Chapter 245
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Sealance Douluo glanced at the yellow-clothed sea soul master, awakening his reason.He knew Dai Mubai's identity, and was not surprised by Dai Mubai's generosity.

It's only a hundred thousand gold soul coins, Dai Mubai is the crown prince of the Star Luo Empire!Let alone one hundred thousand, even one billion, maybe he can take it out.

Reincarnation is really a skill!
Suddenly jealous.

"Brother is still rich and powerful as always!" Oscar sighed.

"Big brother hasn't thrown money at people for a long time, and now I still miss the time when big brother took us to buy and buy." Ning Rongrong showed nostalgia.

Dai Mubai: "..."

"Didn't I take you to buy and buy when we were in Hanhai City?" Dai Mubai couldn't help reminding.

Ning Rongrong rolled her eyes coquettishly: "How much is that?"

Oscar couldn't help covering his storage soul guide: "Although I didn't buy any valuables, I spent tens of thousands of gold soul coins here and there. Rongrong, although we are not short of money, we need Thrift, thrift!"

"Thousands of money can't buy it, I'm happy!" Ning Rongrong turned to look at Zhu Zhuqing and the girls, "Right?"

Several women nodded.

They are all people who have never been short of money, and they really don't know what thrift is.

"As much money as I can spend, I can earn more money." Ning Rongrong looked at Oscar's storage soul tool with disdain, "As long as you have your private money, you should keep it for yourself."

Oscar's pale face flushed red.

Being looked down upon earning ability.

This is too hurtful!

"Brother, do you have any way to make big money?" Oscar asked Dai Mubai angrily.

Dai Mubai tilted his head slightly, and smiled at him: "It's very simple, join the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School!"

"The thousands of years of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, how could it be easily surpassed by you?" Dai Mubai laughed, "If you want to surpass the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School in a short time, there is another way."

Oscar was not stupid, he looked at Dai Mubai and asked, "Become a nobleman of the Star Luo Empire?"

Dai Mubai shook his head: "The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is also a nobleman of the Star Luo Empire, unless you want to rebel against the superior, otherwise it is impossible."

Oscar was taken aback by Dai Mubai's casual words: "Brother! Fuck you, don't scare me! I, Oscar, don't have much awareness of being a monarch and minister, and I don't have much sense of belonging to the two empires, but I never thought about it. Rebellion or something!"

Dai Mubai was taken aback by Oscar's yelling, seeing Oscar's face full of righteousness and awe-inspiring loyalty, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"The Star Luo Empire has never been afraid of ambitious rebels." Dai Mubai was full of confidence, "The capable will go up, and the mediocre will go down. If the Star Luo Imperial Family didn't have enough strength, they would have changed several royal families just like the Heaven Dou Empire gone."

The Star Luo Empire has always looked down on the Tian Dou Empire, the main reason is that the Tian Dou Empire has changed surnames several times.

For the Dai Dynasty, the Xue Dynasty is just a rebellious minister and a traitor.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Dai Mubai with burning eyes, she suddenly understood why she couldn't bear to part with this scumbag.

When he is confident, he is like the core of the whole world!
"What's the way?" Xiaohong asked with a cute face.

Dai Mubai looked down at Zhuang Chenguang who was sleeping peacefully in his arms, and did not shy away from Sealance Douluo and ten yellow-clothed sea soul masters who were still beside him: "Become a god!"

Xiaohong looked up at the sky subconsciously: "So when I prayed to the Sea God... Did He really hear me and respond?"

"Isn't it?" Oscar's face was full of shock, "Sea God His old man has a lot of things to do every day...shouldn't he have time to talk to us?"

"If everyone who participates in the assessment can get a response from the Sea God, how busy are you?" Ning Rongrong felt that what Oscar said made sense, that the Sea God should not be so busy.

"Heh~" Dai Mubai chuckled lightly, "Under normal circumstances, the so-called Seagod assessment is just the imprint of divine power that Seagod left on the sacred pillar. What kind of imprint can be aroused, and what level of assessment will be obtained. As for the assessment content, Just random. But we're different."

Dai Mubai looked at everyone: "Every one of us can get the top-level assessment, do you know what this means?"

Bai Chenxiang who was automatically excluded: (-ι_-`)
I'm sorry I'm not worthy to walk with you!
"Senior said just now that the top seven exams represent the qualification to become the High Priest of Sea God Island!" Xiao Wu quickly replied.

"It's not just that," Dai Mubai said, "It means you have god-level qualifications!"

Dai Mubai explained: "High Priest Bo Saixi is really unlucky, she is Seagod Douluo, she should be the most likely to inherit the Seagod position, unfortunately, she has no inheritance token."

