Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 185 Tang Chen

Chapter 185 Tang Chen
Involuntary, involuntary.

There are always too many helpless things in the world.

Dai Mubai stayed in the Slaughter City for half a year, and after Tang San won a hundred games, he could finally go to hell.

There are many theories about the formation of the Slaughter City, but the most reliable one is the special domain left by a strong man who broke through the limit of level [-].The name of this domain is the Death God Domain.If you can break through the hell road, it is equivalent to being recognized by the killing god domain.The killing god domain will absorb his own murderous aura to form his own domain, attributed to the martial soul.Also known as the talent field of Wuhun.Obtaining this increase is equivalent to a soul master who has passed the hell road test having one more skill than ordinary soul masters.And it is the most valuable domain skill.

The entrance to Hell Road is at the Killing Fields of Hell.The blood and soul of everyone who died in the killing fields of hell will be swallowed by hell road.After entering Hell Road, if there is no strong murderous aura as a guarantee, he will be immediately swallowed by the fierce aura in Hell Road.

In the Hell Slaughtering Fields, Tang San stood in the center of the stage, and deafening cheers came from the surrounding stands.

But after only three seconds, all sounds fell silent.

Because the laughing king doesn't like to make noise.

Things he doesn't like will make him unhappy, and when he is unhappy, he will kill someone.

And once he makes a move, there will be at least half of the people in the killing field of hell.

Even though the audience almost lost their minds in the heated atmosphere, their survival instinct still made them suppress their instincts.

Even if there was poison in the Bloody Mary they drank.

The ants are still alive.

Crazy people who are not afraid of death do not exist in the killing capital.

"Congratulations, young King Shura." A low and sharp voice suddenly came from all directions.

The murderous aura released from Tang San's body poured back the instant the sound sounded, and was re-pressed into his body.

Seeing Tang San's face suddenly turn pale, Dai Mubai hurriedly flew to the field, standing beside Tang San.

"King of Slaughter, King of Slaughter, King of Slaughter!!!" The Fallen shouted hoarsely, but they didn't mean to stop at all.

Even though everyone knew that Dai Mubai didn't like this kind of occasion, everyone couldn't help howling.At this moment, none of them are afraid of laughing at the king, because a blood-red figure is descending from the sky!

The King of Slaughter is coming!
"The King of Slaughter." Dai Mubai looked strange.

He once saw in a certain push article... The King of Slaughter seems to be... Tang San's great-grandfather?

what do you say that is?

Tang Chen?

It is said that he has an affair with Bo Saixi of Sea God Island.

"Thirteen, be respectful, this King of Slaughter is the ancestor of your Clear Sky School." Dai Mubai said to Tang San solemnly.

Tang San looked at the Slaughter King in shock.

"Fifth Brother, what you said is true?" Tang San asked in disbelief.

Dai Mubai didn't answer him, instead he asked the Slaughter King: "Senior, your martial spirit is the Clear Sky Hammer, right?"

The Slaughter King was silent, and he tightly clenched his right hand behind his back.

As we all know, the martial soul of people in Douluo Dalu is usually awakened in the right hand.

Hu Liena, who was standing on the other side of the hell killing field, looked at them in shock, completely bewildered.

The King of Slaughter turned out to be the senior of Haotianzong?

Hu Liena recalled the previous title Douluo of the Haotian School, and suddenly took a breath.

Before the three generations of Haotianzong, there was a titled Douluo who was as famous as Wuhundian, and that was the former Haotian Douluo!
His name is Tang Chen.

It is one of the three 99-level Super Douluo known on the Douluo Continent today!

He is also the pro-grandfather of contemporary Haotian Douluo, and the pro-great-grandfather of Tang San!

On the day when the road to hell was opened, King Shura wanted to confess his relationship with the King of Slaughter!
Hu Liena just felt dizzy.

The ball is over.

She managed to persuade King Shura to take her on the road to hell together, but unexpectedly there were twists and turns!

"There is only the King of Slaughter in the Slaughter Capital."

Tang Chen was tall and his whole body was wrapped in a huge scarlet cloak.Because he hadn't seen the sun for many years, his face was very pale, and on his pale face like a vampire, there were a pair of completely blood-red eyes.

There are no whites of the eyes, and the irises and pupils are blood red.

That pair of eyes, fierce like a ghost.

Dai Mubai looked at those eyes calmly, and couldn't see any emotion that a human being should have.

"Hell Messenger, you can come too." Tang Chen's voice was deep but sharp, which did not match his figure.But compared with his pale and handsome face, it was somewhat in line.

Tang San looked at Tang Chen's appearance, compared him with his father who had shaved his beard, and actually saw the resemblance.

Just now Tang Chen did not deny Dai Mubai's words, that is to say, he is really a senior of the Clear Sky School!
"Tang Yin, a disciple of the Clear Sky School, has met the senior King of Slaughter." Tang San bowed in salute.

Tang Chen's blood-red eyes struggled for a moment. He was suspended five meters above the ground, his expression indifferent and alienated, completely ignoring Tang San.

"It's been a long time since there has been a Yum Champion in the Slaughter Capital." The Slaughter King looked down at Tang San and Hu Liena, his language had a strange charm, and he could easily win the crazy admiration of others.

But completely ineffective against Tang San and Dai Mubai.

It also has no effect on Hu Liena who has already taken Tang San's detoxification pill.

"You are the youngest Yum Champions in the history of the Slaughter City. In order to commend your achievements, I decided to award you the title of Killing God! Keqing, the capital of killing."

The Slaughter King looked at Dai Mubai: "There is also the Laughing King, you also have this power. I think no one will object to this matter, right?"


The whole audience was yelling loudly.

They were already overwhelmed by Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai is the only person who hasn't been unblocked by the spirit ring and soul skills since the Slaughter City was built, but still killed the entire Slaughter City silently.

He is not the King of Slaughter, but in the eyes of the people in the Slaughter Capital, he is no less terrifying than the King of Slaughter.

Even if the Slaughter King is a titled Douluo, he is just a soul emperor whose soul ring and soul skills have been banned!
"Thank you King of Slaughter for your kindness, but young people always want to challenge exciting things. The city of Slaughter is exciting enough, but Hell Road is undoubtedly more exciting." Dai Mubai declined, holding a folding fan in his hand, fanning the wind gracefully .

The Slaughter King has a sweet smell, which is very similar to blood, but it is not pure blood.

The successor of Shura God, who has been overshadowed by Rakshasa God, is abolished.

Dai Mubai felt very sorry for Tang Chen.

If he hadn't been involved in the grievances between the two gods, he might have inherited the position of God Shura at this time.

Compared to Tang San, Tang Chen is more suitable for the position of God Shura!

He is a ruthless man who forcibly reached the position of demigod with a hammer!

Tang San is too rational and steady, he is not cruel enough, fierce enough, reckless enough!
(End of this chapter)

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