, there are no waste skills, only waste users.It all depends on whether it fits or not.

"Chen Guang should be able to obtain a god-bestowed soul ring every time he upgrades, right?" Zhu Zhuqing asked.

Dai Mubai said: "He needs to go through the process of hunting spirit beasts and absorbing spirit rings."

Thinking of Sea God's teasing for Zhuang Chenguang, Dai Mubai felt like he had a lemon.

When he was young, he spent so much time, energy and money, overcame so many difficulties with so much willpower, and needed Mu Bai's help to fuse two 5000-year-old soul rings into a ten-thousand-year soul ring.

But Zhuang Chenguang only needs to sleep for a long time, and when he wakes up, he will have at least the physique of a ten thousand year soul beast!

Sure enough, if you compare people, you will die, and if you compare goods, you will throw them away!

Jealousy tore me apart.

Forget it, my eldest nephew will definitely benefit from him in the end.

Zhu Zhuqing is now at level 78, and after passing the Sea God's second test, she should be able to break through to level 10. At that time, she will have to hunt a [-]-year-old soul beast.

The second test of Luna: Hunt and kill a 10-year-old soul beast.

The Moon God is also the God of Hunting. Although Zhu Zhuqing did not inherit the relevant priesthood of the God of Hunting, this second test is inevitable for Zhu Zhuqing.

The second trial of Luna God also considered Zhu Zhuqing's situation after she broke through the [-]th level. Maybe Luna God will reward her when she absorbs the spirit ring.For example, the increase in the age of the soul ring or something.

"Zhuqing, I recommend Shenyue blue jellyfish more, take a look, maybe there is something you like more." Dai Mubai pushed the booklet to Zhu Zhuqing.

If it was Zhu Zhuqing five years ago, he wouldn't think so much, but Dai Mubai did whatever he said.But now, she has taken the booklet and is choosing carefully.

Zhu Zhuqing knew that maybe in the end she would still feel that the Shenyue blue jellyfish chosen by Dai Mubai was the most suitable for her, but she still wanted to have autonomy.

She was grateful for Dai Mubai's respect for her, although sometimes Dai Mubai would directly make decisions for her without asking her wishes.But those times, aside from that one more than four years ago, were little things that didn't matter.

"Actually, it's not bad to shoot fish with a sword... Are sea spirit beasts living in groups?" Zhu Zhuqing frowned.

A group of sea soul beasts with 10 year soul beasts is very powerful.For example, the Demon Soul Great White Shark group, under the leadership of Xiaobai, would not be able to win without three or five Title Douluo leading the team.

And the group of sword-shooting fish is larger than the group of Demon Soul Great White Sharks. Among them, there are at least a million sword-shooting fish that are more than ten thousand years old, and there are countless ones that are thousands of years old.

In addition to the large number and difficult to deal with, Zhu Zhuqing was a little unacceptable.

We all know women are visual creatures.So... when she saw Jian Sheyu's ugly appearance, she chose to give up.

Still Shen Yue blue jellyfish looks good.

"Sword shooting fish is really good, its speed is one of the best in the sea." Dai Mubai said, "Its combat power is also very strong, after all it is a powerful predator in the sea. It's just that it may not match your current attributes... …Also, I took into account that you might not like its appearance."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, continued to look through the booklet, and saw a shadow lantern fish, which she thought was more suitable for her.

The appearance of the Shadow Lantern Fish is much better than that of the Sword Shooter Fish, but it is still not as good as the Shenyue Blue Jellyfish, and the attribute bonus it brings makes Zhu Zhuqing frown.

In the end, Shen Yue blue jellyfish was the most suitable for her.

Zhu Zhuqing returned the booklet to Dai Mubai, and said: "I will try my best to pass the Sea God's assessment as soon as possible, and then pass the first five tests of the Moon God as soon as possible."

Dai Mubai didn't say that there is no need to worry, he is indeed a little worried now.

He desperately needs help.

There are only more than two years left, Dai Mubai only has half a year to spend on Sea God Island.He must return to Star Luo City as soon as possible to take charge of the overall situation, otherwise, according to what Mu Bai said, if he fails to become a god within three years, something he absolutely does not want to see will happen.

He didn't dare to gamble, so he had to complete the primary goal of "becoming a god" as soon as possible.

To unify the continent... He probably won't be able to wait for Tang San and the others to help.

Fortunately, Qian Renxue was there to help him, otherwise Mu Bai's sudden remarks would disrupt his overall plan.Although part of it has been disrupted.

"I'm going back to rest." Zhu Zhuqing hugged Dai Mubai's waist, raised his head and kissed his lips, and left reluctantly.

Dai Mubai suppressed his physical reaction, sent her to his house, held her down and kissed her for a long time, and then ran back to practice.