"God inheritance token..." Tang San's eyes flickered.

Zhu Zhuqing's expression was inexplicable.

If she remembers correctly, she doesn't have the so-called inheritance token of the god position, so why can she get the inheritance of the moon god?

"Mr. Dai, do you know where the token of the inheritance of the god is?" Sealance Douluo asked excitedly.

Dai Mubai pointed at the center of Zhuang Chenguang's eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Didn't you watch the tokens of the inheritance of the gods be fused by my nephew?"

Sealance Douluo's expression suddenly froze.

"He is now the appointed successor of Your Majesty the Sea God. If you are really a devout follower of Your Majesty the Sea God, you should know what you should do." Dai Mubai looked at Sealance Douluo with a smile.

Sealance Douluo's expression changed many times, and finally he looked at the Sealance Sacred Pillar in Sealance City, and smiled wryly.

He has admiration, respect, love and trust for the high priest.

But what he believes in is the sea god.

His Majesty the Sea God's will is above all else!
"I understand." Sea Lance Douluo said shyly.

He also understood why the high priest said that Dai Mubai and the others were VIPs of Sea God Island.

Among them are the gods that Seagod Island will enshrine in the future!
"Let's go, let's enjoy the scenery of Sea God Island!" Dai Mubai
Although Sea Spear City is small, it has all internal organs.The not-so-wide streets are extremely clean, and the buildings on both sides are relatively short, and the materials are mostly wood and stone.

The greenery in the city is good. There are coconut trees, palm trees, and also spinosa trees that are common in islands.

Dai Mubai has been to the island before, and knows that there are not only coconut trees on the island, but other people have never been to the island, so when they saw the sweet-scented osmanthus tree by chance, they were a little surprised.

"There are sweet-scented osmanthus trees on Sea God Island?" Xiao Wu looked surprised, looking very ignorant, "I thought the island was full of aquatic plants and corals!"

Tang San didn't say anything, he didn't have any impression of the island, and Dai Mubai's related materials on Sea God Island didn't mention the island plants, so he knew one more coconut tree than Xiao Wu.This was because he saw coconuts while shopping in Hanhai City, and he only found out by asking casually.

The marks on everyone's foreheads were too obvious, and the residents on the island who noticed them all exclaimed.If it wasn't for Sea Lance Douluo who was following beside him, there would probably be quite a few people running over to join in the fun.

After all, it is human nature to join in the fun.

"Is that a narcissus?" Ning Rongrong pointed to a cluster of white six-petal flowers and asked.

Sealance Douluo nodded: "That's right, it is indeed Narcissus. Sea God Island is like spring all year round, and the flowers on the island are always in full bloom."

"Wow, the Albizia Julibrissin over here is so beautiful!" Xiao Wu bluffed, she blinked her big eyes and looked at Sealance Douluo, and asked shyly, "Can I pick one?"

Sealance Douluo nodded.

Xiao Wu cheered, and carefully picked the most beautiful flower.

After picking, she wrapped the flowers with her soul power and handed them to Zhu Zhuqing and the girls to see together.

"There are flowers that can be broken straight away, don't wait for no flowers to break branches." Looking at the bright smile on Xiao Wu's face, Tang San couldn't help reciting in a low voice.

Dai Mubai didn't expect Tang San to memorize quite a lot of poems.

What is it again on a moonlit night on the 24th bridge, where can the jade man teach to play the flute?What is it that has flowers that can be folded straight and must be folded, don't wait for no flowers to fold branches in vain.Is there another sentence in the back, people didn't know Ling Yunmu at the time, and they waited until Ling Yun began to master?
Ma Hongjun didn't know what Tang San was talking about, but he understood the meaning.

"Third Brother, Xiao Wu broke the flower, but I think you haven't done it yet?" Xiao Hong blinked, her face full of innocence.

Dai Mubai was shocked.

The wretched fat man has learned to pretend!

Oscar was dragged by Ning Rongrong to a stall selling conch, and accompanied Ning Rongrong to choose beautiful and delicate conch.

He didn't notice what Xiaohong said, otherwise he would have kicked it over.

Tang San scratched his head, he probably knew what Ma Hongjun meant, but...

"I hope to go further after I marry Xiao Wu." Tang San said euphemistically.

Those who pollute themselves pollute themselves, and Xiaohong naturally heard other meanings.

"What further poses would you like to develop?"

Tang San's head was full of black lines.

"Show your face!" Tang San pouted Ma Hongjun's face.

"Tsk," Ma Hongjun shook his head, not taking it seriously, "The world is getting worse, people's hearts are not old! The third brother has also changed, you are no longer that pure and pure young master Tang San!"

