168 Three Years
"Can you stop laughing?"

The present Dai Mubai seemed to be a switch, as soon as he appeared, Qian Renxue rolled on the ground laughing.

Isn't it just a little joke between the bed and curtain?Where is so-and-so himself?
"Oh, don't be angry," Qian Renxue smiled and lay on Dai Mubai's back, exhaling in his ear like a ranch, "I just thought that you were very cute last night."

It's okay if Qian Renxue didn't say it, Dai Mubai's face turned darker when she said that.

God is lovely!

Is this a compliment to the mighty and majestic man who has finally bid farewell to his innocence?

"Little Baibai, let's stay at home today," Qian Renxue put her arms around Dai Mubai's neck, and said with a smile, "I bought a bunch of things in a mess before, it seems that there is a lot of food, today my sister will cook for you Let's cook~"

Dai Mubai turned his head, casually kissed Qian Renxue's fair neck, with suspicion in his eyes, he said, "Can you cook?"

"No way!" Qian Renxue said calmly, "I won't poison you to death!"

Dai Mubai: "..."


A few days ago Dai Mubai confessed to his father his mistake of indulging in love, but he didn't expect his mistakes to be even more outrageous these days.

However, although he was busy dating Qian Renxue, he did not miss the task assigned by his father.

Now he is no longer slack, and after reflection, he is more organized and efficient in doing things.

Qian Renxue didn't stay in Star Luo City for too long, because the Tiandou Mission Corps had been arguing with the Star Luo Empire for three months, and all the things that should be discussed were finished, and all the people who should be poached and could be poached were also poached away. , there is no need to stay any longer.

When it comes to the poaching process, Qian Renxue had an awkward fight with Dai Mubai.

"You clearly want to use the power of Heaven Dou to continue to enrich the research of the Xingluo Royal Martial Soul Research Institute, but you are still so stingy, and you have to pay such a high price to be willing to lend people. Aren't you ashamed?"

"Knowledge is priceless. It is not particularly difficult to follow the scriptures or even introduce new ones. The difficulty lies in building tall buildings on flat ground."

Not only was Dai Mubai not ashamed, he even thought it was too cheap to ask only a few million gold soul coins from the Tiandou Empire.

But then again...

"Stingy! When I go back, I should prepare to ascend the throne, just wait for me!"

Dai Mubai chose to flirt with Qian Renxue at the beginning, maybe he didn't have the delusion of subjugating others without fighting in the future.

"Have you made up your mind?" Dai Mubai asked with a frown.

Qian Renxue has been the crown prince of Tiandou for more than ten years, so it is not too hasty to kill Xue Ye and ascend the throne at this time, but judging by her appearance, it is obvious that she has not communicated with Bibi Dong.

"I don't want to be a prince anymore!" Qian Renxue said, "The night is full of dreams."

"That's what you say..." Dai Mubai was a little worried, "Can Xue Qinghe agree with your actions?"

Qian Renxue snorted coldly: "So what if he disagrees? When I appeared in front of him, I was destined to have such an ending."

Dai Mubai sighed: "If you are sure, do it... It is best to ask your grandfather to help you stand."

Dai Mubai still exhorted worriedly.

Qian Renxue nodded: "I have fallen out with Bibi Dong, so I can only ask Grandpa to help me stand up."

Dai Mubai nodded, his eyes lowered in thought.

If Qian Renxue succeeds in ascension to the throne, then the second half of the plot of Douluo Dalu will collapse in half.

What will happen next, Dai Mubai can't predict.

However, instead of waiting for Bibi Dong to make a move step by step, it is better to take the initiative to attack!

All the plots he was familiar with had passed away, and he didn't read much about the following plots, and he didn't even get a certain push.

Anyway, I don’t know much about it, so it’s better to overthrow it and start over!

The current situation is more favorable to him than the original plot.

"Hey, I'm going back, don't miss me too much~" Qian Renxue lay on her side on the bed, and hooked her fingers at Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai: "..."

"you've changed."

"so what?"

"I like you more and more."

"Oh, man!"

After sending Qian Renxue away, Dai Mubai was taken to court every day by his father, and some unimportant government affairs were left to Dai Mubai to deal with.

Dai Mubai reserved his career and became more and more majestic like a prince of a country.

So much so that the old man entrusted him with the important task of presiding over the excommunication ceremony of the Alpha Kingdom!
Zhu Zhuqing reunited with Xiao Wu safely, Erha also returned safely to Dai Mubai's side.

On the second day after Erha came back, Zhu Zhuqing's "disappearance" memorial appeared on Dai Xinghe's imperial case, but Dai Xinghe didn't publicize it, and the Alpha Kingdom didn't respond either.

Zhu Zhuqing's quasi-princess position has not been deprived.

Many families in the country who coveted the position of Crown Princess were overjoyed when they learned of Zhu Zhuqing's disappearance.

At that time, the number of noble ladies begging to see Empress Zhu and Bai Jintong increased sharply, and the chances of Dai Mubai meeting noble daughters also skyrocketed.

Empress Zhu is in a bad mood because of the expulsion of the Alpha Kingdom, and has never come out of her bedroom until now.

Bai Jintong really wanted to choose a suitable wife for Dai Mubai again, but both Dai Xinghe and Dai Mubai's father and son had greeted her in advance, and she could only watch the beautiful girls miss her son.

Dai Xinghe wanted Dai Mubai to concentrate on political affairs, so Dai Mubai obediently obeyed.

Although he is a prince, he is indeed lacking in handling political affairs. He can study quietly at this time, and he will naturally not miss this opportunity.

Being an emperor is not easy.

Dai Mubai also gradually learned how unlucky Qian Renxue was to let Xue Beng pick the peaches.

In the final analysis, the plot kill is too powerful.

On the one hand, the elements of the court in the original book are too simple; on the other hand, Xue Beng is backed by Dugu Bo. Of course, the most important thing is that Tang San, who represents Haotianzong, also stands behind Xue Beng.

Dai Mubai didn't know what Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue were thinking, since they were exposed, they would not stop doing one thing, directly slaughtering all the Xue clan's royal family, forcibly stealing the country.

What a fool!

Wouldn't it be 20 years of hard work in vain?

What happened in the original book, Dai Mubai couldn't think of it, and finally had to give up.

He could only hope that Qian Renxue would strike harder this time.

Half a year after Xue Qinghe returned to China, Xue Beng, the fourth prince of Tiandou, died in the assassination of Wuhun Palace.Emperor Xue Ye lost his son in old age, and he vomited blood and fell into a coma in grief.

Even though this is the case, Qian Renxue's blatantly throwing the blame on Bibi Dong is to make the Heaven Dou Empire completely break with the Spirit Hall?
Dai Mubai was stunned for a long time when he heard the news.

Qian Renxue did not hesitate to cheat on her mother!

The Heaven Dou Empire and the Wuhun Palace are considered to be falling apart, and the friction between the two great powers continues and tends to intensify.

Emperor Xue Ye died of a serious illness three months later, and Prince Xue Qinghe ascended the throne in 10565 of the Tiandou calendar and proclaimed himself emperor.

Dai Mubai wanted to witness Xue Qinghe's enthronement with his own eyes, but due to his status, he couldn't.

Xue Qinghe ascended the throne, and Dai Mubai was named the regent prince.

Two years after becoming the Prince Regent, Dai Xinghe agreed to finally let him go to the Killing Capital.

Dai Xinghe knew very well that for the current Dai Mubai, improving his strength was the most important thing.

He has detained Dai Mubai for three years, it's time to let him go out to practice.

"My son bids farewell to father and emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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