"Absorbing three spirit rings in succession, your spirit power has reached level 76. Hurry now and try to reach level [-] before they complete the third test." Mu Bai said, "After taking Zhu Zhuqing to hunt Shenyue blue jellyfish, you must We have to take Tang San and Ma Hongjun to accept the inheritance of the God of Forging and the God of Fire."

"It's a little bit to be able to whore. After entering the God Realm, you don't have to think so much. Anyway, there are divine powers everywhere."

Dai Mubai's eyes moved slightly.

He thought he knew why Mu Bai was so eager to make him a god.

"I can slowly advance from priest," Dai Mubai rubbed his chin, "I can't become a big fat man in one sitting."

The next day, before the sun had fully risen, Tang San and the others had already arrived at Sea God Mountain.

Dai Mubai didn't get up earlier than them, but he also arrived with them.

Every day when Zhu Zhuqing and others challenged to break through the ring sea blockade, Dai Mubai would stand aside and watch the show.

He didn't even give pointers to everyone, as if he was just a passer-by watching a show.

Shui Binger broke through level 13 during the first test, and on the fifth day of the second test, Tang San broke through level [-], on the sixth day, Ma Hongjun broke through, and on the ninth day, Ning Rongrong Breakthrough, No. [-] Days, Oscar Breakthrough.

"Okay, basically all the soul saints are here." Dai Mubai clapped his hands, no longer sitting and watching the show, he first said to Xiaobai, "We can increase our strength." Then he turned his head to look at the Shrek people, He said with a smile, "From today onwards, you have to stay with me for 10 minutes every morning, and then take the assessment in the afternoon."

Tang San's eyes were fixed: "One on one, or should we go together?"

Dai Mubai glanced at them, and asked back: "Why, do you have the confidence to survive under my hands for 10 minutes one-on-one?"

"They're all Soul Sages, even if they can't beat them, they won't be unable to survive for 10 minutes, right?" Xiao Wu said angrily, "What's more, you're only level 77, and I'm already level 78!"

"Then let's try it." Dai Mubai didn't mind giving them a one-on-one chance, "To be fair, I won't use the seventh spirit ability of the second spirit and the first spirit. In other words, If you can force me to use the seventh soul skill or the second martial soul, you will win."

"Break brother's invincibility record is today!" Although it is an auxiliary system, Oscar is the first to get an A.

His seventh soul skill is the Invincible Summoner, which can randomly summon anyone within his sight or clones of soul beasts to fight for him.The summoned avatar has [-]% of the strength of the main body, and the time limit is [-] minutes.

Before rushing out, he specially asked Bai Chenxiang to hide in the corner of his sight.

Therefore, he boldly opened the summoning.

"I have a summoning gut!"

Mysterious power appeared, and behind Oscar, a cloud of white smoke suddenly appeared. After a slight explosion, a girl who was exactly the same as Ning Rongrong but with a pure white body appeared behind Oscar.

"Oscar, it seems that you have a bad start!" Dai Mubai laughed on the spot.

Pure white Ning Rongrong's reaction was not slow, and immediately put a "Pagoda Town Heshan" on Dai Mubai, trying to restrict his movement and soul power, but Dai Mubai is not even afraid of the restricting soul skills of the body, so how could he? Confined by a clone.

"Want to superimpose?" Dai Mubai squinted his eyes, a soul shield blocked the colorless and odorless smoke from Oscar's sixth soul skill "ham sausage".

"Nine stars turn out colored glaze—the pagoda collects all things!" The nine-colored light circulated, and the second soul skill of Ning Rongrong's seventh soul ring was activated.

This soul skill has an invincible time of one second. Under the god level, as long as it is illuminated by the nine-color light, it will lose any power within one second, and can only be taken into the space inside the tower by the pagoda.

It's a pity... Although Dai Mubai is not a god, part of his soul power has already been transformed into divine power.In other words, Ning Rongrong's soul skill is ineffective against him!
"It's a pity, Rongrong." Dai Mubai shook his head slightly, "Do you have any other skills? If not, it's my turn!"

Oscar was still about to struggle, canceling Ning Rongrong's clone soul ability, taking advantage of the remaining soul power, he summoned a clone again.

After the same white smoke passed, a pure white Dai Mubai appeared.

Dai Mubai was startled, the SSR was issued directly after the R card!Oscar is really lucky!
"Hahaha, the young master is really lucky!"

Oscar went up again.

Pure white Dai Mubai unleashed a series of soul skill combos.

Pure white Dai Mubai was blown away.

Oscar played GG.

Ning Rongrong helped up Oscar who was lying on the ground staring at the sky, and said helplessly: "Then I don't have to try."