Tang San's forehead was throbbing with blue veins.

He finally couldn't help showing his feet to Xiaohong's perky buttocks.

This kick was unexpected and powerful, and Xiaohong fell into the mud without any accident.

"Can you stop kicking my ass all the time!" Ma Hongjun protested dissatisfiedly, "What did my ass do wrong to be treated so mercilessly by you?"

No one cares about him.

Shui Bing'er turned her head and took a look, seeing that there was nothing wrong, she dragged Zhu Zhuqing to continue walking.She is already used to the way the Shrek Seven Devils get along with these boys, and she would feel sorry for Ma Hongjun before, but now she is too lazy to talk to Ma Hongjun who is playing tricks.

Except for Dai Mubai and Tang San, the other two are better at playing tricks than the other.

"Wow, what kind of fish is this?"

There are three ways to coax a girl who is in a bad mood: shopping, shopping, and eating.

Bai Chenxiang received a merciless blow from the Sealance Sacred Pillar and Sealance Douluo before, but isn't he shopping happily now?

Dai Mubai heard the reputation and looked over, thought it was some good-looking fish, but Bai Chenxiang ate it in one bite.

"It's too delicious!"

Sealance Douluo smiled and said: "This is a lace fish, it lives in the coral groves near the sea, it's petite and good-looking, and it's also delicious, many girls on the island like it."

Dai Mubai nodded.

Whether it looks good or not is secondary, the key is that it tastes good.

Just like those desserts that are so good-looking that they make little girls stare at each other, don't you still eat one at a time?
"You don't want gold soul coins? Then what do you want?" Zhu Zhuqing and the girls each ate a lace fish, and they were a little confused when they heard the seller said that they didn't need gold soul coins.

What do you use for buying things without soul coins?
"Sea God Island doesn't need currency, we are basically self-sufficient, so we usually trade by barter." The vendor smiled, "Of course, there will also be caravans coming to the island to deliver some supplies. "

Oscar was puzzled: "Didn't it mean that soul masters on Sea God Island cannot leave Sea God Island?"

The vendor said: "The caravan does not belong to Sea God Island, it is formed spontaneously by sea soul masters from outside the island who believe in Lord Sea God. They will regularly send supplies to the island in exchange for some special products on the island and then sell them to the nearby ones." Coastal city. In addition to caravans, occasionally pirate groups will send supplies.”

Ma Hongjun said: "Ah, this... the pirate group will still send you supplies? Won't they come to rob you?"

The vendor glanced at the red eight-pointed star on Ma Hongjun's forehead, and patiently explained: "Sea God Island is the holy land of sea spirit masters, and all sea spirit masters are children of Lord Sea God, how could any sea soul master rob their own home? "

Ma Hongjun understood.

The situation of sea soul masters is different from that of land soul masters. Sea God Island is the absolute belief of sea soul masters. Under the inspiration of Sea God, the cohesion of sea soul masters is very strong.If this situation is changed to land, let alone let the robbers deliver supplies, the robbers like to rob the nearest one, and they only rob the local big dogs, regardless of whether he is his hometown or not!
"Then this is okay? This is the starlight yarn that is popular in Xingluo City recently, how much of this fish do you think you can exchange?" Ning Rongrong took out a piece of starlight yarn from the storage soul guide, and she generously handed it to him. A vendor selling grilled fish.

"Things from the inland are very expensive. Your piece of yarn looks like a lot of money. You can exchange everything from this half of the street." The vendor didn't take it.

Ning Rongrong scratched his head a little: "Then what do you want?"

"Give me a piece of jewelry worn by inland girls, my daughter has wanted it for a long time," said the vendor.

Seeing Ning Rongrong take out jewelry that was worth countless times more than Xingguangsha, Oscar couldn't help but patted his forehead.


But he doesn't have any ordinary girls' jewelry, so let's go with Ning Rongrong, anyway, rich women are not short of money.

The vendor didn't know the value of jewelry. Although he was a soul master, he didn't have the ability to appreciate this kind of jewelry from land, so he thought it was pretty.

Although Sealance Douluo has never been to land, but he has the vision there, and knows that this little flower is worth a lot.

He glanced at Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai smiled and said: "They are not short of money, let them be happy."

Zhu Zhuqing is also very generous, but her inventory is not as large as that of Ning Rongrong, and more of them are gadgets bought in Hanhai City.

Sea Spear City is really small, and it didn't take long for a group of people to walk around.

"Brother, let's go live in the conch house over there, do you have a match?" Oscar said, pointing to a colorful tall conch house in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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