Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 207 Betrayer and Pioneer

Chapter 207 Betrayer and Pioneer

From the moment she chose the path of transforming into a human form to rebuild, Xiao Wu knew that she had indeed become a betrayer of the soul beast clan.

But she didn't want to admit it, and she didn't dare to admit it.

"The Bone Rabbit Clan may be passed on forever, but the Jade Rabbit Clan is the only one left. Maybe there won't be another Jade Rabbit in the future." Xiao Wu lowered her head, the sunlight reflected on her head through the Lake of Life , as if illuminating the scars in her heart.

Dai Mubai looked at her quietly.

"The Bone Rabbit will not go extinct, and one day the Jade Rabbit will appear again." Dai Mubai looked away, "You are not the only Jade Rabbit, nor will you be the last one."

"I'm very envious of humans." Xiao Wu said.

Dai Mubai knew what she was envious of.

"This is the glory that countless generations of ancestors won for us." Looking at the sparkling lake, Dai Mubai saw Long Aotian emerging from the center of the lake, he said, "We were once weak and ignorant, but we Never give up moving forward.”

"We have gone through untold hardships along the way. Our ancestors built the current Douluo Continent with countless blood and tears." Dai Mubai asked Long Aotian. Is it named after the realm of the strongest human? This world could have been called the Dragon Continent, and it could have been called the Soul Beast Continent, but why not?"

Long Aotian fell into deep thought.

Dai Mubai answered for him: "Dragon Clan doesn't care about the three-acre land of Douluo Continent, and the wisdom of soul beasts is not enough. The growth cycle of soul beasts is too long, and there are too many races, they will never take the initiative to unite."

Nine colors of light flowed in Long Aotian's eyes, and he said: "Soul beasts are just a race formed by ordinary beasts absorbing the residual blood of the gods. They can never be compared with the ancient gods. They are innately the ancestors of the ancient gods. Servant."

Xiao Wu held Tang San's hand tightly, so strong that it almost crushed Tang San's palm.But she didn't know about it, she looked at Long Aotian in the lake of life with disbelief.

"But the ancient gods have almost disappeared, and they won't come back." Dai Mubai said coldly.

Long Aotian shook his head: "You don't know how powerful the ancient gods are..."

Dai Mubai took a deep breath.

He closed his eyes, his eyelids were trembling, obviously, he was not calm.

In his spiritual world, Mu Bai suddenly stood up.

"That kid is hiding something for himself!" He was outraged.

He never thought that Long Aotian would conceal such important information!
"Should I be thankful that you don't know my roots?" Dai Mubai opened his eyes, released the first soul skill of the Peach Tree, Hongchen Vientiane, he stared at Long Aotian, his gaze was as sharp as a sword.

Long Aotian lowered his head slightly: "I thank you very much, we will always be allies."

"Not enough." Dai Mubai's tone was cold.

Long Aotian looked directly into Dai Mubai's eyes, he didn't flinch.

"You are not qualified yet."

"Only if your strength surpasses the entire soul beast clan, can you truly be superior to us."

"You can't do it now, and neither can the Douluo Gods."

Dai Mubai was silent.

The Douluo gods defeated the Dragon God miserably. They can suppress the soul beast family, but they cannot destroy the soul beast family.

Because, before the artificial soul rings appeared, the soul beasts were the foundation of Douluo Continent.

Unless the Douluo Continent is completely destroyed, even if the current Douluo Continent has not formed the will of the world, its instinct will reject the gods.

Otherwise, after Tang San became a god, it would be impossible for him to be suppressed by Douluo Dalu.

Today's Douluo Continent does not have enough strength to withstand a real battle of gods.

"Even if the Douluo Continent develops faster, it won't be qualified to enter the starry sky within 100 years." Dai Mubai said helplessly.

This is the limitation of Douluo Continent.

The fantasy world must follow the rules of the fantasy world.

Mu Bai disagreed with Dai Mubai's opinion: "As long as you are strong enough, there is nothing you cannot do."

"That's what you say..." Dai Mubai was even more helpless, "Even if you only recovered three percent, you can fight against the almost recovered Silver Dragon King, so what? You are still suppressed by the world!"

Mu Bai sighed.

As long as he is in Douluo Universe, he will be suppressed.

He told Dai Mubai that he had recovered three percent, but in reality the strength he could display was less than three ten thousandths!