Just now Oscar has summoned her avatar, although the flexibility is not as good as her own, but she is different from Dai Mubai, most of her ability avatars can be used.

Ma Hongjun came second, his seventh spirit ability Phoenix Avatar did give Dai Mubai a little trouble.

Mu Bai's evaluation is: "It is so similar to Honghuang Phoenix."

This similarity refers to strength.

His seventh soul ability is also 10 years, but only the soul ability of Phoenix Avatar, of course, this soul ability is enough, the ability possessed by Phoenix, this soul ability has been given to several.

Not only does it not lose money, but it also earns blood.

"It's almost there, Xiaohong, work harder next time." Dai Mubai stroked Ma Hongjun's dog's head, with a kind tone.

Ma Hongjun: "...I'm not a child anymore!"

Also, is it a little short of 7 minutes?

Shui Bing'er took Ma Hongjun away, and Tang San took the top.

Tang San's spirit avatar and domain gave Dai Mubai a pleasant surprise.

"Every time I see the Killing God Domain, I can't control my jealousy." Dai Mubai complained, "We walked the hell road together, but in the end I was the only one who didn't have the Killing God Domain."

Tang San smiled: "That's why you are asking too much, brother?"

As his cultivation continued to increase, and after the Blue Silver Domain entered the room, Tang San understood that if his talent domain was strong enough, he would actively reject other spirit abilities.

The Killing God Domain is attached to the Clear Sky Hammer, and exists as an accompanying domain of the Clear Sky Hammer, that is to say, his Clear Sky Hammer Domain will merge with the Killing God Domain in the future.

Different from his situation, although his two spirits are not weak, and the Clear Sky Hammer is known as the number one spirit in the continent, but he has self-knowledge, knowing that neither of his two spirits can compare to Dai Mubai's Two spirits.

It can be seen from the Blue Silver Grass, no, the Blue Silver Emperor was suppressed by the flat peach tree.

Is it worthy of the ancient sacred tree?

After 3 minutes of strong attack, Tang San looked at Dai Mubai with dead fish eyes: "Brother, do you dare to turn off the third spirit ability?"

Tang San, who couldn't even break through Dai Mubai's defensive shield, was about to go berserk.

"Xiao Wu's invincible golden body doesn't last that long either! How long can you keep this shield open!" Tang San really wanted to change to the Clear Sky Hammer to smash violently, but it's a pity that his Clear Sky Hammer didn't have a soul ring attached.

I'm so pissed!
"Brother, do you think it's okay for me to attach a spirit ring to the Clear Sky Hammer?" Tang San asked.

Both the master and his father suggested that he add soul rings to the Clear Sky Hammer after the nine rings of the Blue Silver Emperor martial soul, so that all of his Clear Sky Hammer martial souls can be equipped with ten thousand year soul rings.He originally thought it was best.

But after seeing Dai Mubai's situation, he had other thoughts.

"Okay, it's okay to add one or two," Dai Mubai said, "But if you want the progress of the Clear Sky Hammer to catch up with the Blue Silver Emperor, you must at least have a full set of spirit bones."

"I'm still four yuan short." Tang San looked helpless, "Torso, left and right arm bones, and left leg bones. But the advantage is that I still have an external spirit bone."

Dai Mubai nodded: "Three spirit bones, add three spirit rings, if you are lucky, hunt down three 10 year spirit beasts, you can continue to add spirit rings."

"That's what it says..." Tang San lowered his head and thought for a while, the corners of his mouth curled up.

With Dai Mubai Zhuyu in front, how could Tang San be willing to only have the ten thousand year spirit ring.

"Tsk," Dai Mubai smacked his tongue, "You're not small!"

Dai Mubai knew that after seeing the situation of his second spirit, Tang San would definitely not be reconciled to only having the ten-thousand-year spirit ring, he must also be aiming for the 10-year spirit ring!

Dai Mubai declined to comment on this.

There are many 10-year-old soul beasts in the sea, if he wants it, just go and get it.

What's more, there is also the god bestowed spirit ring given by the sea god.

The million-year spirit ring that Dai Mubai wanted, Seagod couldn't give it, but the 10-year spirit ring, as Dai Mubai said before, Seagod can throw out a lot with a wave of his hand.

"Hey, this is the distribution book of 10-year-old soul beasts that I have explored in the sea during this period, you all should take a look. If necessary, everyone will form a group to hunt and kill soul beasts."

After all the challenges, Dai Mubai generously gave the booklet to Tang San and the others to read.

Anyway, apart from Tianmeng Iceworm, Deep Sea Demon Whale King and his wife, there is no Dai Mubai who can look up to spirit beasts.

And those three are still a little bit worse.

(End of this chapter)

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