"How do you feel, the more you live, the more aggrieved you become?" Mu Bai scratched his head, "We were originally full of confidence and complacency, but now, we are bound everywhere."

"It's not really tied up, it's just that there have been too many accidents." Dai Mubai said to Mu Bai, "The more we know, the more sure this is the parallel world of "Douluo Dalu", the more we feel about this world full of unknowns Awe. Terrible is never a known thing.”

"The question is, what should we do now?" Mu Bai asked.

Dai Mubai said: "Step by step, soldiers come to cover the water and earth."

He said to Long Aotian: "I will be strong enough."

Long Aotian stared deeply at Dai Mubai: "We'll wait and see."

Long Aotian sank to the bottom of the lake again.

Dai Mubai took back the world of mortals.

"The biggest difference between human beings and spirit beasts is that human beings have never pinned all their hopes on one person." Dai Mubai said to Xiao Wu, "Human beings will not blindly follow power, and will not lose themselves in the glory of the past. We have no retreat , but never despair, never give up. That's the difference between us."

"You haven't learned how to be a human being."

Xiao Wu's body trembled and she couldn't speak.

"I'm talking about human beings, not a certain person." Dai Mubai added, "No one is perfect, everyone has advantages and disadvantages. The human race composed of all people is what I'm talking about."

"The world you see is too narrow, it is not a complete world."

Xiao Wu raised her head blankly.

Her eyes were full of bewilderment.

"Can anyone really see the whole world?"

Dai Mubai smiled: "Maybe."

"Since you are not sure, why are you able to teach me so confidently?" Xiao Wu returned to her senses slightly, and asked dissatisfiedly.

"I'm just stating a fact." Dai Mubai smiled, "You still don't understand."

Tang San took Xiao Wu's hand, and said softly: "Big brother is not talking about a specific person, he is talking about the whole human being."

"Everyone has a name, and that is the human race."

"But soul beasts are different. The soul beast family is just a collective name."

"Everyone has almost the same shape, but the soul beasts are all strange."

"Humans are weak in strength, but crush soul beasts in IQ."

"No success is accidental." Tang San concluded.

Dai Mubai nodded approvingly to Tang San: "Okay, let's not talk about those complicated issues. The truth is endless, we are always on the road."

"Now back to the topic, Xiao Wu, which path did you choose?" Dai Mubai's face became serious, and his tone was heavy, "I must remind you that a qualified double-faced player needs to surpass everyone's insight and wisdom. If you don't have it, then There is only one way to go to the dark."

Xiao Wu smiled wryly: "I know I have little knowledge and a stupid head...but I can't make a choice."

"I don't regret turning into a human, but I... can't completely separate from the soul beast."

Dai Mubai sighed.

Xiao Wu didn't think too much before she chose to transform into a human being, and she didn't even know at that time that Di Tian would be born early, so that Da Ming Er Ming could also transform into a human.She would never have imagined that such a huge change would take place in the Star Dou Great Forest.

Before, she was just a spoiled, vengeful little girl.

"Then become a god." Dai Mubai stood up, walked to Tang San, patted his shoulder, and said earnestly, "Whether it is a human god or a beast god, they are collectively called gods anyway. To achieve the impossible Go ahead!"

Dai Mubai stretched out his hand to Zhu Zhuqing, Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Tang San and Xiao Wu who were in deep thought, and put his little hand into Dai Mubai's palm.

Dai Mubai led Zhu Zhuqing to the hut where Zhu Zhuqing originally lived.

Through the window of the hut, they could still see Tang San and Xiao Wu who were in shock and unable to extricate themselves.

"Although there is a theory of becoming a god at the level of one hundred on the Douluo Continent, no one has really become a god in the past 1 years." Zhu Zhuqing looked at Xiao Wu with some pity, "Are you telling her that if you don't become a god, you will eventually become nothing?" !"

"You are against Tang San being with her!" Zhu Zhuqing turned to look at Dai Mubai, "Why?"

Dai Mubai lowered his eyes: "Because Tang San is not a pure human being either."

Zhu Zhuqing was stunned: "What?"

Dai Mubai didn't answer her: "He will tell us everything in the end."

"Tang San, two top-level martial spirits, full of innate soul power..." Dai Mubai let out a foul breath, he looked at Tang San who suddenly came back to his senses, and said to Zhu Zhuqing in a heavy tone, "His Blue silver grass is no ordinary blue silver grass."

Zhu Zhuqing was a little puzzled: "Master has said about this issue, the third brother's Blue Silver Grass may be a mutated martial soul."

"The quality of the two spirits of twin spirits is definitely the same." Dai Mubai said, "Although there are many gaps in the master's theory, many key guesses are correct. Tang San is his most qualified test Taste."

Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but said: "The master is so kind to the third brother, he almost treats him as his own son, and it's not appropriate to describe it as a test product?"

Dai Mubai laughed: "In the eyes of those researchers, let alone disciples, even if they are real sons, even including themselves, they can be used for experiments."

"If Tang San wasn't qualified to be his test subject, do you think he would accept Tang San as his disciple?" Dai Mubai sneered, "Don't mention the process and result, do you think he had good intentions at first?"

"He needs someone to conduct experiments for his theory, and Tang San needs his help. The two of them were just mutual benefits at first."

Zhu Zhuqing felt that Dai Mubai like this was very strange, but at the same time felt familiar.

"You always like to cut the truth to people to see."

Dai Mubai was silent: "If you don't tell the truth, people always like to deceive themselves."

Zhu Zhuqing showed a meaningful smile: "Most of the time, people like to deceive themselves and others."

"Heh." Dai Mubai laughed, no longer refute.

"How do you think Xiao Wu will choose?" Zhu Zhuqing refocused on Xiao Wu.

Dai Mubai looked at Tang San, and said: "That depends on how Tang San chooses."

"If it's as you said, they are very suitable." Zhu Zhuqing said, "Third brother will not give up on Xiao Wu, and Xiao Wu will not leave third brother either."

"Love is blind." Zhu Zhuqing said in a low voice.

Dai Mubai turned a deaf ear to it.

"I hope Xiao Wu can take a different path," Dai Mubai said, "She is not alone."

Zhu Zhuqing was a little puzzled, she didn't understand what Dai Mubai meant.

Because she didn't know that the gods had cursed and punished the soul beasts.

If Xiao Wu can cultivate into a god as a transformed soul beast, then it means that the soul beast clan has a new way out.

At the level of gods, if there hadn't been a daring dragon god, large-scale internal fighting should not have occurred.

"It is desire and ambition that destroy everything."

Tang San looked at Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing's hut with complicated expressions, he didn't know how to comfort Xiao Wu now.He also didn't know how to help Xiao Wu make a choice.

Becoming a god...

It is too illusory a goal.

Xiao Wu stood in a daze all the time, her expression changed drastically, as if she was going through a very difficult choice.


Xiao Wu couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, her breath slowed down, and she fell softly on Tang San's body.

Tang San turned pale with shock, and quickly took out the healing medicine from the wishful treasure bag and fed it to Xiao Wu.

"I will take you to become a god!" Tang San said firmly.

He said: "Title Douluo has a lifespan of at least 300 years, and we still have a long time to pursue the divine path!"

Xiao Wu smiled miserably, with bloodstains on the corners of her mouth and blood stains on her teeth: "300 years is too short."

As a 10 year soul beast, Xiao Wu is qualified to say this.

"Trust me!" Tang San didn't say much, he just said to Xiao Wu firmly.

Xiao Wu looked at the determination in his eyes, smiled, and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"I believe in you!"

I have always believed in you!

Never wavered!
Tang San closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

He knew that Dai Mubai must have concealed something, but he didn't care anymore.

He will find out the truth!

In the hut, Zhu Zhuqing asked Dai Mubai: "We went to the Kuntian Mountains not just to visit the teachers of the academy, right?"

"Well," Dai Mubai didn't intend to hide from Zhu Zhuqing, he said, "There is a secret realm hidden in Cangqiong Peak of Kuntian Mountain Range, we have to find it."

"Secret realm?" Zhu Zhuqing was very unfamiliar with this word.

Dai Mubai said: "You can understand it as a kind of miniature world, it is connected to Douluo Continent, but not on Douluo Continent, it belongs to another time and space."

Zhu Zhuqing was full of surprise: "Is there such a place on the mainland?"

Dai Mubai pointed to the Lake of Life, and said: "Originally there was a secret realm in the Lake of Life, that secret realm was destroyed more than four years ago, so the Star Dou Great Forest had such a big change."

Zhu Zhuqing's expression changed: "You mean, the culprit who destroyed Suotuo City came from that secret realm?"

Dai Mubai shook his head.

"The one who destroyed Soto City was God Shura!"

(End of this chapter)

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